Chapter 30

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Even with a wolf roaming the stage and Verity's cult leader "change your reality" speech happening, the show, as they say, must go on. The "they" in this instance, was a frantic manager with dollar signs in her eyes and a seemingly enormous capacity to suspend disbelief.

"No one told me we'd be doing an animal act. Where's its handler?" Janene searched the startled faces of the stage crew but all any of them could do was shrug.

"You didn't know?" she asked as though she'd already deemed them guilty of a crime. "No? None of you?"

She swung around to me. "Well, you must have. What the hell was she thinking, and how the flying fuck did she pull that off?"

"Okay, first of all, I never know what Verity is thinking," A small lie but one that felt believable, given what was currently transpiring. "Second, it's fine. Look at the crowd, they're eating this up!" The seething I felt at my core for Verity's reckless decision would have to sit festering deep within me for a while. Now was the time for damage control.

"I suppose, but still." Biting her lip, Janene stared out at the stage. "Is that an honest to God wolf? Does Martin know she has a wolf? Where is he, by the way?"

"Back at the hotel nursing a headache. And no, there's no chance he knew she was going to do this." If Verity's dad had been stage-side, she'd have at least second guessed this decision. Martin was not going to be happy with her.

"You've gotta get that thing away from me. I'm terrified of dogs." Verity's bassist, Sheri, took big, gulping breaths as she braced herself against a set piece. She'd hidden herself behind it after fleeing the stage. "I got bit as a child."

"You don't have to worry; it's a wolf not a dog."

Her eyes grew big. "That's better to you?"

"It's safe, Sheri," I reiterated. "Verity wouldn't bring it out here if it wasn't. You trust her, right?"

"She knows I'm afraid of dogs! Or... dog-like beasts." She plopped herself down on the floor. "I'm not going back out there until she gets rid of it."

"All right." Rubbing at my temple I tried to open a channel to Verity, who was still engaging with her audience. Much to the chagrin of the venue's security, she'd allowed several fans on stage to see her wolf up close.

Enough with the wolf. You made your point. Sheri is scared.


I repeated my appeal.

She's terrified of dogs, remember? Yes, I know, you're a wolf not a dog. Believe it or not, I tried explaining that to her. The bottom line is, she won't come back on stage unless you put your wolf away. Do you want to finish the show or not?"

After a long pause, she connected back with me.

She doesn't have to be afraid. I'm not going to bite her.

She has a phobia, Verity. It's not based on reason. Much like Verity's decisions tonight.

All right, fine. Give me a moment, buzzkill.

Even telepathically, her disdain for me could not be clearer. My heart sunk. I may be mad at her for this latest stunt—a stunt that would waken up every Aurum Venari member to her true powers, but the thing I still felt worst about was that she would never forgive me. I wouldn't ever mean to her what she meant to me.

After a few more lucky fans got to pet the top of Verity's canine head, she announced that she was ready to "merge with her wolf," which she did, to the great delight of the audience.

"Seriously, how is she doing that?" Janene mumbled as she watched the spectacle. Shaking off her incredulity, she coaxed Sheri back on stage and the concert resumed.

It was hours later before I could speak to Verity alone. Back at the hotel suite, as soon as we were inside with the door shut, she raised a hand.

"I know what you're going to say. You've been thinking it all night, like your brain got stuck in a groove. Look, Alek, I did what I had to do, just like I said I would."

"You didn't have to let out your wolf for the world to see. That was not compulsory, Verity. You chose to do it, and I still don't know why. Do you know how much more danger we're in because of this?"

"You mean the danger I'm in. You don't even factor in."

Ouch. I'd expected a harsh comeback, but her words still stung. "Okay fine, I don't factor in. I'm nothing. Nobody. I don't mean anything to you, I can't be trusted, I must have only bad intentions, I couldn't possibly be risking everything—everything—in my life to try to keep you safe, only to have you undermine all of it. Fine, Verity, you win."

Her lip quivered. "You've had bad intentions when it comes to me. Admit it."

I squared my shoulders and stood silently until the heat from my gaze made her raise her eyes to meet mine. Only then did I reply.

"It took me less than twenty-four hours after meeting you for me to start lying to Norvin—the guy that raised me since I was six years old. Less than one day for me to second guess everything. To conjure up ways to buy us more time, always, always hoping I could clear you and keep you safe. And even after I found out the truth, did I tell Norvin? Did I hand you over to Aurum Venari? No. I stood by you. We've been connected since we were young children. And do you still think after learning that, that I'd betray you?"

"I don't..." she broke eye contact, her cheeks reddening as she picked a spot on the carpet to fixate on. "I don't know what to think."

