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We open up on top a grassy cliffside, there we see a boy with long blonde hair. He wore a red jacket and white pants, with black and red shoes. This was Girouette or just Giro for short, an owner of a shiping business known as Giro Express.

Speaking of his business, he was currently on the phone with a client.

Giro: Yeah, we'll have it there as soon as possible. And don't worry we're giving Union City a wide berth, so they shouldn't catch onto it anytime soon. We'll be at the rendezvous point as soon as possible 

He pauses for a moment listening to person he was talking to; they soon stop allowing Giro to talk again.

Giro: Got ya, see you soon

With that he hung up and made his way to the front of the cliff. Making it there he sees a red bike parked there alongside a blue bike that had a girl with short brown hair sitting on it seemingly waiting for Giro to get back. He approached her getting her attention instantly, looking in his direction with a small smile.

This was (Y/N) Locke, Giro's main and only employee, due to his business being relatively small.

(Y/N): Hey Giro, are we ready to move?

Giro: Yeah, we should get going now. It will take a while to get to the rendezvous point that the client wants to meet up at due to us avoiding going through Union City

At hearing this (Y/N) looked down sadly.

(Y/N): Sorry about that Giro....

Giro let's out a small sigh.

Giro: Like I said before, it's fine a lot of people already know Union aren't the best people. That makes it even more clear after what had happened to you

(Y/N) continued to look down sadly that again Giro sighs at, before he begins to pat her head making her look up and see Giro smiling down at her.

Giro: Hey, c'mon chin up, we got a long ride ahead of us and I don't need you moping the whole way there okay

A few seconds after he said that (Y/N) began smiling up at him.

Giro: There you go, now come on lets get moving

He walks back to his bike and was about to get on his bike but stopped when he heard footsteps heading their way. He looks up with a stern face, while (Y/N) looked a bit concern. The footsteps soon got closer revealing them to be a couple of Atlas soldiers. They continued to approach the two, soon standing face to face with them. (Y/N) looked kinda nervous, but soon calmed down a bit once Giro gave a small look of reassurance. He looked back at the soldiers with a calm look.

Giro: Hello officers, what can we do for you today?

Lead Soldier: We wish to know what two are doing out here, this is a heavily Grimm infested area

Giro: We're simply deliver personal. We're on our way to deliver a package to a client, and this way was the quickest possible way

Lead Soldier: Really now, because it would usually be quicker going through Union City to get to place to place

Giro: Well not this time unfortunately. Now if you excuse us, we need to be on our way so we can be on time to meet our client

As Giro was about to get on his bike, he was stopped again by the Atlas Soldier.

Lead Soldier: What's in the packages?

He points to the packages on the back of his and (Y/N)'s bike. In response Giro glared at them.

Giro: I don't see how that's any of your business

Lead Soldier: I'd say it is, considering you two could be caring something illegal

Giro: I can assure you; we aren't carrying anything like that  

The lead soldier scoffed at this.

Lead Soldier: Is that so, then mind us checking them then?

Giro continued to glare at him.

Giro: Again, that won't be necessary. Now if you excuse us, we should really be going 

Lead Soldier: Not so fast, you aren't getting out of this that easily. Now let us check the packages or else

Giro continued to glare at the Lead Soldier, as he began to walk past him. But before he could get far Giro pushed him down and quickly ran back to his bike.

Giro: (Y/N), get down now!!

The other soldiers quickly trained their weapons on the two, as they both ducked behind their bikes. They unleashed a hail of bullets at the two's bikes. The bullets continued to be fired at the two and soon (Y/N)'s bike began to smoke with it soon exploding knocking both her and the package that was on there off the side of the cliff and into the forest below. Giro looked down with shock and concern.

Giro: (Y/N)!!!

What felt like hours passed, with (Y/N) soon waking up in the forest near the cliff.

(Y/N): Nnngh, dang that hurt. That was a long fall

She looked up the cliff, soon hearing a sound coming from her pocket. Reaching in she pulls out her scroll, seeing the Giro was calling her. Picking up soon after.

Giro: (Y/N)! Are you okay!?

In the background she could the engine of his bike and shouts from the soldiers from before, along with sounds of bullets being fired.

(Y/N): I-I'm fine Giro, what about you?!

