Chapter 1

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A kiss on the cheek. It was the highest form of affection to the Tiny. Tiny was their scientific name because of their size, the tallest one stood about three and a quarter inches tall. To describe them is quite easy, like you and me they appear human. The only notable difference is their pointed ears, the Tiny are related to both the Elf and the Fairy. Though they lack magic for the most part, the Tiny are rather resourceful. There is the Fern family bloodline, they reside in Nature Magic which keeps them hidden in their treetop homes. The Drop bloodline is probably the most important, they use water magic which keeps their tree nice and healthy all year round. Then there is the Spark bloodline, no one really knows what they do, but most experts say that they have sudden "sparks" of imagination that helps them to survive. Such as crafting weapons, or building sturdier houses, some of them even come up with brand new tools.

Now as for a kiss on the cheek, our main character Thorn has delivered one to her mother not too long ago. Her mother, Bud Fern, was setting off on another one of her amazing adventures that she had always told Thorn about as she grew up. Thorn's favorite was how Bud had ventured past the Misty Lake to an abandoned human village where she met a dragon. The mighty beast lived in the center of the village and slept upon a heap of gold, a heap is a few hundred pounds more than a bunch but not nearly as much as a lot. When the dragon laid eyes on her it gnashed it's terrible teeth, and cries out a bellow that shook the mighty Gaia to its cores. Bud escaped with a single coin of gold, the Tiny were thrilled and rejoiced! Songs were written, the gold was melted down to make armor for the guard. As for the dragon, Bud claims he sleeps with one eye open to make sure that no one steals from his precious heap.

Thorn gathered with the village and wishes her mother good luck on her journey. Bud was setting off the the East end of Gaia past the Narrow Mountains, there lies a big, tall, terrible, awesome, scary lady giant named Fe. Fe was supposedly the nastiest and ugliest creature on the face of the mighty Gaia. Thorn smiled and rubbed her belly, she had been pregnant for the past four ages (in the village of humans they call them months) and couldn't wait to welcome the newest member of the Fern bloodline into the world. Because of her nature magic Thorn knew she was having a girl, a girl who would blossom and become beautiful. So beautiful that everyone would adore her, her was Ivy. Ivy's father is the Captain of the Guard, his name is Wulf. He comes from none of the three bloodlines so therefore there's not much special about him, though he is better than all the Elves in Archery. The Elves are known for their fine Archery skills, an Elf never misses its target and can fire 25 arrows per five seconds.

Because Wulf was Captain of the Guards, Thorn rarely saw him. In fact it was almost like she lived alone, but she didn't mind. She'd often curl up on the sofa with a pen and paper. Thorn loved to draw and write, she drew things called visual stories. If I had to compare them to anything then it would be that of Ancient Gaia's comic books. It would take her a week to come up with a story, once she had it she would draw it out. Every age she would have at least fifteen visual stories and would give them to the children of the village. Thorn also enjoyed being alone because she would have time to be with her friend. Her friend was a rat, no not like someone who is completely annoying or that no one wants around, he's a literal rat. His name is Tem, Tem often referred to himself in the third person whenever he would do something for Thorn. He'd say something like, "The rat is on it!" Or sometimes even, "The rat shall obtain food!"

I'm sorry, what am I doing? I've told you about Thorn yet you know I hung about her. Well first of all Thorn lives in a hole near the tippy top of the Tiny Tree. Her home always meant comfort, anyone was welcome to her home just as long as they didn't drag their dirty shoes inside. Thorn is a member for the Fern bloodline, she often used her magic to decorate her home with flowers and sometimes even new types of flowers she would make up. Her home had an upstairs and a downstairs, upstairs was her bedroom. Downstairs was the living room and kitchen. She didn't have much but then again, when you're as small as a Tiny you don't need much. Like all women in the Fern bloodline Thorn's Hair was green. She had it cut short and at a bob. Her eyes were two different colors, one brown and with a hint of green, and the other was a deep blue.

