Chapter 19

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I watched Kai as he was sleeping and hugging himself, trying to keep the warmth. I took the sleeping bag and tore one of the sides so it turned into some sort of blanket, then covered him with it. Taking one last glance at the sleeping brunette, I took my bow and arrows and got up.

I crawled out of the cave and looked around. The coast is clear. I started walking towards where I assumed was the cornucopia, which wasn't all that far from here.

After some walking, I arrived at the end of the woods and the center of the arena where the medicine is. Kneeling down, I took a good look at it.

There were four bags, all with different numbers. One with number two, one with five, one eleven and one twelve. Kai and my bag.

I tried to think of a way to go and take it, then going back alive, but I couldn't think of any, which resulted to loosing more and more time.

All of the sudden, one of the other tributes started running towards the cornucopia. It was the one with the reddish hair. The girl I've come to call Fox Face.

She ran as fast as she could and grabbed the bag with number five on it, not stopping to take a brake once. And like that, one bag was gone and the owner was still alive.

I should of done that first, I thought. Well, too late now.

I looked up and waited again. I know the other three are there as well, they just don't know what to do. Obviously they are waiting for someone else to make the move first.

And that first was gonna be me.

I rose to my feet and went for it. Springing as fast as I can, I got to the Cornucopia and grabbed the bag containing Kai's medicine.

I stood up and went for it. I ran and snatched the bag. From the corner of my eye I saw somebody standing a few feet away from me. I turned my head and saw a knife flying towards me. I managed to move a bit so it won't hit me in the eyes, but unfortunately it scratched my forehead. I felt the stinging pain, but ignored it. Turning around, I ran, but Clove soon caught up to me. She pinned me to the ground and pressed a knife to my throat. She may look small, but she's definitely strong.

She pinned my shoulders with her knees and I couldn't move anymore. As much as I struggled, I couldn't free myself from her.''Where's lover boy?''she asked, spitting on my face. It was disgusting, but can't worry about this now.''Oh, I see,''she said and cracked a small evil smile.''You're gonna help him, right?''she asked.''That's sweet. Too bad you couldn't help your little friend. That little girl,''she said, while I was still struggling.''What was her name again? Rue?''she said and pressed the knife deeper. I screamed. A little more pushing and I'm dead.''We killed her,''she said and took out the end of an arrow, pressing it to my cheek.''And now, we're gonna kill you.''she said softly, as if she's not gonna take someone's life.

She lifted the broken arrows and was gonna stab me, but someone prevented her. Clove was prayed from me, letting me breath. My lungs are on fire now.''The little girl? You killed her?''Thresh, the boy from eleven said as he was pressing Clove on the Cornucopia.

Clove was trembling, while he was holding her collar.''No!''she said.

''I heard you!''Thresh yelled.

''Cato! Cato!''Clove yelled.

''You said her name!''Thresh yelled as he slammed her in the Cornucopia wall again, this time harder. She screamed Cato's name again, but Thresh slammed her again, this time it was fatal. Clove fell on the ground, lifeless. She's gone.

The cannon went off and Thresh looked at me.''Just this time, twelve!''he said, pointing at me.''For Rue.''he said and with that, he ran away.

I grabbed Kai's medicine and ran away, scared of what I just witnessed. I ran as fast as my legs could hold me towards the cave.

When I arrived, Kai was looking at me angrily.''You lied to me.''he told me, but I ignored him. I kneeled down next to him and took the medicine out of the bag. I opened the lid and took some on my finger.''Skylor,''he said.

''This may hurt,''I warned his and pressed the medicine on his leg. He winced. I put medicine on the whole wound and then put everything down, siting in front of him, properly.

''You're hurt.''he said.

''Yeah, I know.''I said, looking down.

I saw Kai taking the remaining medicine with his finger and gestured for me to come closer. I leaned down and put the medicine on my forehead, smearing it a bit, but I honestly don't care. After that I laid down in his embrace.

"I thought you died."he said all of the sudden.

"But I'm alright."I told him. And honestly, right now felt like everything is going alright for us.

So. Lame. Gosh.
Anyways, I hope you liked it, I guess? Also! Follow my friends and I's account! It's called baphfanfics ! Have a great day/night! Stay awesome!❤️😘

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