Ch. 33: Cafe

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They finally arrived in town and parked the car.

"And now we can properly begin our tour of Gravesfield, hopefully to be your home away from home." Camila said, looking back to her "second" daughter.

Yes, she did see Boscha as her daughter. You going to tell her otherwise? If so... it will be a nice funeral. Boscha stepped out of the car and looked around at the buildings, civilians, and anything else that caught her eyes. Luz got out and stood next to her.

"So, what do you think of town first glance?" Luz asked.

"It's different but not bad. Kind of weird to be honest." Boscha said, looking around the area. "They all look the same yet in different colors."

Some people were walking around, noticing that the town weirdo... had multiplied.

"Sash, why are people staring?" Boscha whispered.

"Hehehe, well that's because of my reputation but don't mind them." Luz whispered back, "Might want to call me Luz here, though."

"Okay?" Boscha said, questioning this.

"It's just that's been her name for so long so calling her something else would be strange." Camila said.

Boscha understood that, but at the same time, she liked Sasha's name, it was the name of her little sister.

"Come on, let's head to our first stop. Our favorite coffee shop." Camila said, pointing ahead.

"Oh, Boscha, do they have hot chocolate in the demon realm?"

"Hot what now?" Boscha asked.

"You'll love it."

The trio walked to the coffee shop and opened the door, ringing the bell and the attention of some of the customers while others just kept enjoying themselves. A familiar blonde and her friends watched in horror at two Luz's.

"Oh my god, she's multiplied!" One said, dropping her mug in shock.

One of them growled.

"One weirdo was bad enough but now two? How the hell is this possible?!" One said as they watched Luz, "Luz," and Camila walk up to the cashier.

Boscha turned and saw the group staring at them in shock and annoyance. Luz told her about them, and Boscha had an idea. She smiled and waved, while her other arm was behind her back, making a spell circle.

"Wait, one of them waving at us!" Tracey whispered to her friends.

"Is that Luz or not?" Another girl whispered back.

"Don't know, just greet her back and ignore her after that." Tracey whispered as she waved back.

Suddenly one of them noticed that their cup was glowing.

"Uh, guys?"

They looked at it as it splashed against one of them. They were all shocked.

"AAAAAAH! What the hell?!" She shouted, scolded by the beverage! "Why is my iced tea hot?!"

Boscha chuckled.

"Sis!" Luz whispered.

"What? You heard them, I know you did." Boscha whispered back.

"Yeah but you gotta be the bigger person and turn the other cheek, ignore them." Luz whispered.

Camila also saw this thank you her years of experience with Luz's/Sasha's magic.

'I am going to have to have a talk about that.' She thought.

"Three hot chocolates with marshmallows and whipped cream please." Camila ordered.

They got them and walked out, but not before Boscha looked at the group and used a telepathy spell on the group.

'Mess with Luz again, you're fucking dead.' She thought to them, making them go pale.

"What the fuck was that?" Tracey asked in shock.

'It's magic, bitch.' Boscha thought, winking before leaving.

And with that, Boscha followed the Noceda's out.

"Boscha, no using magic in public. That is one of my mom's firm rules." Luz said to her sister.

"I'm just giving them a warning, besides, no one will believe them."

"That's still no good reason to do that." Camila said as they sat at a table outside. "Self defense or not, you should never stoop to their level just to feel good."

Boscha just shrugged, they wouldn't mess with Luz again, that's all she cared about.

"I'll keep it in mind. Now, let's see what this "hot chocolate" is all about." Boscha said, looking at the hot chocolate with whipped cream and mini marshmallows.

She drank it and found out why it's called hot.

"AAA-" Luz slapped her hand over Boscha's mouth.

"Word to the wise, blow on it a bit to help it cool before drinking it." Luz said.

'Couldn't have told me that BEFORE I drank it?' Boscha thought

Boscha quickly healed her tongue before pulling away from Sasha.

"Okay, let's try this again." Boscha said before blowing thrice on her hot chocolate.

She took another sip, enjoying it. The sweetness, the flavor, the fluffiness from the whipped cream and marshmallows; it all danced on her tongue in a perfect dance of wonder.

"Boscha? Boscha... Mom, I broke my twin." Luz said, waving a hand in front of Boscha's eyes, "Mom, she isn't moving."

Camila just chuckled.

"She'll be fine once she runs out of hot chocolate, Mija." Camila said as she sips her own, "Reminds me a lot about you, when you first tried, you had never heard of it."

"I was a toddler." Luz said.

"My point still stands." Camila said, grinning.

After a few minutes, Boscha was moving again.

"Huh?" Boscha let out, looking at her empty mug. "I'm out already?"

"Sis, you've been drinking it for the past 6 minutes without stopping." Luz said.

"Wait, I have?"

"Yes. I almost thought you stopped breathing for a second." Luz said, drinking her own hot chocolate.

"Why do we not have this in the Isles?" Boscha asked.

"That's not for me to answer. Ask your government when we get back." Luz whispered as licked some whipped cream from her lip.

"Have you seen the government? They're either very corrupt or very inept."

"Really? It's that bad?" Camila asked.

"Well it is still a monarchy." Luz said, shrugging. "It would be so much better if it was a democracy."

"There used to be no government, and my grandparents used to say it was a paradise." Boscha said, "And then Belos happened."

"How so?" Luz asked.

"They said that the "Savage Ages" were nothing like Belos says they were. Everyone got along fine, not all the chaos said in history books." Boscha admitted.

"Hmm, sounds like falsified history. It might be that Belos lied and wrote his own version to rule." Camila said.

"Not the first time that's happened." Luz mumbled, knowing that many people have done that here.

"If that's true, then everything we know is a lie. I believe my grandparents but not everyone is gonna believe it if we told them." Boscha said as she looked to Luz. "Eda, maybe. But not everyone else."

"Then lets worry about it later." Camila said, "This is a day for relaxing."

"Mom is right, let's leave the politics and possible conspiracies for later." Luz said before pouring some of her own hot chocolate into Boscha's cup. "Here, have a little more."

Camila enjoyed seeing the two act so nice to each other. It almost makes her wish she had another child because this is how Camila would imagine them getting along. But she was too old to have another child, so it would be a dream.

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