Thorn, unlike most Tiny, found a fascination with exotic types of food. Tiny mostly ate berries, acorns, and whatever else grew in their tree. Thorn found a fascination for exotic foods when Bud once brought home some corn, bread, and a small piece of meat. She had gathered it from a nest of Lyra's. Now a Lyra is basically a human, though they were blessed with an elongated life. They often lived for about three to maybe eight hundred years. Bud told Thorn that she had met one to be a thousand and he had also fallen in love with her. Bud was flattered but wasn't into men over five inches, which was her passive aggressive way of saying that if he wasn't a Fairy then she didn't care for him. And yes, regardless of if you are male or female you are a Fairy.

Thorn hummed to herself as she walked through the village to get to her home. Everyone in the village knew her so they'd wave hi to her or even say "Hello Thorn!" Thorn, knowing her manners, always said hello back. Tiny are very notorious for their kind nature. Thorn walked past some children that were playing with a berry, they were kicking it around like it was a ball.

"Hey Thorn! Do you want to play with us?!" The little boy said excitedly, she smiled softly and said,

"No thank you, maybe after I have my baby."

"Alright!" He smiled back, "When will you come out with a new story?! I didn't get one last time..."

"Don't worry, I'm coming up with some right now."

"Alright! Well, see ya later!"

"Bye bye!" She said with a wave as she continued to walk to her home. She enjoyed breathing in the sweet scent of the tree as she walked, it smelled of honey and cinnamon, but when it rained it just smelled like wet wood. As she made the climb up the stairs to her hole she thought of Bud and what she might encounter on her journey. What if she met another dragon? What if she stole from a troll? The possibilities seemed endless. The stairs she walked up spiraled around the tree and went up about a foot, as soon as she reached the door she stretched her arms above her head. Today had been a long day and was about ready to take a nap, first she woke up and made herself breakfast, then she went down to town and retrieved a new pen and some paper, following that she did some spring cleaning and rearranged the furniture (she did so every five ages) as well as made new drapes. She turned the knob in the center of the door and pushed it open, she walked inside and sighed in relief. She always loved the feeling of coming home every day.

She stepped inside and shut the door behind her. She went right upstairs to her room, she rubbed her eyes and sat down on her bed. As she laid down she felt an arm wrap around her, she nearly shrieked. She took a deep breath and turned around to face whoever was holding her. To her surprise it was Wulf, he was fast asleep. She smiled as red covered her joy filled face. At lest to Thorn, Wulf was the most handsome Tiny in the whole village. His hair, like all the men, was brown, he kept it cut short so that it wouldn't be getting in the way during a fight. He had a scar on his chin from the talon of a Hawk, his eyes were green and his muscles had really nice definition. Thorn sighed as she looked lovingly at him, he must've been up all night doing something important. She yawned, she slowly shut her eyes and then fell asleep.

We fast forward three years, little Ivy was just as beautiful as she was meant to be. She was Thorn's one true love, besides Wulf of course. "Alright Ivy where are you?" Thorn asked, they had been playing Ivy's favorite game Hide-and-Seek. "Hmmm," Thorn placed her hand on her chin, she looked around the living room and then smiled when she saw Ivy's toes sticking out from underneath the couch. Thorn walked over to the couch and knelt down, she then tickles Ivy's toes. Ivy screamed then started to giggle. "I found you!" She grabbed Ivy's foot and pulled her out from under the couch. She picked up her little girl and playfully tossed her in the air and caught her with a laugh.

"Mama!" Ivy said with a smile,

Thorn smiled back and kissed Ivy's cheek. "I love you Ivy!"

"Ivy love you!" Ivy squealed in response.

"Are you hungry?"

"Ivy hungry!"

"Alright," Thorn smiled and walked to the kitchen, she put Ivy in her seat and went to the cupboard. She pulled out some berry jam, she then spread it on a piece of bread that Bud had brought home. She  have it to Ivy and Ivy didn't hesitate to start eating it, she got berry jam all over her face and mouth. Thorn giggled, "Oh baby," She got up and grabbed a napkin, she sat down and started to wipe Ivy's face. "There, all clean." As Ivy continued to eat Thorn got up and walked to the living room. She started to clean up some of Ivy's toys. The front door open and Bud walked in.

"Hello dearest," Bud said shutting the door behind her.

"Hello mother." Thorn said placing Ivy's toys in a basket on the small table in front of the couch. "How can I help you today?"

