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Unfortunately, our intention for Umrah and Haj is no longer for
the Pleasure of Allah; it is rather for material gain or some other worldly reason. Rasulullah صلى الله عليه وسلم  had mentioned : “Near the time of Qiyaamah the rich ones from amongst my Ummah will perform Haj for the sake of travel and holiday; the middle class will perform Haj for commercial purposes, thereby transporting goods from here to there while bringing commercial goods from there to here. The Ulama will perform Haj for the sake of show and fame; the poor will perform Haj for the purpose of begging.”

The reality of this Hadith is quite manifest. Some are allured with shopping, with the purchase of gold and silver…giving preference to walking around bazaars and shopping centres despite having been granted the blessed opportunity of walking around the Baitullah. Some wile away precious time in other idle pursuits and even sin…

Many give preference to casting evil glances at every woman who is unveiled than to the sight of the blessed Ka’bah Sharief. Others give preference to watching the filth on the Television screen rather than casting their gaze on the blessed green dome or conveying Salaam to Rasulullah صلى الله عليه وسلم  at his grave.

Then again, many are the ones who flaunt the number of trips they have made to the Hijaaz, thus nullifying the reward of their Ibaadah due to the sin of riyaa (show). Many, who are
themselves wealthy enough to give Zakaat, are found clad in the garb of the poor and needy … begging and sometimes even stealing.

People, in general, have forgotten the purpose of Haj and Umrah. As a result of our defective and insincere intentions, the spirit, significance and beauty of Haj just passes by without
leaving any impression on our lives.

However, true and sincere ones are to be found, who have come as lovers of Allah, seeking the pleasure of their beloved Allah Ta’ala, the object and goal of their lives.

These are the Sufis, the Auliya Allah, the Ahlullah …whose presence is a source of multiplied spiritual blessings. They too, look for those who have, within their hearts, the Muhabbat (Love) of Allah Ta’ala and who have gathered there for no
other purpose but to give expression to the love they bear for Him and gain His pleasure.

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