Chapter 4: Awaiting the Inevitable

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It has been a week since the appearance of The Goku in Black, he was a foe unlike anything Son Goku and the Z fighters have ever faced. he was as powerful as he was cruel, thanks to him the dragon balls no longer exist, the Z warriors no longer have access to the hyperbolic time chamber and the Senzu beans are gone.

the Namekians are one of the many races that he has brought to extinction, now their lineage lives on in Piccolo, the last son of Namek.
motivated by their loss the dragon fighters train day and night in hopes of shattering their limits and attaining new levels of strength.

Goku and Vegeta concentrated all their time and energy on training. Bulma built a new and evolved gravity chamber to compensate for the loss of the hyperbolic time chamber, its gravity could surpass thousands of times that of Earth's gravity.

Within the chamber Goku and his rival Vegeta spar in their Super Saiyan 4 forms. They exchanged punches, kicks, and energy blasts.
Despite Vegeta's ferocity Goku still has an edge over him, this angers the Saiyan Prince greatly, but it's nothing he's surprised about. it is as if destiny has decided that he would be second to Goku, but he won't accept that fate, he will defy it and surpass his rival because he alone has that right. he will break his limits and with his strength alone, he will defeat Goku's evil double.

As they spar Vegeta attacks Goku relentlessly with powerful blows, Goku goes on the defensive and says.
"Nice one Vegeta, I can see you've grown stronger, am having a hard time keeping up."
Son Goku compliments his friend who was not flattered.

"Don't give me that Kakarot, I won't fall for that lie anymore, if you're hiding any new transformation, reveal it right now!"

"Gee Vegeta relax, this is my final form."
Son Goku laughs his signature laugh and assures his friend that he's going all out.

The Saiyan Prince scowls and resumes his spar with his rival. At a mountain top, Tien and Chiaotzu practice their techniques, Tien knows that his strength won't make a difference, but it'll give him comfort to grow stronger and contribute in any little way that he can.

At Capsule Corp, Goten, and Trunks practice their fusion, they have perfected their stances and can fuse even faster than before. Krillin doesn't even bother to train, his fighting days are over, and even if he chooses to fight he'll only get in the way, The best thing he can do now is spend as much time as he can with his family, he turns to look at 18 who was whispering and laughing with their daughter. the world could end at any moment yet they find a reason to laugh, it makes him happy to see them happy, He's never doubted Goku's abilities. he knows that the Saiyan will find a way like he always does.

At the Kame house, Master Roshi does what he does best, his nose bleeds, and he laughs whilst reading some dirty magazines and playing with himself.

Goku Black's visit caused the timeline to diverge. Some things that were meant to happen did not, Piccolo for example is still alive, and thus the Black Star Dragon balls still exist, As the Namekian trains with his student Gohan, they learn new techniques and fighting styles, During their training, Piccolo attacks Gohan who could barely put up a fight, he's kicked to the floor by the Namekian who looms over him and folds his arms.
"Domestic life has made you soft Gohan, It's time I spank you back into shape."

The Saiyan half-breed staggers to his feet, he knows his master is right, he has neglected his training over the years, he relied on his father's strength too much and forgotten that one day it'll be up to him to protect the world. if he wants to protect his family and everyone, he must surpass his father. the half-breed clenched his fist determined as he said.
"I won't disappoint you, Mr Piccolo."

Hearing the resolve in his student's voice brought a smile to the Namekian's stoic face, but he must test just how much that resolve was worth, so without a warning, he yelled.
and shoots an energy blast towards Gohan who's caught off guard.

The half-Saiyan froze in place as the blast headed for him, he tried to move his body but he couldn't. the traumas from his childhood began to resurface, he always froze at critical moments, he can remember freezing when Piccolo had created an opening for him to defeat Nappa, But he did nothing and it resulted in the Namekians' death. he also remembers freezing when Freeza was about to obliterate him, if it wasn't for Vegeta he would have died. he froze when fighting Cell, he should have gone all out from the start but he didn't, and as a result, his father and 16 died. with Majin Buu, he froze and wasn't even able to catch a simple Potara, and right now he's doing it again, just standing still like a deer in front of a speeding truck staring foolishly as it approaches. at the last moment, he shields himself with his arms as the blast connects and explodes.

