Fake News

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Kyle rearranged his legs so that he sat cross legged with a palm gently holding each knee. Eyes closed. He looked so at peace with the world, yet there was an energy surrounding him. A soft wind in the lush forest of static air. Slowly, I placed my own hands on my knees. My eyes shut and the world started spinning. It felt almost as if I was levitating. Energies shot past my head like winds. My mind started feeling a pull. Somehow, I knew it was Kyle. His colours, his touch, his presence surrounded me. Engulfed me. I felt a pull towards him. An almost magnetic pull.

I slowly opened my eyes, feeling quite dizzy. Dazed, I looked over at Kyle just in time to see him about to fall to the floor unconscious. I caught him just in time. He looked so content with his head in my lap that I just let him lie there. His hat had half fallen off his head so I gently placed it on the floor, and absentmindedly let my fingers run through the mess of ginger curls.

Kyle doesn't like his hair, or is at least self-conscious about it. Something about how elves should be orderly and tidy. So, he always wears his hat. I absolutely love his hair though. Looking down at Kyle my heart fills with warmth. Kyle always makes me feel this way. Happier and more content than I ever am with anyone else.

After a while, I felt Kyle stir below me. I looked down to see him slowly opens his eyes. Hey Dude! I said, happy he was awake again.

Ugh my head. Kyle groaned back.

Dude, wait, dude, dude! These are my thoughts! You can hear my thoughts! I said excitedly.

Ha ha ha Kyle mentally giggled, he actually just giggled, mentally!

Dude this is so cool! I can feel your presence around me! You're kind of a green and orange blur, like a cloud surrounding my mind!

Yeah that's a good way to put it. You're sort a blue and red mist. I try disconnecting my mind. Pulling it away from Kyle. Huh, now it's just me again in my head. I visualise the cloud again and it's almost as if Kyle picks up my call.

Hey again! I said, happy I was starting to understand.

Hey Stan, you starting to get it?

Yeah dude, I think so. How does the whole location thing work?

I'll show you! And with that Kyle ran out the door.

Kyle? Where are you going? I say, feeling almost distressed.

I'm almost there; I'll show you when I get there. Sorry, I forgot a side effect is you'll feel more attached to me. You'll feel slightly restless when I'm not next to you. But, apparently, it's pretty easy to get used to. My heart hurts, as cringey as that sounds. Physical pain.

Suddenly I can visualise exactly where Kyle is, like a phots been slammed into my mind. He's in the stables.

I start running in the right direction. The closer I get the more the pain eases. Soon he's in my arms; I can't get close enough to him.

Stan, you ok? Asked Kyle nervously.

Y-Yeah. Just don't do that again. That hurt Kyle, that really hurt. I said with tears in my eyes.

Stan? Stan, I'm so sorry. It's hurting me too, just not to the same extent. You're going to have to get used to distance though, okay? Maybe this is affecting you worse because you're human. Damnit, Stan, I'm so sorry. This was a stupid idea. Said Kyle berating himself.

Hey dude, don't apologise. This is what I wanted remember? I said hugging him tighter. "Although, the whole thought talk thing is starting to freak me out, can we stop?" I asked, Kyle nodded. Man, this is really cool, if new and strange. I wonder how it will help in the future.


I wake up early, put on a little bit of make-up – okay maybe a little more than a little but I'm a princess, fight me – and one of my favourite dresses; the bodice is a pretty shade of lilac and the skirt is a pure white with gold dusting the bottom of it. I put on my parka hood, gold necklace and crown. Then head down to breakfast.

Today I'm on a mission. Craig and Tweek have been refusing to talk to me, since about a couple months ago. Around the time Kyle's parents died of the plague. Poor Kyle, I haven't been allowed to see him lately, since I keep demanding Eric treats my people better.

Anyways, that's not the plan right now; I can sneak out and see that sexy elf later. What I want to know is why some of my only friends haven't been talking to me.

I manage to find them in one of the sparring rooms. Perfect. I walk up behind Craig and start stroking his back. I can see Tweek bristling in annoyance out of the corner of my eye. Fake relationship my ass! I skip over to Tweek and give him an intimate hug, making sure to squish myself against him. Tweek starts making shirking noises and shoves me off. Craig is glaring at me. I love these guys, but I can sense a deeper annoyance within them, and I really don't understand why.

"Hello Tweek, hi Craig." I say giggling lightly into my parka. It creates a quite mumbled noise when I speak but they know what I'm saying. I twirl a strand of my long blonde hair round a finger waiting for a response, but none comes. Not even a middle finger from Craig. "Can you two please explain what I've done wrong? Why are you guys ignoring me?"

"I-I think it should be p-pretty fucking clear." Said Tweek in annoyance.

"Well it isn't." I say starting to get slightly agitated.

"We misjudged your character. We thought you were better than C-Cartman. Not another one of his pawns!" Tweek yelled at me Craig glared in agreement. I was taken aback. I wasn't really offended; I was more confused.

"You guys have known me for years! I always stand up to Cartman when I can. When committed the genocide of the elfish population here I said if he ever did anything like that again I'd refuse to marry him. I know it's not much, but I really can't do anything else. I promise I'll rip up the contract or flat out refuse to marry him/disappear if he does anything horrendous again! That way he won't have access to my land, people or resources." I said pleading with my friends, trying to convince them I could be a mediating influence for this country.

"They why the fuck haven't you done either of those things!" Tweek yelled at me.

"Why would I?" I said, a feeling of dread spreading over me. Tweek stared at me in confusion.

"Because Ca-Cartman m-murdered Kyle's parents! Excuse me for having some hope in the future Queen! I thought you guys were meant to be fucking friends!"

"What?" I said quietly.

"Dude, did no one tell you?" asked Craig.

"No, no one fucking told me! Except Cartman who told me they died of the plague! Some fucking friends you are!"

"S-Sorry Kenny, it was such big news. We just assumed you knew! Everyone knows! Gah! Oh my God! We ignored you for months! Gah!"

"Tweek, babe. Calm down." Said Craig patting his head gently. Tweek visibly relaxed and turned a little red. So cute.

"Sorry Tweek. It's my fault for trusting Cartman. I should have asked you guys. Right, we're going to have to focus on the present." I said with a determined spark in my eye. I could swear Craig was smiling. "Craig, I need to you steal the marriage contract I have with Cartman and destroy it. Tweek, I need you to ready a horse and supplies for me. I'm heading to Kyle's kingdom. I'm going to form an alliance between his people and mine. I'm sure he'll take better care of them than Cartman ever would. They're all still starving and poor seeing Cartman doesn't have to give them anything until we're wed." I finish bitterly. The two of them ran off. I headed to my quarters and started readying supplies. I'd almost finished packing when the door swung violently open.

Cartman walked into my room dragging Tweek and Craig in by their collars. They weren't moving. 


Hey guys~ my editor pointed out that elves seem British. They're not meant to show emotion. They're meant to be polite and look presentable... I think he has a point. Anyways, vote if you enjoyed and comments are always appreciated. Have an awesome day!

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