Chapter 5 Chat Stands Guard!

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    This chapter picks up where the previous one did with Marinette in the hospital as she brought her after she faints. She is brought to  a room where she wakes up.  She looks around the room in confusion. Where am I?  How did I get outside "the tower" -as she now calls her bedroom- she can not remember.   "Chat, where am I?"  Marinette says.  "Marinette, you fainted!"  Chat says with concern in his voice.  "Oh, so I am in the hospital is that it?"  Marinette asks.  "Yes,that is exactly where we are princess!" Chat says.  He winks at her!  He laughs when she blushes.

     Sabine goes to give Marinette her food tray.  She is suspicious when Marinette does not take the tray.  She unlocks the door and enters the room.  She looks around.  She sees Marinette is no where to be found.  She just sees the note Marinette left behind.  To understand, what the note says you will have to read the previous chapter as it tells what the note says.  Sabine is not to happy that Marinette still speaks to this Chat Noir!  She thinks, why that no good cat boy must have taken her!  She has no real ideas as what took place and just assumes the worse. She goes downstairs and on the news sees her daughter in the hospital.  Her only offspring is on the news in an interview of sorts.  Marinette smiles nervously at the camera!  She says, "Chat found me after I fainted due to dehydration, and so I was brought in!  Good thing, he did!  Why he saved my life!"   Sabine is angry!  Saved her life,ha!  Why he did nothing of the sort!  She lies.  

     Marinette is afraid  her mother will misunderstand everything as usual and be mad.  Chat assures her all be just fine.  She only nods her head. Marinette is asked about the big scar on her face.  She tells the truth this time!  Those who interview her look at her in shock!  They like Chat are outraged that her own mother would be so abusive to her like this as a mother is supposed to be full of compassion and love for her child not hate. The interview finishes with Chat statement that if her mother shows up at the hospital he will not allow her anywhere near Marinette !  " You have my honor, as her knight in armor!" Chat says, using the nickname Marinette has given him.  Marinette blushes again.

      Sabine goes to the hospital. She enters the room Marinette is in and demands she quite this nonsense and head on home.  "After all, I am your mother and know what is best for you! For us both!" Sabine says.

     "No,mother!  I will not go with you!"  Marinette says.

  "I beg your pardon!"  Sabine says.

"You heard me, I will not return to a home where I am locked away as  a prisoner in my home, and abused for having a friend who cares about me!" Marinette says.

"Why you ungrateful, child!  How dare you!" Sabine says. She attempts to slap Marinette again.  Only this time, she feels a pair of strong gloved hands stop her!

 "Not on my watch !  You will not lay a finger on her!  Not now!  Not ever! " Chat says.

"She is my daughter!" Sabine protests.

" Go away! " Chat orders.

     Sabine refuses to leave.  Chat calls for the nurse. The nurse sees Sabine and asks what the trouble seems to be.  Chat and Marinette explains. The nurse calls the hospital security who personally escorts Sabine out of the room, and out the entrance to the place.  The security guard tells her not to come back again!   She walks off with a huff!  She bumps into a police man.  She tries to make up some sob story about what happened. The police officer does not believe her. He arrests her and locks her up in the local jail for abuse to her daughter and for reckless endangerment as she barred up the trap door and had her locked inside her own room.

      Marinette has no knowledge as to what happened to Sabine after the security guard took her away! She just knows as long as she has Chat nearby for once she feels safe.  Safer than she has in  a long time.  She smiles at her body guard!  She giggles a bit too.

  "Marinette, what is so funny?" Chat says.

"It is just that you called yourself my knight in shinning armor! " Marinette says.

"Yes, I did!  Didn't I?" Chat says.

"You sure did!  Don't worry though, I am glad you decided to help me!" Marinette says

    The doctor enters the room.  "Well, I hate to interrupt.  The test results came in!  Marinette you are fortunate Chat found you when he did.  You are a very malnourished,  and dehydrated woman!" The doctor says.  "I recommend, we keep you here for a week, so you can get back to your full health before we release you!"  He continues.

  "Thanks, so much,doctor."  Marinette says.

   " You are welcome, Miss Marinette Dupain-Cheng," the doctor says.

  "Should she come home with me when she is released, or what?"  Chat asks.

   "That is really up to your girlfriend to decide,"  the doctor says.  He leaves the room.

   Chat blushes.  He thinks, the doctor thinks, I am her boyfriend!

  the end of Chapter 5! ...sorry, this Chapter is so very short, everyone!  I will try to make the next one a bit longer,okay! -Summer Cheng 


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