After the smoke clears up, Gohan drops to his knees panting hard, Piccolo is disappointed that after all these years Gohan still hasn't overcome his inability to dodge.

"There are techniques that you cannot block or deflect, those types of techniques require that you dodge them, Take my special beam canon for example, had I chosen to use It you'd be doughnut right now."

Gohan sighs ashamed of himself, he's sure even Mr Satan is a better dodger than him.
"I am sorry that I disappointed you, Mr. Piccolo."

Piccolo folds his arms.
"I don't need sorry, I need results, and I'll shoot energy blasts at you until you learn how to dodge, got it?"

Gohan nods.
"Got it."

Piccolo felt sorry that he had to be harsh to Gohan, but the boy had always needed pressure to evolve, he needed to be pushed to the limits.
In the situation where Goku and Vegeta fail they will have to place their fates on Gohan, his potential is vast and Piccolo will help Gohan draw it out, even if he has to make Gohan hate him, All that matters is that Gohan and his family will get to be alive.

Piccolo stared at his best friend, his student, and his son longingly before regaining his stoic demeanor and yelling that they resumed their training session.

One more week has passed and Gohan can perfectly dodge any blast thrown at him, he knows when to block, deflect, or evade. he and Piccolo learned new techniques, they can now fight in perfect sync, and he can access his ultimate form with ease, during one of their training sessions, the half Saiyan's tail mysteriously regrew, he has been working on that development ever since.

Later that night, Gohan puts Pan to bed after reading her a story, and after that, he has a good time with his wife Videl, While they are still in bed, Videl confesses that she has been having a bad feeling that something terrible would happen to all of them, the half Saiyan comforts his wife and assures her that everything will be alright as long as they have his father, Vegeta, Piccolo and himself.
"I won't let anything happen to you or Pan, I promise."
His words gave his wife comfort, they embraced and she slept in the comfort of his arms, The night was exceptionally cold and silent. Gohan was unable to sleep, it was too risky. He refuses to sleep as long as that enemy is still out there, he focuses his senses and feels Pan's energy in her room, it's so calm she must be asleep free from troubling thoughts, he will fight so that his daughter won't have the type of childhood that he had, he wants her to grow up without the fear of the world ending at any day, he has neglected his training for so long, he knows his father won't be around forever, he's his father's son, and he will become a full-time protector of the earth after all this mess is over.

At Capsule Corp, within the gravity room, Prince Vegeta jumps to and fro as he throws punches and kicks into the air, he's drenched in sweat, a testament to the sheer intensity of his training.

The door opens to reveal Bulma who's looking at the Saiyan Prince with a concerned look, She doesn't go inside the room or else she'll be crushed by its gravity, Vegeta notices his wife and turns off the gravity.

"What do you want?"
The Saiyan asked.

"You've been in this place for three days Vegeta, I'm worried about you."

"It's nothing, I've trained for months without rest in the past, three days is child's play."

"I know, but I need you to eat, bathe, and rest for the night, You can resume your training tomorrow in the morning."

The Saiyan opened his mouth to disagree but stopped himself when he saw Bulma's face, he could see bags under her eyes, she must've had little rest because she was worried about him and the whole situation with the Goku in Black, and he didn't realize how hungry he was until now. Goku's evil lookalike has been gone for days.
About a week ago Kakarot informed him that the enemy's energy signature completely disappeared from the universe, It wouldn't hurt to rest for a few hours, it was highly unlikely that evil Goku would return on such a night.

The Prince nods and his wife smiles with joy, moments later the Saiyan takes a warm bath and greedily gobbles up all the food Bulma prepared for him, and then they have a good time together, before falling asleep.

