All Kinds of Pain

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I was woken up in the middle of the night by a searing pain in my chest. Drowsy and delirious. It must have been two or three in the morning. My heart felt like it was trying to leave my chest. This was so much worse than it ever had been before. I felt like I was going to black out from the pain. I curled up in pain, barely able to stop myself crying out. I reached over desperately to try and find Kyle. The bed next to me was empty. He'd been replaced by two letters. I glared at them. One had my name on it, in his lovely cursive writing. I ripped it open savagely.

Hey Stan,

First, I want to apologise for drugging you. That was not cool. But I couldn't have got away otherwise. You deserve an explanation, but you're not going to like it. I don't know how but Cartman found out Kenny's got a dick. He said he'd publicly murder her unless I traded places with her. The other envelop contains a document which says in the event of my prolonged absence or death Kenny will take the throne. This is now a direct order Stan. Warrior, I command you to do everything on your power to keep Kenny safe and help her run the kingdom. You are also forbidden from trying to save me. Your place now is to lead the army. Lead the people. Please look after them for me.

You've been the best friend and bodyguard ever, I love you,


The further down the letter I got the more tear stains accumulated on the paper. With tears in my own eyes I scrupled up the paper violently and threw it across the room in anger.

I found Bebe and told her to give the second letter to Kenny when she arrived. Then, I ran for the stables. I've never disobeyed a direct order from Kyle before. But he's fucking stupid if he thinks I'm going to let my job get in the way of saving my best friend's life. Maybe not even just best friend anyway. Maybe something more.

I didn't know where I was going. Kyle was blocking all my attempts to talk to him. And I couldn't see his location. I knew, however, he'd be in the human realms, in Zaron. From there, I'd just head in the direction that made my heart hurt less.


We'd been travelling for days now. Days. And I had no idea what the fuck was going on. We'd definitely passed Cartman's castle by now, it was only a day's journey from the border. That pretty much ruled out public execution. Ransom? Hide me in a place that's hard to find? Seems quite logical.

Stan was constantly bombarding me with attempts to talk. It was killing me a little more each time to refuse them. Hopefully, he was busy helping Kenny run the kingdom. If I answered it would only distract him and he needs his full attention on helping Kenny to win over the people. They are not going to be happy being ruled over by a human. I knew, however, that if any human could win them over Kenny could. I felt very confident in her abilities.

In the distance, I could see and abandoned looking lodge cabin. I guess that's our destination. As we got closer I could see Cartman standing in the doorway.

"Thank you guys, if you could just place these gloves on Kahl and tie his arms behind his back that would be awesome. Then, you may get back to whatever the fuck it is you losers usually do." The guards gloved my hands, tied them behind my back and headed off. "Aw isn't it nice that it's just the two of us now?" said Cartman in a sickly-sweet voice.

"I'd actually prefer execution." I replied flatly. Cartman pretends to look offended.

"Awww don't be like that Kahl! We're going to have so much fun!" he said smiling, childishly, enthusiastically. Leading me into the cabin where he chained my feet against the wall because I just wasn't restrained enough already apparently. "Now, being the stupid Jew you are, you're probably thinking I'm going to do something along the lines of hold you for ransom. But that just wouldn't be any fun! You see, Kahl, I've developed a new spell which lets me mind control people." With those words a cold shiver ran up my spine. Shit, shit shit shit shit. "Hahaha, that terrified expression on your face is fucking sweet. You see, Kahl, Kenny's in love with you. You stole ma fucking man. So, in response, I'm going to steal you from him and also get to control the entire Elven fucking kingdom! You're going to be completely and utterly in love with me. You'll ask me to marry you and control your kingdom because you'll think I'm so kewl." I started fiercely fighting against my restraints and Cartman just laughed harder. "Don't think you getting anywhere with those gloves on, they stop all magic use." I'd figured. Before I could try anything else a blistering pain entered my head. like some kind of mental weight I had to hold up. As soon as it crushed me Cartman would have control.

Cartman stood there smirking. I couldn't even muster a response as I was going through the world's literal worst migraine. Scalding pain was constantly hitting my head in waves. The mere action of thinking was painful, but I managed to call Stan and he immediately picked up. I showed him my location.

St-Stan, Stan help! Help please! Ah! AH! The pain was so great that I was mentally screaming.

Dude! You finally picked up! Thank god! I have your location. Should be there soon. By nightfall.

B-By nightfall? How? I replied, not really able to think logically under the pressure.

Dude, when I worked out you were gone I was out of the castle. My job is to be your body guard first and foremost. Not listen to you. Secondly, you really think I'd let my best friend die? I smiled through the pain. Cartman looked at me weirdly.

Th-Thanks dude.

What's wrong anyways? Why do you sound in pain even mentally? Are you being tortured?! He sounded so scared. A warmth filled my chest.

Kind of, Cartman's trying to brainwash me. I'm not sure how long I can hold it off. I've got to go. I need to spend all my energy preventing this.

A number of hours later, Cartman was starting to get impatient. "The toughest fucking elves or people usually only last a couple hours or so! But you won't give any fucking way!" he yelled in anger and increased the power. The weight was heavier, so much heavier. The scorching waves of pain stronger and harder hitting. I was physically and mentally shaking. It felt like I could hear Cartman whispering in my ear, 'You will be completely under my command. Obey my every word. Love me and only me.'

No! No, I don't love you. I'll never love you, Cartman! Stan, Stan help me! Stan it hurts. It hurts so much. I love you Stan. I'm in love with you. I'll only love you. Help me!Help me, please help me! Stan was replying but I wasn't able to focus on anything he said. I just kept mentally screaming for hours on end, until everything went black.


Hey guys~ sorry for all the angst, and the cringe, and all the cliché. I swear it gets happier at some point. Also, my editor thinks this is too gay, opinions on that? Anyways, comment your thoughts and leave a vote if you enjoyed. Have an awesome day~

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