Darkest Present

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Kenny pulled me away from Stan, and around the maze that was my home, until she was satisfied with our Stan free location. I've got to say; I was happy to be away from him as well. A whole week on that horse had almost had me wishing to be trapped back in the log cabin with Cartman, almost. Not once did Stan address the glaring issue of my love confession to him and then, just as we were arriving back at the castle, he exploded like some balloon that had been over inflated. There are so many emotions flying around my head right now that I wouldn't be surprised if some of them hit the sides of my brain too hard, and knocked me out.

"Are you alright, Kyle?" she asked, as she stared at me, looking concerned.

I wiped my eyes with my sleeves. "I mean, not really but thanks for getting me away from Stan." Kenny engulfed me in a massive hug, which I happily returned. It lasted a while. Then, Kenny let go and slapped me hard.

"Why the fuck would you agree to something so stupid! I didn't know what was going to happen to you! I thought you were dead!" she screamed at me. I rubbed his cheek in annoyance.

"Is that all the thanks I get for saving your life?" I responded.

"That's why the hug was first," Kenny replied. There was a pause. "Well, I suppose I should sign you back as King, and then start working on a plan to get my lands away from Cartman. There is no way he is getting even a single blade of grass after all the shit he's pulled!"

"Whoa, whoa, whoa," I responded, "we only just got back. Besides, I have a plan for all that," I said, with a smirk.

Kenny looked at me questioningly. "And, what would that be?"

"Did you see the fat potato sack on the other horse?"

"Yes...?" replied Kenny, sounding confused.

"Well, it's actually got fatass inside it. He will be the perfect bargaining chip. That is if his people even want him back. If not, we'll think of something else," I stated resolutely. Kenny burst out laughing.

The news of my return spread quickly. The gossip and rumours surrounding it quicker still. However, there was resounding happiness all around; cheers around town happier and louder than ever before. Although, there was a massive demand for an explanation of my disappearance.

It seemed that Kenny had also been a popular ruler, like I knew she would be. Still, being a human running an elven kingdom, not to mention while the King had disappeared, she had had a pretty big challenge on her plate. I suppose it had only been for a week or so though.


A massive celebratory banquet was held in the castle gardens for Kyle's return. Bright banners hung from the trees and enchanted warm lights flew around the gardens. Upbeat joyous music danced around my ears. There were intriguing, appetising smells surrounding me and endless delicious food to explore.

Many tears were shed and lots of people, elves, hugged Kyle. Perhaps, times were changing because I didn't think elves voluntarily hugged, or were capable of hugging. I thought it was something they were physically unable to do. One thing that didn't happen, however, was Kyle talking to or hugging me. We were both avoiding each other. I didn't sleep with him that night. I stayed in my room. I didn't know what to say to him. I'd made him cry and I was worried that with one wrong word or move the most important person in my life would be gone. Forever.

Even though Kyle had released basically the whole story to the public, rumours spread faster than the plague around Larnion about what was going on between Kyle and me. We'd been avoiding each other and people had their own theories. I'd had an affair with Craig, the humans were still mind controlling Kyle or I was secretly Cartman in disguise. People would defend these ideas with their lives; they were completely certain about exactly what was happening. I wish I was. My heart was constantly aching, and that was getting totally lame. I knew I was being stupid. I just needed to talk to Kyle; explain everything to him. But I was completely terrified by that idea; even though I knew, without a doubt, that he loved me back I just couldn't tell him. And I knew I was being a dick. But what if the two of us couldn't handle that kind of relationship? Not that our current one is any better at the moment. But what I know is what is safe, and nothing seems safe anymore. I felt like Kyle could die any moment and that anything and everything I was doing was making it all worse. I lay in bed and mentally beat myself up over it. I cried. I tried to let my anger out by training. Nothing worked.

As time dragged us all onwards my feelings of stress and tension just got worse and worse and worse. We'd made a deal with Zaron. They had their King back. Kenny had her Kingdom and family back and we also had Tweek and Craig. Larnion was bigger than ever. Bigger than Zaron, now that Kenny's land was incorporated into it, and that is not something Cartman's going to take lying down. Each day felt like a ticking time bomb, which fuse was getting shorter and shorter. When it ended, and the bomb exploded, all hell would break loose.

Early one summer morning, the explosion occurred. We were awoken by the blasting sound of war horns. Everything was a mess. People sprinted around, frantically preparing. I spent the morning barking orders. Kyle spent it calming the people. An army was amassed. Elves, humans and orcs alike. We quick marched to the border, where we had been alerted it had been crossed by a massive human army. What we were not expecting, however, were the dragons.

"Dude, dragons? Seriously?" Kyle yelled up at Cartman who sat atop the largest of the three monsters. "That's so cliché."

"No, it's not Kahl, it's kewl!" Cartman shouted back.

"Dude, it's totally weak," I said, agreeing with Kyle.

"Nu uh you guys! It's totally kewl."

"It's lame and unoriginal," said Craig, flatly.

"Oh yeah? Well screw you guys! You're going up in flames!" Cartman yelled as fire rained down on us.

"Shields!" yelled Kyle at the magicians. Immediately, a massive force field was created collectively covering the army. "This won't last long, but hold it until I say. Magicians, assemble into three groups. Each one take on a dragon. Remember, the under belly is where it's weakest. Archers, get into position and be ready to fire on my command. Soldiers, be ready to charge at the army when the forcefield lowers." There was a pause. "Now!" yelled Kyle. The forcefield gave way. I charged along with army. I could hear Kyle yelling 'Fire!' at regular intervals as we ran closer and closer to the fight, until we hit it and all hell broke loose.


Hey guys~ Sorry for the late updates, mixture of laziness, illness and being busy. They probably won't get any quicker.

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