Chapter 14 Part 2

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"What do you mean 'deal with them?'" This seemed an over-the-top response, even for Norvin. "I don't know what they know or don't know. But they didn't see any werewolves if that's what you're talking about."

"You're positive about that?"

"Of course, I am."

"Are you saying..." he tapped his fingers in a slow beat along the side of his metal flask. "During that whole time, Chip, his pack, Verity—none of them transformed?"

"This encounter happened at midday."

He nodded. "And that was your only run in with Chip?"

"No. The night before, Verity left the campsite. I went to search for her and found her near Chip. He was one hundred percent werewolf. But it was only me. The others were back at the tents."

Norvin leaned in, feigned disinterest replaced with a foaming at the mouth level of excitement. "And Verity?"

"I already told you she was there."

"Don't fuck around, Alek. You know what I'm getting at."

"Sorry to disappoint you. She was still in human form." Not a lie, nor an outright confession of the truth.

Less than a month ago, I would have told Norvin every little detail, but now? I wasn't sure whose hands the truth would be safest in, but until Norvin put all his cards on the table, I was keeping mine close to the chest.

Tipping his head back, he drained the remaining contents of his flask straight down his throat. Mine burnt just watching him. He wiped his mouth with the back of his hand and slid the empty container into his vest pocket. "Are you protecting her, Alek?"

"Are you suggesting I'm lying?"

"I'm suggesting there's more to your story."

Sure, but there was more to his too. I gripped the arms of my chair until my knuckles turned white. "Do you think that if I saw Verity turn into a werewolf, I'd withhold that information from you?"


"I wouldn't, but that doesn't even matter." My phone buzzed from its charging stand on the table next to me. A text from Verity. Fingers unclamped, I turned off the screen before Norvin had a chance to see the notification. "Think about it. If she'd transformed, she'd have run off with Chip that night, right? She'd have felt that undeniable pull to be with her own kind."

"That's normally how it works."

"But she didn't, did she? If she had, Chip wouldn't have come back with his posse and attempt to take her by force."

He shook his head. "Something's still not adding up."

"Maybe you'll have to face the fact that you're wrong about her."

"Only, I'm not wrong." He didn't hold back on the emotive expression this time, lips contorting into an ugly grimace that translated clear as day into bitter disappointment. "I can't believe you'd doubt me—and your own instincts. Something else is happening here."

"If you don't believe me, why don't you just ask Chip next time you see him."

Norvin blinked several times. His lips slid back into their normal position and his forehead smoothed, but the cheek twitch returned. "Why would I see him?"

Careful, Alek. This was a dangerous line of discussion on multiple fronts. If I fucked this up, I'd never figure out what was really going on.

"He's a werewolf on the loose. And he's a pack leader. Aren't you planning on taking him down?"

"Sure, sure. Eventually. Right now, he's more useful as a lure for Verity."

This seemed as close to an acknowledgement that Aurum Venari was using Chip as I was likely to get, but it still wasn't enough to satisfy me. "It hasn't worked so far, has it? Someone is going to get hurt if this keeps going on."

"Exactly!" He said, as though my last sentence was the only logical statement I'd made all day. "Do I need to remind you that that's why you were assigned to Verity? You know better, and yet, it seems like you're hedging. This should have been wrapped up weeks ago."

"If she is what you think she is, why haven't I seen her physically transform by now?" Slight emphasis on the word "physically."

He raised an eyebrow at this but said nothing. Did he know Verity was special? Was her mother the same way? Was Verity as dangerous as he claimed? Why wouldn't he just come out with everything so I could fully understand?

Instead of getting answers to these unspoken questions, Norvin asked me one of his own. "When all this was going on, werewolves attacking and what not, how did you feel?"

How did I feel? "Is this a therapy session now?"

"Just answer the question."

"Well..." This line of questioning from Norvin was so odd, I struggled to formulate a coherent response. "I felt angry. Pissed off that Chip followed us up there and that I had to scare them all off." And terrified they'd succeed in kidnapping Verity—that was an emotion Norvin didn't need to know about.

Norvin seemed satisfied. "That's good. Anger is good."

"Is it though?"

"In this context, yes."

"Why are you asking me this? Why do you even care what my emotional state was? That's kind of weird coming from you, Norvin."

"Like always, I'm looking out for you."

Another bullshit, meaningless response. The urge to take him by the shoulders and shake him grew with every second we sat here like two tomcats about to scuffle. I needed to get him out of my place before my close to the chest cards went flying all over the place. "Whatever man. I've told you everything there is to tell and it's my day off. Can we leave it alone?"

"I take it that's my cue to exit."

"I'll let you know if there are more developments."

"Good. And I'll let you know if Aurum Venari decides to track down Chip. After all, I think you might be right: I should ask him what he remembers happening. Wonder what he'll say."

I wondered that too. If Chip told Norvin about Verity's out-of-body werewolf, both Verity and I would be screwed.

I saw him to the door, slipping the chain in place in case he decided to come back and let himself in again. This conversation had left me more confused than ever. Never in all my life had Norvin cared about how I was feeling. Why now? Did he think I wasn't cut out to be a werewolf hunter? What did Norvin know about me that I didn't know myself?

Back in my living room, I read the text from Verity. Four words, and all the hairs on the back of my neck stood up. She'd gone all-caps for it, something she complained was overdone and should be reserved only for emergencies.


Breaking my own promise not to leave the house all day, I flew out the door, hoping I would reach her in time.


Author's Note: Lots to unpack here with Norvin and his unknown intentions... But also, what is the meaning of Verity's ALL CAPS text? What do you think has happened?

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