Chapter 8

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I woke up to knocking on the door."Wake up! Today will be a big, big, BIG, day!"Misako said from the other side of the door. I groaned and opened my eyes.

I heard someone else groaning behind me and then felt an arm around my waist. I turned around and saw Kai running his eye with his free hand.

"Kai?"I asked and he opened his eyes, looking at me.

"Oh. Hey Skylor."he said, blushing deep red. I think I blushed too, then the two of us got up.

Kai went back to his room, hopefully nobody saw him sneaking out of mine.

I took a shower and changed, then went to the living room. Kai, Cole and Misako were already there and eating.

I sat down and began my day.

~Two Days Later~
Today was the day that we will have private training sessions in front of the Gamemakers. I am kind of nervous. What if I don't get too high of a score? What if they just decide to execute me and take someone else on my place because I wasn't good enough?

No, Skylor, no. That's not gonna happen.

Me and Kai walked to where we are supposed to wait for the meet with the Gamemakers. The first one will be the male tribute from District 1 and the last one will be me.

What if, since I am the last one, they don't take notice to me? There were twenty-three better tributes that went in before me.

The female tribute from District 1 was called in. I trembled a little. I felt a hand took mine and I looked up at Kai."Hey. You okay?"he asked.

I pursued my lips and nodded."Fine."I said.

"You don't look fine."he said, unconvinced.

I sighed."I am just nervous."I told him."What are you gonna show them?"I asked, trying to change the topic.

"I am gonna do something with the swords, maybe try to show them some plant skills,"Kai answered."What about you?"he asked.

"Archery."I told him and he nodded. The male tribute from District 2 was called in and the two of us fell into silence.


Kai was called in before ten minutes, leaving me the only tribute left.

I was sitting in the room, shivering. I am not sure if I am cold or nervous. Maybe both.

"Skylor Chen."I heard my name being called.

I stood up from the bench I was sitting on and walked though the door leading to the room with the Gamemakers.

I entered and saw them all on something like a terrace. They were drinking wine and talking, probably having a great time.

I walked to the bow and arrows and took them. I inspected the cord. It's tighter than the one on my bow, but I think this will do.

I put an arrow and pointed it towards the target. I shot towards it, but missed by some centimeters. I heard the Gamemakers mumbling something to one another.

I took a second arrow and shot again, this time right in the center. I looked at the Gamemakers, but they weren't paying attention. All of their attention was on a cooked big, being rolled into the room.

I knew it. I knew that since I am the last tribute, they won't be interested.

I took another arrow and pointed it at the Apple in the pig's mouth. I shot right through it and scared the living days out of the Gamemakers.

I bowed to them, then put the bow back in place and walked out of the room, without being dismissed.


"You did what!??"Misako asked, almost yelling.

"I know I messed up, but I was angry! They didn't pay attention to me!"I told her as I paced back and forth.

"So you just walked out? Without being dismissed?"Kai asked.

"Yes."I said and looked at him worried.

Cole puffed."May the odds be in your favor, Skylor."he said and I rolled my eyes.

We heard the TV turn on and saw Ceasar Flickerman, the one who's doing the interviews and reports the news, came on the screen, along with another man that is not as known as Ceasar.

"Good Evening, Land of Panem,"he said as all six of us, plus Seliel and Lloyd, sat on the coach. Me and Kai on the ground in front of them.

We watched as Ceaser explained that today were the individual trainings and now they will tell us the scores.

The male tribute from District 1 came first, I think his name is Cato, and he got a 10, then there was the female, Clove, who got a 10 too. There was a little girl, maybe around 12, from District 11, who got a 7. I guess she impressed them, since a lot of the older tributes are with lower scores.

After Rue, was Kai. His picture was showed on the screen and I felt him taking my hand in his and squeezed. I squeezed back.

The number eight came next to his photo and he relaxed. It wasn't bad. He is probably better than me.

"Good job, Kai."Cole said, patting his shoulder.

"I could have done better."Kai said.

After that came my photo. I squeezed Kai's hand again, and he squeezed back.

Suddenly, the number eleven came on the screen next to my picture. Eleven. I got an eleven.

"Skylor! You got an eleven!"Cole said and I nodded, my jaw falling to the floor.

"That's the highest score for these Hunger Games!"Misako said and in nodded again.

After everybody telling me congrats and such, they left, leaving me and Kai alone. The TV was off from a long time, but I just can't move my gaze from it. I got an eleven.

"Skylor, I don't know what you did in there, but you impressed them."Kai said and I looked at him. I gulped.

"Thanks Kai."I told him. He smiled at me a little, then got up and walked to his room, while I stayed and though.

I got an eleven.

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