"Nothing, just came by to see how my favorite daughter is doing." She said walking over to her and hugging her.

"I'm your only daughter." Thorn said with a laugh hugging her back. Bud pulled away, "Is something wrong mother?"

"Nothings wrong, in fact I feel fantastic! I found something amazing, it's the mother load!" She sat on the couch and pulled out a folded up paper. She set it on the table and opens it.

"What is this?"

"It's a map! It's where the Tree of Life is located."

"Tree of Life? Like that story you told me about?"

"Yeah, except it's real! Look!"

Thorn's curiosity got the best of her, she sat down and looked over the map. It all seemed real, "Amazing...." Thorn said, "Are you going to look for it?"

"No," She said, "You are."

"What?! Me?! No! I have a child now mother I can't just leave her!"

"That's fine, I'll watch Ivy."

"B-B-But I don't know the first thing about  going on adventures! I've never been outside the village!"

"Come on Thorn, just think of it. You'd have amazing stories to tell Ivy when you get home, and maybe you'll find inspiration on your journey for more of your stories."

Thorn sighed, the idea of leaving the comfort of her home didn't seem pleasant. Almost like a nightmare, she could easily get stepped on or maybe even eaten. Yet at the same time she wanted to explore, she wanted inspiration, she wanted freedom.

"At least, think about it?" Bud said, Thorn looked at her mother then back to the map.

"Yeah, sure." She said, she got up then went to the kitchen again. Ivy had finished her food and had fallen asleep face down on the table. Thorn giggled, she picked up the child and held her close to her breast. She took her upstairs and went past a leafy curtain. Shortly before Ivy was born, Thorn made her a room, one that she hopefully wouldn't grow out of. She took the infant to her bed and laid her down, she pulled her blanket over her and then kissed her on the forehead. She sighed then headed back downstairs, "Mother I think I'll-" she stopped, Bud had left but she left the map folded up on the table. She wiggles her nose then huffed, a good-bye would have been nice. Her face turned red in anger, she puffed her cheeks full of air and then folded her arms. She then marched back upstairs to her room. Thorn cares very deeply about people not using their manners. I mean come on! Bud could have at least said good-bye! She looked out the window, she sighed and then quickly calmed down. Thorn didn't like getting mad at people, it made her feel ugly.

She exhaled looking around her room, she was considering taking the journey. She took everything in while she was still here, she might never see any of this again. She walked over to the desk, she ran her fingers along the wood. She looked at the picture on her desk, it was of her and Wulf on their wedding day. She picked it up and smiled, she wiped the dust off of it. The day they were married was still fresh in her mind, it's the day her life became complete. She hummed to herself the song that was played during their first dance, she then started to sing it.

When the wind blows from under the hill,
I see you and all time stands still,
I'll run home to you
Of please don't be blue!
I love you, I love you, I love you.

She placed the photo down on her desk and continued to hum the song. She danced around the room twirling in circles, and moving her hips side to side. She then tripped on her feet and fell, she was caught luckily. "Thank you." She said with a bit of a laugh, "I'm honestly such a ditz."

"You're welcome, and I believe you." He laughed, she looked up.

"Wulf! You're home!" She smiled and stood up, she hugged him.

"Yeah, the guys told me to go home, so I thought I'd spend the day with you and our blossom." He said hugging her back.

"Oh, well she just went down for a nap." She said burying her face into his chest, his natural musk was like heaven. "I've missed you."

"I've missed you too," he said,


"Yes dearest?"

"If I were to go away for a while....what would you say?"

"Well, I'd say that I can't stop you. You can do whatever you set your mind too."

"So you wouldn't force me to stay?"


" would you feel about my mother watching Ivy and the home while I'm gone?"

"Your mother?"


He sighed, he wasn't the biggest fan of her mother. But then again she wasn't really around when he was home, maybe this could be a good time to get to know her. He then smiled, "Yeah sure!"



She smiled and then kissed his cheek, "You're the best!"

"Where are you going?"

"Just out, I don't know when I'll return. Maybe for a few ages, but it might even be a week."

"Alright," He said, "But you're gonna need a few things."

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