"Well, I do. I told you we needed to keep your abilities under wraps, that if this news got out the repercussions would be unpredictable and uncontrollable. But you did it anyways, in the most public manner possible."

She looked up again, the defiance returning. "People don't think my wolf actually sprung from my brain, Alek. They think it was part of the show. It's fine."

"It's fine?" I brought out my phone and started perusing social media. It took less than ten seconds to find what I was looking for. "Someone's posted a video." I showed it to her. The shot was from the side, a few rows from the front of the stage. A large speaker partially obscured what was happening, but not enough. Not nearly enough. One moment, Verity stood in the spotlight. The next, she stood there still, but with a giant wolf beside her as the crowd gasped.

The video went on, capturing Verity's grandiose statement about changing one's reality. I took my phone back from her. "This video already has close to a million views, and it's only been up a few hours. Would you like me to read you some of the comments?"

"I'm guessing not."

"I will anyways." I scrolled a bit until I read one that would make my point. "Someone who goes by the name LaceyAngelBabe27 says 'that's not fake, y'all. Our girl's a fuckin' sorceress.'"

"A sorceress," Verity tilted her head. "Do you think I could be..."

I scowled. "Stop it. This isn't a fantasy book." I kept scrolling. "Here's another. From WolfShifterStarGazer. 'She's got some major shifting skills, or someone around her does. This is 100% real, and I know what I'm talking about.'"

She snapped her focus back to me. "What if they do know what they're talking about."

"They don't though. This is some internet rando, Verity. That's the point I'm making. Look at this one." I showed it to her, and she read it aloud.

"Verity Jayne can create wolves. You guys all think this is fake or if it is real, that it's awesome. Verity stans make me sick! What she's doing is an abomination." Her voice cracked on that last word, and she paused to clear her throat. "If... if no one around her is going to stop her, then someone like me will have to."

I looked at the username for the person leaving that comment. "VerityTruther01. The account is brand new."

"Probably just another internet rando, as you said, right?" She looked at me for the first time in days without hatred, but it shattered me to see that hate had been replaced with fear.

"Maybe. But we have to take this as a threat. That's why I'm going to work with Janene and your promotions team tomorrow so we can make it clear that the whole situation was a one off and very much an orchestrated event where a wolf appearing and disappearing was all achieved with smoke and mirrors."

"Aurum Venari—that won't help with them, will it? They'll still know."

"Yes," I agreed. "They'll know. Damage control will only go so far. But if you promise to never do this again..."

She rolled her eyes. "God, Alek, stop sounding like my dad. He already gave me a lecture about this."

"Good on him."

"But also, what make you think I'd promise not to let my wolf out again?"

"Have you been participating in the same conversation?" Tension traveled up my shoulders into my neck and jaw. My head started to throb. Verity Jayne was going to give me an aneurysm. "Did you not just read that threatening comment a minute ago?"

"I'm not going to back down just because it's dangerous. I've been in danger for months now, so this hasn't really changed that. As for Aurum Venari, it's sort of the point, right?"

"What's sort of the point? To provoke them?"

"To make them see that there's nothing wrong with who I am or what I can do. All their feigned fear is totally unnecessary."

"Verity, this isn't a sitcom. They aren't going to see the error of their ways, do a 180, and then joke with you about their dubious antics over a couple of beers."

"I don't need to be their friend—that's not happening. I need them to give back Flora's mom and then leave me the fuck alone."

"Trust me on this, and I speak from personal experience, once you're on their radar, they don't leave you alone—not ever."

She placed a hand on my arm. It wasn't my chest; she wasn't moving in to kiss me or tear off my clothes or promise me she'd seen the error of her ways. But I'd take it. "I trust you enough to know that you are trying to help me. The thing is, I have to help myself."

My phone buzzed. I looked at who was sending me a message and it was all I could do to remain composed enough not to give it away to Verity. My brick wall went up.

"What's that?" she asked.

"It's nothing. Just one of those spam ads." I looked at the message, keeping my screen well out of her view.

Fuck, this couldn't be good.

Verity wasn't the only one who was going to have to make tough and possibly bad decisions tonight. "If I can't help you, Verity, then go ahead, help yourself. Be a wolf for every concert, every night. Make your wolf matching costumes, howl along with your songs, whatever. I'm out."

I slipped into my room and closed the door. Her muffled protests did nothing to change my mind.

I left first thing in the morning, before Verity woke, the five-word text Norvin had sent me seared into my mind.

Ready to negotiate. Come alone.


Author's Note: So... Norvin sends Alek a cryptic text and now Alek is abandoning the tour? Why? What does he think will happen if he returns to LA? And what is Verity going to do when she realizes Alek has left?

We're in the final act, dear readers. I have a lot more in store for our characters, and for you, of course! Stay tuned and Happy New Year to you all!

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