The Truth

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Me: I'm baaaaaaaaaack!

Drew: let me guess. With more Contestshipping?

Me: what else?

May: you guys still refuse to tell me what that is, you know.

Me: oh, it's- mmmmpph!!

Drew: *clamps hand over my mouth and glares at me*

Me: *bites Drew's hand*

Drew: *retracts hand*

Me: it's-

Drew: *drags me out of the room*

May: WHY WON'T YOU TELL ME WHAT IT IS!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?

Me: *pokes head into room* I do not own pokemon!!

Drew: *drags my head out of the room*


Harley loved his job, no doubt about it. If anyone did what he did, they would be arrested, but not him. Nope. He did it totally legally.

What was better, there was no dress code, so he could wear his usual Cacturn outfit without being fired. For some reason or another, most people disapproved with his clothes. Why? He had absolutely no idea. After all, his outfit was simply fabulous, right?

It payed fairly well, especially seeing as the young male was only eighteen. It kept him and all his pokemon in perfect shape, not to mention that it was just so much fun!

He was in the middle in one of his battles against the bandanna wearing brunet commonly known as May.

She was a rare one, no doubt about that. She managed to fight back while there were some people he battled just lost it.

They way she made a spectacular comeback whenever he threw at her simply impressed him. He called it one part luck, one part skill, one part supportive friends, and five parts overly protective surprisingly menacing rival.

Ah, yes. Of course, there was a major downside to his job, it gained him a few haters.

In the case of May, he had made her rival Drew despise him. And trust me, Drew was one co-ordinater that you'd be wise to bust your butt off to stay on his good side.

At first, it had confused him slightly. According to May's profile, Drew was her biggest rival. So, naturally, working hard at his job like usual, he had studied Drew's profile as well.

It didn't take long to realize that he was much more powerful than his short, shrimpy, not even yet a teenager appearance revealed.

Drew decided pretty early on who he liked, disliked, trusted, and loathed. And those he didn't trust all fell in the dislike and loath piles.

May was his biggest rival, and though Harley strongly believed that rivals could be friends or more, he was surprised that Drew held her in the regard he did.

He just didn't seem like the type to give that much of his trust to someone he competed against.

However, after just one time meeting the greenette revealed why he had become so attached to the dense, clumsy, naïve bandanna-wearing brunette - he had a Wailord sized crush on her.

Honestly, Harley wished that there was a movie of them, they were just that adorable. The way he taunted and teased her, how he made her blush and occasionally blushed in return, the way they bickered in a caring, too shy to admit their feelings sort of way, they way he spoke to her in a confident, notice me manner, the roses, and even though they fought, it was so obvious that they deeply cared for each other.

See, they're so cute that that was probably a run-on sentence.

He remembered when he had first seen the two young co-ordinators together.

Sure, he had seen May once before and Drew a couple times as they walked past each other backstage, but the first time he'd seen them together.

It was right before the Hoenn Grand Festival when he'd been going to try to 'apologize' to May. He'd run right up to the bickering two, brushing right past Drew to talk to May.

After somewhat regaining May's trust, he'd grabbed May's hands in 'rejoicing.' That's when he saw Drew out of the corner of his eye.

His face was obviously conflicted with confusion, anger, and attempted concealment.

It was evident to Harley, the self proclaimed matchmaker, that at the poor boy had felt a wave of jealousy overcome him as he struggled to control himself.

That was when he suspected that there was a little something more on Drew's side.

Then the noticed the red rose May was holding and it didn't take him very long to figure out who it was from.

Harley had inwardly smiled. The boy had given her a token of his affections. How sweet...

So, naturally, he had dramatically gasped and accused them that there was something romantic going on and took a picture of their stupefied (or in May's case, blushing) faces.


It was because of people like them that he loved his job, he explained to Vivian as he helped pack up the Blackthorn City contest.

You see, Harley had a rather unique job. He worked directly with the contest judges and heads to thin out the weaker co-ordinators.

What he did was cheat. Do something to mess up a appeal, emotionally paralyze his opponent, anything. It was all part of his job.

He was supposed to send the weaklings home crying.

See, how it worked was he was hired by the contest judges to make it harder for his competitors to win or move on to the next round, and the better the comeback they made from being cheated, the more points they got.

It didn't matter if they didn't have quite as good appeals as others, just as long as they were able to bounce right back.

The point was to pick out who had real talent and flexibility.

But, well, that's why he got in the situation the he was in now.

"Hi Solidad," Harley said nervously, ducking behind the peach haired woman.

"Harley, what are you..." She turned around to where the door had just flew open, creating a large bang and possibly a dent in the wall. "What did you do?" She asked sternly, regarding the two enraged people who had slammed open said door.

"Um... I might or might not have done something to May, and now I have two over protective males on my tail?" He ask-answered.

Solidad sighed and turned to the fuming Drew and Norman.

"So you admit you did something to my daughter," Norman growled, causing Harley to squeak in fear.

"Help meeeeeeeee!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

Solidad shook her head. "Have at him," she said with a smile, stepping aside.


Harley: see? I told you I'm not bad.

Drew: *grummbling* I'm not buying it.

May: *grabs Harley's hands* that's alright. I-

Drew: *clearly angry* No!!!! *tears hands apart*

May: *pouting* what was that for?

Drew: *annoyed* he's just lying like usual. Quit putting your trust in him!!!!


Drew: I just don't like Harley taking advantage of people, that's all.

Me: suuuuuuuuuuuuuuure.

See ya!!!!!

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