Ch. 10: To the Owl House!

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Luz led them to the Owl House, with them asking multiple questions.

"Is the Owl Lady really a cannibal?" Skara asked.

"I hear she has a fang that can cut clean through trees." Willow said.

"Does she really like the taste of blood?"

They arrived at the Owl House and the infamous Owl Lady walked out... drunk as fuck.

"Hey *Hic* Three eyes... *Hic*... what's going on?" Eda asked, "Why... are there two of you? *Hic* You have a secret twin?"

"Not to my knowledge, but I don't remember my childhood from before getting adopted, so maybe." Luz said.

'Three eyes?' Skara thought, 'She only has two.'

Skara looked curiously at Luz, wondering why Eda said that exactly.

"Anyway, Eda. They need your help with something but it's obvious you're too drunk to help right now." Luz said.

"No no! I'm fine!" Eda said before hiccupping. "Mama bird can help anyone!"

Eda made a spell circle and sobered up.

"Ah, there we go." Eda said, tossing the bottle over the cliff, "What'cha need kiddo?"

Luz walked into the house with the books as Willow and Skara looked at Eda in surprise and awe at how she sobered up so fast.

"Well, welcome to... the Owl House!" Luz said.

Turning to Luz, Willow and Skara realized that Luz and Eda was going to invite them in instead of talking to them outside.

'The owl lady is going to let us into her house?!' They thought as Eda suddenly dragged them in as well.

"Alright, Academy Brats, get in there." Eda said, "Come on, I don't bite... much."

"Hey! Nobody bites us but Boscha!" Willow blurted out.

"Willow!" Skara said, blushing.

Skara turned redder than her uniform.

'This plant nerd is going to be the death of me.' Skara thought.

Once inside of the house, Willow and Skara saw it was somewhat nice. Not the house of a criminal but the house of a normal with a mix of demon and human decoration, though the most eye drawing was Eda's large framed picture of her own wanted poster. And to their surprise, there was even a human. One that Luz ran to and hugged.

"Mom!" Luz said.

Camila chuckled at her daughter's embrace, happily hugging her back.

"Hello, Mija. I hope Eda's been treating you well." Camila said.

"I have. I wouldn't be getting a date with you if I didn't." Eda said with a grin.

"Yes, I do believe I agreed to that." Camila said, before looking at the two witches, "Oh, are these some of your friends?"

"Uh, I don't know, they needed help and I figured I'd help them." Luz said.

"Your mom is a human!?" They said.

"Yes, is that a problem?" Camila asked.

"No, no! It's just.....surprising is all." Willow said.

"What, did I never tell you I was adopted?" Luz asked.

"No!" Skara said, "Adopted by a human, how did you even get to the human realm!?"

"I..." Luz rubbed her arm, "I don't know."

"You don't know?" Willow asked, surprised and worried.

"Even since I was little, I had no memories of where I came from or what happened to me before mom and dad found me." Luz said, looking at Camila.

"All I know is that there was... muffled screaming, I... I think that's my birth mother, but it's so muffled and fuzzy that I can't tell, all I know is it's a female." Luz said, "Next thing I remember is being found by my parents, the adopted ones at least. No clue how I got there, no idea what happened, and I've spent ever since then trying to find about my past and... well, here I am."

Willow and Skara were saddened by this, having never hearing such a sad childhood story in their entire lives.

"Anyway, you guys need help." Luz said, "And Eda is the best witch on the Boiling Isles, so she can help!"

"Got that right! So, what do you need?" Eda asked, sitting on the couch with her arms on the back. "Learn a spell? Make a potion? You name it and I am do it."

"Do you have a spell that can help find a lost family member?" Willow asked.

"What's with everyone that comes here looking for a lost family member?" Eda asked incredulously, "Technically, yes, BUT... it is a potion that is a nightmare to make, just getting the ingredients is a death sentence."

"What do you need? We'll get them for you if we can." Skara said instantly.

"Really? Just like that?" Eda asked in surprise.

"This is for someone we care deeply about, money is no object and danger is no obstacle!" Skara said.

"Well, there is a chance I could do that, but still it's way to dangerous for you two to go." Eda said, "Hey, Luz, want to go on a magical adventure?"

"What?" Camila said.

"Hell Yeah!" Luz said, before remembering, "I just need to get these books to King."

"Do I get any say in this?" Camila asked as Luz got up and delivered the books to King. "She is my daughter after all!"

"I know Cam but she's strong, trust me. Luz can handle this." Eda said to her, "Besides, I can take her to get the safest ingredients first. They're in a place called the Knee, the only thing she has to worry about there is how many snowflakes she wants to try and catch on her tongue."

"The Knee?" Luz asked.

"It's the Knee of the Titan, a mountain that's always snowing and freezing cold. Most people don't live up there because of it but it's a beautiful place." Skara said with a smile.

"So long as you leave the wild life alone." Willow added.

"I... guess that is fine." Camila said, "Just make sure she doesn't try and bring an animal home... I don't want to repeat the time she brought a bear cub home... that was NOT a happy mother."