Giro: I'll be fine, let's try and meet back up once lose these guys. In the meantime, make sure the package that fell down with is safe and secured okay. I got to go stay safe okay!

(Y/N): G-Giro, wa-

before she could say anything, he hung up leaving her there by herself. Looking down at her scroll for a few seconds she sighed and pocketed it. She then looked around a bit, before noticing a presents behind her. Turning around she sees a strange object floating above a busted open package. The object was blue and white, with a red gem on it.

She approached it and looked up at the strange object. 

(Y/N): Is that the package?

Approaching it closer but stopped when she heard the sound of a gun being trained on her. Taking her eyes off the object she sees two people dressed in green and white uniforms pointing rifles at her.

Man: Who are you!? What are you doing here!?

(Y/N): H-Hold on I'm only a delivery personal. I was on my way to deliver a package

After saying this a woman with long blonde hair stepped in front of the two men. She wore a pink jacket like outfit, with black pants, along with pink, gold and white shoes.

She put her hand up to the two men.

Woman: Lower your weapons

After saying this, they did so. She then turned back to (Y/N).

Woman: Are you a transporter?

(Y/N): Yes, I am..... who are you guys?

Woman: We are known as the Guardians and we who hired you for your services. I am Prairie the leader of the Guardians

(Y/N): O-Oh it's nice to meet you, I'm (Y/N)

Prairie gives her a small smile.

Prairie: We heard an explosion and came here to investigate. And I suppose that explosion, was you?

(Y/N): Yeah, me and Giro got approached by some Atlas Soldiers, then things escalated from there 

Prairie nodded at this.

Prairie: I see. At the very least, both you and the package are okay. We'll escort you out of the forest and hopefully meet up with your boss on the way

After she said this the ground began to rumble, seconds later a large black snake like creature bursts out of the ground. With this snake end being connected to that of a white version of the snake. This being the Grimm known as King Taijitu.

Guardian Soldier: A Grimm! Ms. Prairie stand back!

(Y/N): The explosion from before must have attracted it!

The guardian soldiers began firing upon the King Taijitu, with their weapons not showing any visual damage on it. The white side of it roars and launches at the two knocking one back, while killing the other by eating them. Prairie looked on in horror.

Prairie: T-This isn't good

(Y/N) then ran in front of Prairie getting in between her and the large Grimm. Prairie looked up at her shocked.

Prairie: What are you doing?!

(Y/N): To be honest I don't know. But what I do know is that you need to get out of here, take the package and leave I'll try to hold this thing off

Prairie: No, you can't do that you'll die

The King Taijitu roared at them, getting ready to launch at them again. But was stopped when the object flew in front of them emitting a pulse of energy forcing the large serpent Grimm back. 

Object: Do not worry...

(Y/N) looked at the object confused, while Prairie looked on shocked.

Prairie: T-The Biometal

(Y/N): Biometal?

Biometal?: I'll lend you a hand

With that the Biometal moved towards (Y/N) and seemingly merged with her transforming her. She was now in a blue armor, with a large arm cannon.

Without a second thought she fired a blast from the arm cannon, hitting the white side's head directly. It lets out a roar of rage and pain and burrowed into the ground. More roars were heard deeper in the forest. Breathing heavily, still in shock from her sudden transformation.

(Y/N): What happened to me? I feel so much power welling up inside me. Is this the power of the Biometal!?

Biometal?: Don't be afraid. I'm Biometal Model X

(Y/N): Model....X? The Biometal's talking to me inside my head!

Model X: We must go after that Grimm, before it can alert anymore of its kind. But with our combined strength, we can fight them off!


The other Guardian Soldier who was alive woke up and looked on shocked at (Y/N), along with Prairie.

Prairie: She transformed!? She must be one of the chosen ones

She turns back to the two.

(Y/N): I just need to make sure this gets to the rendezvous point right? Well, we won't be able to get there if all those Grimm get in our way, so I'm gonna take care of them if that's alright. And just so you know this is going to cost you extra, due to me putting my life on the line like this

With that she was about to run in the direction she heard the roars from but stopped when she heard Prairie calling out to her.

Prairie: W-Wait! Thank you for saving me

(Y/N) smiled at her.

