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"K, you got eyes?" Elena's voice asked from my comms.

From where I was perched in a tree, I looked down the road where a truck was just coming over the hill. "Affirmative." I waited until the truck was right under the tree I was in. "Dropping now" I dropped silently onto the roof.

I stuck out my gloved hand and gave my team a thumbs up, letting them know I was set. Creeping over to the cab of the truck, I took a small recording device from my belt and stuck it to the inside of the roof. "Placed"

"Copy" Elena responded.

We listened to the conversation in the trunk under me. So far, there was nothing of interest to us.

"K, duck!"

I looked up just in time to see the truck coming up to a tunnel, I quickly laid down on my stomach. Once it passed, I jumped back into my crouched position.

We were on a mission and we had to stay alert. No mistakes, no slips, no errors.

One of the guys below me mentioned something about Natasha Romanoff, causing me to freeze. That fucking bitch! Is she going to show up here? I really fucking hope not...

Elena's voice snapped me out of my thoughts. "You've been spotted!"

Just as she said that, one of the guys in the truck crawled out of the window and onto the roof. I moved backwards and swung my leg around, knocking him off of the truck.

He grabbed onto the side, preventing him from falling off completely. The driver started swerving, trying to knock me off of the top while the other guy climbed back up.

I watched him struggle but then he managed to finally climb back up. He pulled out a gun and tried to shoot me, I put my hand up in front of my face and a shield came out of my wristband. When the bullets hit the shield they disintegrated.

The guy looked at me and then at his gun confused. I smirked. Backflipping off of the truck, I landed on a motorcycle.

Nikita, who was driving the motorcycle, smirked and turned back to look at me. "You just had to be extra with that flip didn't you?"

"You know it"

She turned the bike around and drove us back to base.


~Third Person~

Base was a small underground area, it had a kitchen, a living area, a mission planning room, one bedroom which had its own bathroom, and then there was another bathroom in the main area. There were only five girls in this place, but there were hundreds in this program. The reason that there were only five here was because they were on a mission, while the other girls in the program were going through tests. One girl in each group, usually the oldest, is appointed the head of that group and all of the girls in it. In this group, there was: Kira, 19, Elena, 18, Nikita, 16, Mila, 14, and Vera, 13.

Not only was Kira the head girl of their group, she was also like an older sister to the other girls. She was their protector, she always tried to prevent them from getting hurt whenever they were at the main base. There weren't any cameras in this place, like there were in the main base, because the people who ran the program knew that the girls were too scared to run away. The reason they were on the mission and not being tested, was because they were the best team that they had. The girls hadn't finished their testing, so they were grateful that it was put on hold for this mission.

Kira, Elena, and Nikita got back to base and changed out of their mission uniforms. Vera and Mila came into the bedroom.

(Top Left: Their Mission Uniform. Top Right: Face Claims. Bottom: Their Bedroom)

"Did you get the information?" Vera asked, hopefully.

Kira shook her head. "No, they caught me before we could"

Vera nodded sadly, then she perked up. "We made dinner!"

"Thanks, kid" Kira ruffled Vera's hair. "I'm starved"

The girls went into the main room and Vera and Mila got everyone dinner. They made a classic Russian dish, since all the girls were from Russia, and even still had their accents despite not being in Russia since they were little.

"When can we go on the field?" Mila asked, motioning to her and Vera.

Elena sighed. "M, we don't want you two getting hurt. Plus, you help us a lot behind the scenes"

Mila rolled her eyes and continued eating. Elena, Kira, and Nikita told the younger two kids about the mission.

When they were done eating, Kira tucked Mila and Vera into bed, before rejoining the others in the main room.

Elena handed Kira a glass of wine from the bottle they had stolen. "So K, what happened back there?"

"What do you mean?"

Elena rolled her eyes. "You froze. You never freeze."

"It was right after they mentioned Natasha Romanoff" Nikita chimed in. "You know her?"

Kira shook her head and looked down. "No, not personally. Maybe it's just a Russian thing" She knew that didn't make sense but that was the only explanation she could give them. She couldn't tell them the real reason...

Elena and Nikita shared a look, then they decided to drop it.

When they were done with their wine, they decided to go to bed. Kira was going to stay up as lookout, but Elena offered to do it since Kira had done it the past two nights.

They appointed a lookout every night, since they didn't trust anyone, whether it was a normal person, someone from the project, or even an Avenger, so one of the older girls would stay up either the whole night or half of the night, depending on how tired they were. If they only stayed up half the night, then they woke one of the others up to take over.

Kira couldn't sleep, though that wasn't a surprise, none of them ever really slept. But this night was different for Kira... She couldn't get Natasha Romanoff out of her head...

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