What? (Astird's POV)

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I opened my eyes. My head hurting.
"Ugh." I moaned.
"Good morning! How are you m'dear?" A old lady asked.

I screamed and fell off a bed.
"W-who are you?" I asked.
"Oh no." She said.

I stood up, only to fall over. Something caught me.
"Easy Astrid..." A boy said.

I looked behind me. There was a boy with messy aurbian hair and green eyes. He looked concerned,  he was really cute. I blushed when​ he didn't let go.
"Um...h-hi? Who are you? And who's A-astrid?" I asked.
"A-astrid? What...what have I done?" He asked tearing up.

A girl with jet black braided hair walked up behind him. Looking concerned.
"Astrid?" She asked.

A bunch of people came up behind her.
"Who are you people?" I asked.
"Astrid? Your joking...right?" A girl with bright red curly hair and blue eyes asked.
"Wait...I-Im Astrid? Who are you?!?" I asked pulling my arm away from the boy.

He reached out to me, I smacked his hand.
"Who are you?" I asked again.
"A-astrid? I'm Heather...your best friend.." Heather said.
"I'm Ruff. Tuffs twin..." Ruff said.

Everyone introduced themselves.
"I'm Hiccup... Astrid...how do we get her memory back?" Hiccup asked.

"Oh. Yes...I cant tell you. But,I can give you a hint." The old lady said.

Hiccup nodded.
"Regrets no frets
An act of pride
The punishment is passed onto another.
Only ... Can undo what's done." She said.
"What? What dose that mean?" Merida asked.
"What did you do?" I asked Hiccup.
"What?" He asked
"What did you do?!?" I asked louder.
"Astrid. Please. Let's just get your memories back..." He said.

I sighed and nodded. We left the shack. A huge lizard of some kind was outside.
"What is that?!?" I asked

It walked up to me and nuzzled me.
"Astrid...this is Stormfly...your dragon." Heather said.

I laughed.
"What am I supposed to do? Ride it?" I joked.

Everyone looked at me.
"Oh no." I said.

After a few attempts, I couldn't get on. Merida offered to fly her. I rode with Hiccup.
"So...Hiccup...what was my life like?" I asked.

He seemed shocked by the question.
"Well. It was fun, but dangerous. But you loved it. You wouldn't​ trade what you had...what we had for anything​."  He said.

"What was our relationship?" I asked.

He was quiet for a minute.
"I...I don't really know..." He said.

I felt a little hurt. He didn't lose his memory. But he didn't know. I feel like it was... Like it was something special.

I sighed. We landed outside​ a castel. Hiccup hopped off and helped me off the Dragon called Toothless. Toothless nudged me.
"Um...what dose he want?" I asked.
"He just wants you to pet him. Here." He said taking my hand.

I felt my face flush. He did to. He held my hand above Toothless's​ nose. He didn't hesitate to place his nose in my hand. I smiled and scratched him behind his ear.

'Stormfly' walked up to us with Merida on her back. Hiccup smiled, put either hands on the side of her waist, and lifted her down. Honestly, it kinda made me mad.

I looked at Stormfly who nudged me. I scratched her chin.  She nudged me again causing me to laugh.

I saw Hiccup looking at me from the corner of his eye, smiling. I smiled.
"Ok. Now. How do we get Astrid memory back? Ideas?" He said as everyone gathered around him.

"Eye. The witch's first words were: Regrets, no frets.  What dose that mean?" Merida asked.

I tuned out and looked​ at Stormfly. She cocked her head to her saddle. I took a deep breath and pulled my self into the saddle. Suddenly, I felt invincible. Like I was born to do this. I looked at where my hands moved to instinctively. I grabbed it and nodded. She took off in the air

For a moment I felt like I remembered Everything...to ride a dragon.
"Spine shot."
"Twirl!" I said she did all as told.

We landed and I jumped off, laughing. I pet her and turned to the others.
"What?" I asked
"You just flew Stormfly... alone!" Heather said.
"I did? I don't know​... It's like... I knew  what to do... It was instinct..." I said.

They nodded. A middle ages lady in green robes and long brown hair came out.
"Merida. Hiccup. Everyone. Dinner is ready." She said
"Hi. I'm Astrid." I said bowing.

She was obviously​ important.
"Um... A-astrid? Are you feeling well lass?" She asked.
"She...she list her memory​ mum." Merida siad.
"Oh! Well, I'm Queen Eleolnore. Nice to meet you Astrid. Merida. A word. Please." Elenore said.

(Merida's POV)
Mum closed the door.
"This is perfect." She siad.
"What?" I asked
"Astrid likes Hiccup. We can use her memory loss as an advantage to create the alliance!"
"Mum. No.''
"Let me take care of it. You go get changed lass."

I sighed and left the room.
What just happened? I asked myself

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