The wedding day

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Astrid stood behind me, doing my hair while Heather fixed my dress and Ruff did my nails. Mum walked in.
"Merida! You look beautiful!" She gasped

The dress:

"Thanks mum." I said as she hugged me.

She cupped my head in her hands. Tears were in her eyes.
"I love you dear..." She said.
"I love you to mum..." I whipered.

We hugged and she left.
"And....done!" Astrid said half-heartedly.


"Wow, Ash, I didn't know you could do hair..." Heather said.

Astrid just shrugged.
"I can't believe I'm about to marry Hiccup!" I said.

I had a mix of feelings. I really liked Hiccup...but... I kinda wanted to marry Snoutlout... And I know Astrid likes Hiccup... But I also felt as if my FREEDOM is being taken away.
"Ash..." Heather said.

I turned. Astrid had tears in her eyes. I stood and reached out to her. She took a step back.
"I'm gonna... Im gonna go get some air... And see Stormfly..." She whispered loud enough for us to hear.

She ran out the room. I sighed.
"Oh no..." Heather said with Ruff.
"What am I doing?!? Astrid is my friend! And I'm about to break 'er heart!" I said tears coming to my eyes.
"Merida! Don't you dare cry!" Ruff said
"I'll go see if I can find her." Heather promised me.

She ran out the room.
(Astrid's POV)

I ran to the cove. Yes, we were on Berk. I sat down on the grass and sobbed. I hated the dress I had to wear.

I mean it's pretty but I hate dresses. I had to let my hair down but I left in the side braid. I hated everything right now. Hiccup and Merida would be married in less than an hour. I heard rustling in the bushes. I stood, waiting to see what it was. Stormfly ran out and came to me.

I laughed quietly and hugged her. Toothless came running out. I scratched his head. He smiled.
"There you two are... A-astrid? You ok?" Hiccup said coming out from behind the bushes.

He was wearing new armour. (HTTYD 2) he looked a little older.
"Yeah..." I lied.

He walked up to me and caressed my cheek.
"No your not..." He whispered.

We began to lean in.
"Hiccup. Stop." I said taking a step back.

He looked at me, surprised and hurt.
"Why are you doing this to me?" I asked.
"Why are you doing this to me?!?"
"What? Doing what to you?"
"This! Us! Why are you letting me get my hopes up, my hopes that you could be mine, and in less than an hour, you won't be mine. You'll be married. To Merida!"
"I'm not married yet."
"But you will be soon!"
"Why is it such a big deal that I can't have one last kiss from you?"
"Because why?"
"You were my first crush, my first kiss, my first EVERYTHING!"

He took a step back in realization.
"And soon you won't be..."
"Astrid...we talked about this last night. I don't want her. I want you"
"Yeah. I know. But you may want me, but you don't deserve me... You deserve better..." I said running away.
"Astrid. Astrid! ASTRID!" He called.

But I kept running.

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