"What's a bear?" Willow and Skara asked.

"Something like this." Luz said, drawing a spell circle to make an illusion of the mama bear from memory.

"ROOOOOAH!" It roared at them!

Skara jumped into Willow's arms.

"AHHH!" Skara screamed.

"Luz! No illusions!" Camila shouted at her daughter.

"Okay, mom! Sorry!" Luz said, quickly undoing her spell and making the illusion disappear.

"Please, that thing was nothing compared to a Slitherbeast." Eda said, rolling her eyes.

"How many attacks are there for one of those things?" Luz asked.

"Practically none, maybe like one or two." Eda said.

"There are 44 Grizzly bear attacks a year." Luz said.

"44?!" Eda said in shock, looking at Camila.

"It's true. I'm a veterinarian, I learned this and have seen some of the aftermath with hunting dogs." Camila said with a nod.

"Damn, Earth animals are savage." Eda said.

"And humans are the most dangerous animal." Camila said.

"We'll take your word for it." Willow said, still holding a scared Skara. "So, when do we leave for the Knee?"

"Right now. I've got some winter coats in the closet that might fit you. What are you, XL?" Eda asked, looking to Willow.

Willow turned her head.

"It's all muscle." Willow said.

"Yeah... Skarry likey." Skara said.

"You know, you can get down anytime you want." Willow said to Skara, still carrying her.

"I know." Skara said, feeling Willow's arms.

"Less flirty, more business. Let's go." Eda said, walking towards the coat closet.

She tossed coats at Skara and Willow, both landing over Skara's head, before tossing one to Luz.

"Excuse me but what about me?" Camila asked.

"Sorry, Cam, but you'll have to stay here and watch King." Eda said, putting on the jacket, "Besides, someone has to help him find out about his family. Seems to be the ONLY thing anyone does anymore."

"It's important to him, Eda. Just as finding my family here is important to me." Luz said to her.

"I know but if you focus too much on that, you'll miss out on everything around you. Like the memories you make and the new friends you meet. A journey is just as important as a goal, kid." Eda said.

"Yeah, my journey doesn't change the fact that I NEED to find who I am." Luz said, "I don't even know my name, Eda."

"Your name is Luz, whether or not you learn your name from this world, you'll always be Luz. To me and your human ma." Eda said, gesturing to Camila.

"Yeah but... what if I have a different name? What if I have siblings? I've always wanted to... just know who I am. I'm more than Luz I'm... I'm confused." Luz said.

"Nice to meet you confused, I'm Eda."

Camila chuckled at the joke as Luz tried not to, finding it so dorky. Even by her standards.

"Come on, laugh! I know you want to. Come on, three eyes, you know it was funny." Eda said, poking Luz until she started laughing, "Yeah, that's what I thought."

"Ahahahahahaha." Luz laughed, bringing smiles to everyone around her that she could still laugh like that despite everything. "Okay, thanks. I needed that."

Again, the two girlfriends were curious about Luz's nickname, but knew that they probably wouldn't get an answer so they ignored it, for now.

"Alright, off to the knee!" Eda said, summing her staff. "I've got some flying brooms in the closet too, so if you need them, grab one."

"Cool!" Luz said, going to grab one but Camila pulled her back.

"No broom stick until you get your driver's license." Camila quickly said.

"MOM!" Luz said with a groan.

"Nope, you won't use one until you properly learn how to fly one." Camila said, "You can fly with Eda."

"What about them?!" Luz asked, gesturing to Willow and Skara.

"We've already had practice with broomsticks. They teach it to us in 4th grade." Skara said, walking to grab two flying brooms for her and Willow.

"Sorry, Luz." Willow said with a sheepish smile.

"Aw, man!" Luz said.

"Don't worry Kid, after we get this taken care of, I'll teach you how to ride one." Eda said.

"But not without a helmet!" Camila quickly added.

"Yeah, yeah." Eda said with a hand wave, "Come on, let's go."

And like that, the four of them were off to the Knee while Camila was left to watch the house with Hooty and King. She looked over at King going through the books that Luz brought him.

'Cute.' Camila thought.

"So, how are you?" Hooty asked, stretching towards Camila with a smile.

"Oh, I'm fine. Thank you for asking, Hooty. How about you?" Camila asked him, returning the smile.

"Great! Your daughter is a delight to have around." Hooty said.

"Heheh, I can assume. She must be very friendly and eager to learn more about this place, right?" Camila asked.

"Oh, for sure! She even wanted to learn about the demon types, something I was more than happy to show her being a worm demon myself!" Hooty said, gesturing to his wiggly body.

Camila was glad Luz was adjusting so well to the place she was born in.

'I think she'll do just fine.' Camila thought, 'Though, I would like it if Eda signed her up for school.'

Camila didn't know what the year was like here but getting Luz signed up for school would help her adjust more and control her magic better.

"Since you seem like an expert, could you tell me about the types of demons here?" Camila asked Hooty.

"Ohoho, it would be an honor!" Hooty said with a smile.

Oh, Camila has no idea what hell she just agreed to.

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