At the Son Family's residence, Son Goku had already fallen asleep after a heavy meal, Chi Chi watched him sleep before going to sleep as well, the night was silent and it was peaceful if only for a moment.

At another location two figures appear in a neighboring city, They float in the sky as they look down on the buildings and mortals sleeping below, it is Goku Black and his partner Zamasu.

"This is Planet Earth of the 7th Universe."
Goku Black informed.

Zamasu sensed the calm energies of the sleeping mortals, he scowled and said.

"The air reeks of mortals, it turns my stomach."

Goku Black lets out a chuckle and nudges Zamasu.
"told ya it was a bad idea to drink tea before embarking on the journey."

A vein pops on Zamasu's head as he growls in annoyance, he pushes Goku Black to the side and says.
"Just shut up and let's get to work."

Goku Black gets serious and nods, then he raises a finger and points it toward the city. His finger glows as he begins charging a blast, he begins to think about how much he's changed and become like Son Goku, he has his appetite, his memories, his voice, his techniques, his thirst for battle, his flesh, and his strength including a tiny teaspoon worth of his stupidity, he is now a Son Goku, no he IS Son Goku. he quietly stares at Zamasu as he thinks about how much he's deviated from his original self, he's changing more and more and becoming something new, a better Son Goku, and he wouldn't ever want to admit it in front of Zamasu but.. he's enjoying the change and wants to further evolve into the ultimate Son Goku.

Goku Black smirks, then he laughs sadistically and blows the city up with a single blast.

Gohan opens his eyes after sensing a huge energy level appear, he must've fallen asleep without even realizing it, he scolds himself for dropping his guard as he jumps from the bed and begins putting on his fighting Gi. He didn't expect that the foe would return today of all nights, his movements woke his wife Videl who asked if anything wrong, he informed her that the enemy had returned, he finished dressing and told her to take Pan to Mr. Satan's and remain there.

Goku had already appeared outside of Capsule Corp via instant transmission and saw that his friend was already in his fighting armor.
"You sensed it too right Vegeta?"

"Yes kakarot, I did."

Goku placed two fingers on his forehead and offered Vegeta a hand.

"Take my hand Vegeta am about to use instant transmission."

Vegeta folds his arms and glares at his friend, he despises having to rely on Kakarot's techniques, especially now that they're up against his lookalike, besides he's not confident about Goku's hygiene.

"There's no way am taking your hand, who knows where you've put those?"

"This isn't the time Vegeta, we must hurry or more people will die, besides you're always wearing gloves."

"It has nothing to do with my gloves!"

"Then do it for Bulma."

Vegeta closes his eyes and grits his teeth, Kakarot always knows the right buttons to press to convince him, be it fighting together or that damned fusion technique, he doesn't know why he keeps agreeing to it. He sighs in defeat and says.
"Alright fine, but am only holding your shoulder."

Goku smiles and prepares to use instant transmission when Gohan and Piccolo arrive at their location.

"Dad, I'll be coming as well."
Gohan declares.

"Yeah, we'll be tagging along, I have a personal bone to pick with that guy."
Piccolo chimes in backing his son up, Gohan looks at Piccolo and smiles,
The Namekian nods at his student with a proud smile.

Goku stares at Gohan sensing his energy. It's impressive the boy must've grown stronger in the past weeks, but it still won't be enough, It's nothing compared to his and Vegeta's power, so Goku puts on a serious face and calmly says.
"It's too dangerous Gohan, Go back home, Vegeta and I have everything under control."
Goku knows that Gohan had neglected his training for too long and he hasn't had a real fight in a while, If he and Vegeta barely managed to escape from Goku Black, he doubts Gohan would fare any better, he'd be Dead before the fight even starts, and he can't afford to lose his son now that the Dragon Balls no longer exist.

Gohan removed his glasses and looked at his father, Goku hadn't seen that look in Gohan's eye for a very long time, that look of conviction, the look of one who has everything to lose.

