The Trapped Butterfly

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A small little butterfly went to search for nectar. Following the sweet smell, the butterfly finds a lone beautiful red flower. The sweet smell invites the butterfly to come closer. The nectar seduces her to taste the sweetness. Delighted, the butterfly trusts the flower and decides to stay inside the flower, just for one night. One night turns to days. Days turn to weeks. Weeks turn to months. Realizing that she hasn't left for a long time, the butterfly tries to get outside the flower, only to realize she is trapped. It has been too late.

Disgruntled, Titli wakes up from her dream about the but. Where is she? Looking around, she found blood streaks on the wall and a gun on the table across the room. What happened? Confused, Titli tries to get up from bed. But she got up, her head starting pounding from the inside. In an attempt to soothe the pain, she rubs her head, only to sense something wet on her forehead. Panicking, Titli runs to the bathroom near her. The reflection shows some blood flowing from her head. Her mind tries to recall what happened, but she couldn't remember anything. All she could see is images of watching some thriller movie with bunch of people last night. What happened after that?

The answer to the question comes in form of a man wearing a deep red shirt and deep evil smirk. Her husband! His gleaming eyes helped her remember the events of last night. Her whole body shakes in fear and her hands automatically comes up to defend her.

Titli first met her husband in college. She wanted to stay focused on her studies, but his sweet words seduced her. Right after graduation, they got married with their parent's approval. For him, she even gave up her dream to become a doctor and stayed content as a housewife.

Since the last year, she sensed her husband slowly becoming more and more controlling towards her. At first, she thought it was out of possessiveness, but after he started raising his hand on her, she knew he was being so harsh, to the point that bruises decorated her body. But her heart couldn't accept it because Titli still loved her husband.

After sensing that Titli was distancing herself from friends and family, her friends started hounding her for the reason. Her covered arms and shifty uneasy body language increased their doubts. Learning the truth, they finally convinced her to leave her husband, but a part of her was scared. She had no money and was fully dependent on her husband. How can she leave?

Her friends decided to help Titli by planning a movie night at her house. They initially wanted to just use it as an excuse to get her out of the house, but her husband wouldn't let her. So they kept on annoying him for weeks and made him agree to at the very least hold the movie night at Titli's house.

According to the plan, they would all gather and distract her husband by watching a movie with him, while Titli would sneak out of the house, saying she was going to bed. However, everything was ruined when the neighbors' dog started barking at the sight of her. Hearing the noise and seeing the friends' panicked faces, Titli's husband ran outside to catch her. Holding her at gunpoint, her husband threatened the friends to leave immediately, or he will kill Titli.

Apologetically, her friends left Titli to suffer her husband's wrath. They didn't know what else to do. They couldn't go to the police because Titli's husband was the Area Inspector. Registering a complaint will only make things worse for Titli. Back at home, Titli's husband unloaded all this anger on her until she finally fainted. After that, she doesn't know what happened.

Sensing that Titli was slowly remembering the events from last night, her husband quickly restrains her and comes near her face. "I will kill you and your friends if you have anymore ideas to escape," her husband growls. Pushing her back, he orders her to clean up and make him some breakfast immediately.

Titli quietly obeys her husband out of fear. Just like the butterfly from her dream, by the time she realized she was trapped, it was too late. Now, she must live her life as his prisoner.

As she serves the breakfast, he husband comes out of his room dressed in his police uniform and talking to someone on the phone through video call.

"Your daughter aunty? Well, she was feeling very sick this morning so I told her to sleep this morning."

Titli yearningly looks at the phone after realizing her parents were on the other side. It's been awhile since she had used her phone. Her husband told her that since she was only at home, she doesnt need it and kept the device with him.

"Oh... Can you please just wake her up? It's been so many months since I talked to her and I have been feeling like something is wrong ever since I woke up. I promise it won't take a moment," she hears her mom say.

"One-second aunty," her husband replies with a fake smile before muting and lowering the phone.

"Is your mom an idiot? Keep nagging to see you after I said you were sleeping? Don't you dare speak a word about what happened last night or I won't hesitate to repeat. Understood?"

After receiving her slight nervous nod, Titli's husband tussles her hair so that it covers the wounds on the side of her head, before handing the phone. Confident his threats were effective, he sits down and eats his dinner. On the phone, Titli gives her mother a slight smile. Her father was standing in the background.

"Hi, ma."

"Hi dear. Are you alright?"

"Yes, ma. I was just feeling a little down."

"What happened?"

Titli looks nervously at her husband who glares back at her threateningly.


"Oh, it's nothing ma. The last four days I have been feeling a little sick," Titli says showing four fingers.

"But I have a grasp of everything now so it's alright," she finishes, making a fist.

"Are you sure dear?"

"Of course ma. One morning I had zero, and I mean zero motivation to get up. But now I feel better." She replies, stressing the numbers.

After assuring her mother, Titli quickly cuts the call and stands near her husband to tend him.

"Good job. But I'm still not done punishing you for last night," Titli's husband says calmingly while washing his hands. After drying his hands on her saree, he starts walking towards her. Flinching, Titli walks backward to create a distance between them. He finally corners her and raises his hands when the calling bell rings.

"What now?" He groans before going to open the door slightly. Suddenly the door is slammed wide open and many police officers grab the husband and restrain him.

"LET ME GO," Titli's husband shouts, but everyone ignores him. Finally, the Commissioner, Titli's loving father steps into the house and embraces his scared daughter. In her father's hold, Titli cries her heart out.

"Sorry for letting you suffer from the monster, dear," her fathers whispers apologetically while rubbing her back. "I quickly gathered all the police once I saw your signal for help. I am so proud of you, dear."

After a long time, the butterfly finally escaped the deadly flower.

Hi! This story was created based on May's prompt in soulful_scribbler's Short Story Contest. The story is also a PSA about the Signal for Help hand signs. There are many domestic violence cases around the world. Due to the lockdown, victims are even more trapped. To help these victims, Canadian's Women Foundations created a hand sign that can be used discreetly in a conversation, just like Titli did. 

Please share with everyone you know, and if you feel like someone might be in an abusive place, extend your support to them.

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