(Y/N): Don't thank me just yet, wait here while I clear a path okay. I'll come back once it's all clear

Prairie: Okay, please be careful (Y/N)!

Misson Start!

She nods and dashes deeper into the forest. She ran into some Beowolves and Ursa. Without a second thought, she fired off shots from her buster at them taking out some of them. She dodges out of the way of a slash from a beowolf, then blasting them in the face killing them instantly. Ducking under another Ursa's attack she blasts it through the stomach killing it instantly. Then dodging out of the way of some feathers from a nevermore. Jumping up high she charged a larger blast in her buster and fired it at the large bird Grimm, blowing it's head of and with it's body falling to the ground with a large thud, it disintegrates shortly afterwards. Taking a second to breath she dashes further in, killing any other Grimm that gets in her way. She soon gets to a small clearing like area.

Model X: Careful, I hear it

(Y/N): Same

The ground began rumbling and soon the King Taijitu bursts from the ground and roars down at her, though she showed no signs of being affected by. it.

(Y/N): Alright, let's go!

The black side launched at her, with her quickly jumping over the head and fired a couple of shots into the top of it's head. Causing it to roar in pain again, the other head tried to bite at her, that she quickly response with flipping out of the way of it's attack, firing some more shots into the side of it's face. Then charging up and firing a charge shot into it's face knocking it back a bit. Landing on the ground she backflipped out of the way of another strike from the white side's head. Firing another charge shot into it's face causing the whole body to stumble back.

(Y/N): Alright, it's time to finish it off

Model X: Correct, let's try this then

(Y/N) felt a strange feeling in her other and sees it form another buster. She looked at it for a second before smiling. She began charging energy in both her busters, while rushing towards the giant Grimm serpent. In response the Grimm began throwing rocks at her, with her dodging out of the way of them with little issue. She soon makes it the Grimm and jumped up high. Both the heads attacked her from both sides trying to consume her. She stuck her busters out at both sides of her aiming into the mouths of both. Smirking she unleashed the blasts into directly into them blowing out the back of it's head as well killing them. She landed, while it landed to the ground with an audible thud, it disintegrating shortly afterwards. (Y/N) smirks to herself while both her hands transform back to normal, letting out a sigh shortly after.

Mission Clear!

(Y/N): That's that then. So, you said your name's Model X right? Why did you help me?

Model X: Do I need a reason to help people? You seemed determined to help that girl even though you never met her before. I just gave your bravery a little power to back it up

(Y/N): Power, huh? Well, whatever you did, it saved my hide. Bravery alone isn't enough to fight these creatures...

Model X:...

(Y/N) lets out a small sigh. She was about to head back and tell Prairie that the path was clear but stopped upon seeing her along with the other Guardian Soldier walking towards her. 

(Y/N): Prairie, did you two walk all the way here by yourselves?

Prairie: Yes, you already had dealt with most of the Grimm when we started making our way here. And again, thank you for helping us

(Y/N): No problem, I couldn't really just sit back while people were in danger. Especially a cute girl like you

After she said that she slapped her hand over her mouth blushing from embarrassment, Prairie blushing as well.

(Y/N): *Why did I say that she probably thinks I'm weird now*

She then heard a sigh coming from Prairie, looking to her (Y/N) sees her smiling at her with a small blush on her face. 

Prairie: Well, again thank you for that, now we should start heading towards the rendezvous point, I'm sure your boss is there by now too

(Y/N) nodded at that and the three were about to head to it. Though they soon stopped upon hearing another explosion. Looking towards where the explosion came from, they see it came from Union City. Multiple Grimm were heading towards it, with multiple explosions being seen from the outskirts of the city along with screams of people calling for help. (Y/N) clenched her hand into a fist looking at the city. She turned to Prairie with a determined look.

(Y/N): S-Sorry, but I hope you don't mind me borrowing the Biometal for just a little bit longer

With that she ran towards the city shocking the two.

(Y/N) Again I'm sorry!

Guardian Soldier: H-Hey wai-

Prairie: Let her go

Guardian Soldier: B-But ma'am 

Prairie: It's fine, it seems like we found our candidate for the one of the Biometal

They continued to watch as (Y/N) dashed towards the city.












Name: (Y/N) Locke

Current Biometal In Possession:

Model X 

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