"I have a wife and a daughter that I must protect, I won't just stand at the corner and let the thing that happened with Cell and Majin Buu repeat itself, and I want to make him pay for what he did to Dende and the Namekians, I won't change my mind father if you want to stop me, you'll have to fight me."

Vegeta smirks feeling great pride in Gohan, It's about time the boy showed some of his Saiyan side, Piccolo laughs inwardly, he loves seeing Gohan determined and ready to fight and defend what he loves, The boy has potential, and this situation is the perfect one to bring it out, the past few weeks of training wasn't for nothing.

Goku's serious face brightens into his signature smile, his son ready to fight him just to protect his family, he failed to see how much Gohan has grown, he's now his own man deserving of his father's respect, Goku knows nothing he says will change Gohan's mind, he loves his son and wouldn't want to lose him forever, but he must have faith in Gohan as he did during the Cell games.

"Alright Gohan, you can come with us, Just know that I believe in you."

Goku offered his hand and Gohan took it.

"Thank you, Father, I won't fail you."

"After all this is over, how about we go a round or two?"

"I'd love that father, I just hope you're not too old to fight."

"Ehehehehe, your old man still has a lot of fight left in him."

Both father and son laugh as Piccolo sulks in jealousy at the corner.

After a minute, everyone holds onto Goku before he uses instant transmission to teleport them all away, A second later Goten and Trunks arrive on foot.

"damn, we're late."
Goten says whilst panting.

"I guess we'll have to fly to their location."
Trunk replies and straightens up with his fist clenched by his side.

Goten replies and does the same, Both Saiyans grunt as their aura explodes from their form, and they both launch into the sky toward the energy of their fathers.

Meanwhile, Goku, Vegeta, Gohan, and Piccolo appear In front of Goku Black and Zamasu instantaneously.

Goku Black gazes at the bunch and grins wickedly.
"Ah..yes, the sheep have finally arrived at the slaughter."

The moment Gohan lays eyes on Goku Black his eyes widen in pure shock.
"Ah....ah...he looks just like Father!"

Goku noticed Zamasu for the first time.
"huh? Is that a kaioshin..?"
His obvious and stupid question goes unanswered.

Zamasu ignores the peasants turns to his righteous comrade and asks.
"So, they are the ones?"

Goku Black replies.

Zamasu smiles and takes a step forward, then he says with a loud voice.

"I hope you're hungry Ningens."

"Cause we're about to serve you some Justice."
Goku Black chimes in and stands side by side with his other self.

Goku, Vegeta, Gohan, and Piccolo stand side by side, each taking his signature fighting position,

Goku was surprised to see a Kaioshin siding with an evil being like Goku Black, he thought all kai's were benevolent, he can't jump to conclusions just yet, he must be sure.

"Hey Kai dude, are you also involved in the deaths of the innocent people around here?"
Goku asked looking at the Kai.

Zamasu's face crunched into a scowl, a mortal with the guts to stand before a god and question him. Such arrogance is unacceptable, but he will enlighten the Saiyan before he dies.

"No mortal is innocent, they're all a disease and a pest that must be destroyed before it decays this beautiful universe, it's called justice."

Zamasu's response was all the Saiyan needed, Goku was disappointed that an evil kai exists out there, but so does an evil version of himself.

"I always thought all kai's were good, but a kai killing innocents and calling it justice? That's just insane."
Goku continues.
"You might be a kai, but that doesn't excuse the innocent people you vanquished. we'll make you pay."

Zamasu merely scoffed.
"By all means come and give it a try Ningens."

Goku and Vegeta immediately transform Into the fourth Saiyan transformation, Gohan turns into his second transformation and Piccolo powers up his aura to its limit.

Goku Black turns Super Saiyan Rosé whilst his partner creates a ki blade, Both fighters stand on opposite sides, gods, and mortals, each ready to fight for what they believe in.

