Ch. 19: Shopping Trip

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"A what?" Eda asked over the phone.

"A Quinceanera, a Hispanic girl's celebration of womanhood." Camila said to Eda.

"And you want this to be held-"

"At your house." Camila said.

"... You're lucky I like that kid." Eda said.

"And I love you for that. Play your cards right and I just might pop the question." Camila said, joking a bit.

Eda blushed at this, meeping on the other side of the phone.

"I hate being the one in the other side of the teasing jokes." Eda admitted.

"I'll make it up to you, I still have to take you out on a date, don't I?" Camila asked.

"It better be a good one if I'm going to have who knows how many guests in my house." Eda said to her not yet official girlfriend.

"I owe you one, Eda." Camila said.

"You owe me a BIG one for this and more than just one." Eda said before ending the call. "Damn, that sexy human woman."

"I'm still in the phone." Camila said through the scroll.

"AAAAH!" Eda screamed before properly ending the call.

Camila laughed, but she was at a loss, she liked Eda, but she also liked the Triplet parents.

'Well, I'm going to focus on my sweet babies party first." Camila said, not even noticing that she just called Boscha 'her sweet baby'.

Who could've guessed that just by meeting her, Camila would already accept Boscha as her daughter as well? Speaking of the two, Boscha was helping Luz with clothing, since demon realm clothes are a bit different than human realm clothes.

"So this is the fashion district?" Luz asked, looking around.

"Yep! This is the place where you can find the best and most fashionable clothes to date." Boscha said, leading Luz, "Now, let's get somewhere to get your measurements."

"Measurements? But I know my clothing size." Luz said to Boscha.

"Nice try but human clothes are still too baggy. Witch clothes on the other hand feel like their part of your skin. That's why certain designers need your exact measurements." Boscha said, stopping before her favorite fashion stand.

"Here we are!" Boscha said.

Hearing her voice, a demon woman with blue skin, one eyes, and tentacles for arms and multiple legs wearing a tailored shirt and skirt came out.

"Is that my favorite customer?" She asked in a French accent.

"Favorite... times two." Boscha said, "Say hello to Sasha, my long lost twin."

"Sasha?" The fashionista demon asked, looking at Luz/Sasha.

"Hi, nice to meet you." Luz said, waving to her.

"I can see why you brought her here."

The fashionista looked over Luz up and down, finding her cloth in DIRE need up an update.

"What's wrong with the way I dress?" Luz asked.

"Simply? It's too BLAND, darling." The fashionista said.

"What about this?" Luz asked, putting on her hood and revealing the cat ears.

Boscha facepalmed.

"Sis, you are just making my point." Boscha said as the fashionista demon looked closer.

"That is QUANT but it will not save your ensemble. Not to worry, let Morguna fix you up." She said, gesturing Luz and Boscha to her stand.

Boscha pulled Luz inside.

"Thank you!" Boscha said.

"Uh, I do know how I feel about this." Luz said.

"Relax Sash." Boscha said.

Boscha lead Luz/Sasha to a foot stool, where she stood on it as Morguna pulled out several stripes of measuring tape. She began measuring Luz, while also getting inspiration.

"Hmm. Mmm hmm. Yes." Morguna said, using her main arms and 5 leg tentacles to measure Luz.

Luz used her third eye and looked at Boscha, who gave her a thumbs up.

"Just keep calm and let her do her thing. She's the best for a reason." Boscha said.

"Uh... okay, I trust you." Luz said.

"Don't worry, darling! I am going to make you look spectacular!" Morguna said, pulling the measuring tape away, "Hmm... I think I know just what to do!"

She went to the back of her stand behind a curtain, using her tentacle limbs to grab items and beginning skillfully fast work on a brand new set of clothes for Luz/Sasha.

"It shouldn't be but a few minutes. She's very fast." Boscha said to her sister.

"My trust in you is falling." Luz said.

"Oh! I'm hurt!" Boscha said, looking faint.

"Well, deal with it, I have a lot of teasing to catch up on." Luz said.

"I know and I can't WAIT to tease you about stuff. Like your first crush when you have it." Boscha said, crossing her arms.

"Please don't bring up crushes." Luz said, looking away.

That was one subject Luz wanted to avoid at all cost, from very bad past experiences before she finally came back to the demon realm.

"What happened?" Boscha asked, before getting angry, "Who the fuck her my sister?"

"It's just... the Human Realm is a bit... different." Luz said, feeling tears in her eyes, "People there are so rude to people that like me, people that are Bisexual and gay and other stuff like that."

Boscha let out a growl.

"I'm going to that human realm and you're pointing those people out to me... I promise they will fucking pay for hurting you."

"Boscha, you don't have to. People like that are-"

"People like that deserve to be put in the fucking ground!" Boscha said with a growl.

"And I have two girlfriends that would agree, and help me!" Boscha said.

Luz let out a small smile and hugged Boscha.

"I love you, sis." Luz said, bringing tears to Boscha's eyes.

"I love you too, Sasha." Boscha said, hugging her back.

The triclops girls kept hugging until Morguna returned.

"Such a lovely moment. It can only become better with a lovely outfit." Morguna said, holding the completed outfit in her tentacles.

'Oh, right, I'm kicking Boscha's ass later.' Luz thought as she looked at the outfit.

"Looking great, Morguna!" Boscha said, giving her a thumbs up. "Sasha is gonna look great in that!"

"You ready, Sash?" Boscha asked.

"I gueSSSSSS!" Luz was grabbed by Morguna and pulled away, towards a changing room right next to her stand.

"Go on and come out transformed!" Morguna said.

'Oh, yeah... totally going to kick Boscha's ass after this.' Luz thought.

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