Darker Future

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Gritting my teeth, I held out my arms in front of me. Golf club gripped tightly in one and focused all my energy on the four attackers. The strain was massive. Like trying to hold up fifty times your own weight.

"Stan," I somehow managed to strain out, "knock them out, quick." Stan stared at me in shock. He didn't know much about magic, but he knew this was beyond my level. Swiftly he struck the four of them in the back of the head, hard. I let go immediately and they fell to the ground. I could feel myself losing consciousness, but I couldn't let myself fall yet. Stan's wounds would kill him if I didn't do something. 

"Kyle!" I vaguely heard Stan scream at me as he ran towards me, dripping blood. He grabbed to stop me falling down. One hand on my staff and the other pressed on Stan's chest I used whatever energy I had left to heal him. "Kyle, stop it!" were the last words I heard before everything went black.


I was in shock. Kyle was lying limp in my arms. I tried to feel the wounds I'd accumulated in battle but they had all disappeared. God, why is my best friend such a selfless idiot sometimes?

"Kyle!" I yelled over and over shaking him like a maniac for a minute. Oh my God. Does he have a pulse?! I thought in terror. I gently lay him down and placed my cheek near his mouth. He's still breathing. Right, I need to calm down. I have to get him medical attention, immediately. I picked him up bridal style, and started sprinting towards the palace. I allowed myself a little smile at the thought of how much Kyle would yell at me, if he found out I was carrying him this way. Coming to think of it, it is gay but piggy backing isn't an option, seeing as he's not conscious and I'm worried if I slung him over my shoulder that I'd hurt him somehow.

God, he's really heavy but I am in no position to complain about that right now. I keep looking at him in terror. He's gone really pale, and his breathing's all raspy and weird. Worse than mine when I'm having an asthma attack. What kind of a body guard am I? I can't protect him properly. He had to protect me. Hell, he might not even survive and then what am I meant to do? Tears form at the corners of my eyes. I quickly blink them away. This is no time for weakness.

Groaning Kyle turns and snuggles into my chest, which is actually adorable. Kyle refuses to admit he's adorable but he really is. No time for happy thoughts. I have to get to the castle. Once we arrived I scream at the guards to open the doors. I slam them open because they were moving too slowly.

"Kyle needs medical attention, immediately!" I yell at the first person I see. He looks at me with a grim expression on his face.

"Right this way." Everyone looks really depressed. They're all wearing black. Strange. The man was walking too slowly so I not so politely shove him and tell him to move fucking faster.

The doctors hurriedly place him on a table. They told me to leave the room but I refused to move so they put me in the corner of the room. I watched anxiously. I tried not to pester the nurses and doctors with questions, but I think I did anyway. They kept telling me worrying things: he's in critical condition, if you had gotten here a second later I doubt he would make it, he's not breathing! He's getting worse! I watched in horror but eventually they told me he was stable. I peered over at him. He was still as a rock, breathing gently, he seemed quite peaceful.

"Is he going to be out cold for long?" I asked nervously.

"I don't know." The doctors said grimly. They all left the room so that I was alone with my guilt in silence. After about half an hour of this I heard the door open and in walked Terrance and Philip. Two jokers from the North who were much more popular with the kids than adults. We've had many run ins with these guys. Mainly because of our parents. I swear all the adults of this town are stupid. Especially when Kyle's Mom decided to declare war on the north for bad language even though they are part of our country, our only ally and also where her adopted son comes from. So much face palm. Then there that time Kyle did basically the exact same thing. Honestly, it's a miracle the North still willing cooperate with us.

"Oh, my golly gosh Philip! He is out cold!"

"Terrance what are we to do! If he dies there's no heir to the throne! The country will fall into disarray!"

"Oh my God no!"

"Wait what are you guys talking about? Kyle's fine he's just in a coma. Besides, the King, Queen and Ike are just fine." Honestly some people I swear. Their faces fell.

"Stan, you haven't heard?" asked Philip.

"Heard what?" I said very frustrated at this point.

"The King, the Queen, Ike..." Said Terrance trailing off tears filling his eyes.

"They were assassinated in their sleep." Finished Philip, a stray tear rolling down his cheek.

"What! Where the fuck?! Where the guards!" I said outraged the impact not fulling hitting home yet.

"I don't know, bribed probably, they were too stealthy, it was all so fast. A note was left next to the King's head, it's, it's so horrible I can't even bare to think about it." Said Philip, shaking his head.

"What did it say!" I asked urgently tears now filling my eyes.

"It said," Terrance composed himself, "told you I'd get you back Kyle! Oh wait, you'll be dead before you read this. God fucking damnit!" a cold rage slowly filled my chest.

"It was Eric! It was that fat dipshit again! And after how peaceful Kyle's parents were. Over-looking the genocide of their own people so no more blood would be shed!" I didn't even have words. I managed to cool down slightly. "Is everyone else okay?"

"Chef was brutally murdered. There didn't seem to be a reason why." Chef too? He was the only adult we could rely on! The thought brought tears streaming down my face.

"Stan, if you don't mind me asking why is Kyle in a coma?"

"Because I failed him. Like I fail everyone." I said tears streaming down my face. Terrance and Phillip immediately gave me a hug and tried to assure me that it wasn't. But they were wrong. This is all my fault.


Hey guys, sorry, this all got a little intense. Did season 21 episode 29 - Super Hard PCness (the one where Kyle cuts his hair) - kill anyone else? My poor child! Anyways, thanks for the support and votes and comments are appreciated. Have an awesome day~

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