In a flash Goku and Vegeta rush Goku Black overwhelming him with a series of punches and kicks, The Saiyans spent days training and synchronizing their attacks, and they developed a new fighting technique specially designed to counter Goku's since Goku Black fights exactly like him, the evil Saiyan was caught off guard by their combined attacks and was overwhelmed by their strikes, he could do nothing but be forced to be on the defensive.

Piccolo and Gohan dash towards Zamasu, Gohan fires a Masenko at Zamasu who deflects it with his ki blade, he runs toward Gohan ready to slash and spill his intestines but before he can slash the half breed he's grabbed by the neck and smashed into the ground by piccolo.

Gohan smirks cockily his confidence now increasing, his training has paid off.

"This is easier than I thought, I think I can do this all by myself."

Piccolo sighs, Gohan's greatest weakness is himself he thinks, be it his refusal to train and fight or his overconfidence, the half-breed often overdoes things. when it comes to not training he overdoes it when it's being confident, he also overdoes it, if they're alive at the end of this he'll whip Gohan into a humble but capable warrior be it in times of peace or conflict.
"You're doing it again Gohan."
Piccolo says.
"You're letting your confidence blind your judgment, can't you feel his energy? The fight is not over yet, so don't drop your guard."

The fallen Zamasu rises to his feet as his bruises heal up.

"Did you think an attack that terrible would truly harm a god?"

Zamasu flies toward Piccolo and Gohan readying his ki blade, Piccolo stretches his arm and wraps the god up, Zamasu struggles in vain to break free as he screams.
"Get your filthy hands off me you degenerate!"

Gohan took a stance and began charging a Kamehameha, The evil Supreme Kai let out a scream of rage and tore Piccolo's arm with an explosion from his aura, Piccolo hissed in pure agony before regrowing a new arm and kicking Zamasu toward Gohan who unleashed the full might of the Kamehameha on him.

Meanwhile, Goku and Vegeta Continue to overwhelm Goku Black with a rapid chain of attacks.

The evil Saiyan drops to a knee and coughs blood, he tries to stand but drops to his knees, he chuckles and utters.

"I can see you've both grown stronger, If I had been in a lesser form I would have died by now."
Goku Black raises to his feet as his aura forms around his body.

"You have such power and yet you use it to destroy, You would have been useful to the universe as a good person, there's no way you could be a version of me because I would never endanger innocent lives, Tell me, just who are you?"

Goku Black's face gets serious and he stares Goku deep in the eyes with the same look Goku gave Frieza years ago on planet Namek.

"I am the hope of the Universe, I am the answer to all Divine things that cry out for Justice, I am the protector of beauty, I am Just. ally to Zamasu, nightmare to you, I am Goku Black."

"Hmmm, that sounds familiar..."

Goku widens his eyes, but before he can utter a single word he's punched in the gut, he screams in pain before receiving a point-blank Kamehameha from above. Goku is blasted into the ground as he screams out in pain, the blast explodes creating a mushroom of smoke.

The smoke from the blast clears to reveal Son Goku back in his base form and unconscious on the ground.

Vegeta saw his rival fall before yelling and unleashing a barrage of energy blasts on Goku Black, the evil Saiyan used his instant transmission to appear right in front of Vegeta and backhands the prince knocking out a few teeth, Then he elbowed the Prince of all Saiyans on the head making him drop to his knees and lose his Super Saiyan 4 transformation, his eyes roll up as he falls next to Goku also unconscious.

Goku Black looms over the unconscious Saiyans as his pink hair reverts to its natural color.

"I want to see the full extent of this Super Saiyan 4, I want to know just how strong I can become. so am gonna have a little fun and make the most out of my time in this timeline, sleep well Niggens, By the time you wake up you'll behold a nightmare."
Goku Black laughs wickedly before seeing Zamasu getting wrecked by Gohan and Piccolo.

Piccolo lands some heavy hits on Zamasu whilst Gohan delivers devastating energy attacks on the Kai.

"And so the unforgivable begins."
Goku Black grins like the psycho that he is, from his aura he creates an energy blade and sets his evil eyes on Gohan.

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