The Truth is Revealed

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I am, honestly, slightly surprised that worked. I have never given him an order before. I feel kind of like an asshole but then again, he was about to inadvertently start a war. Red was the first to speak.

"What is Stan doing?" she whispered not so quietly to Bebe and Wendy.

"Are we all meant to do that if Kyle gives us and order? Have I missed something?" asked Bebe.

"No." Said Wendy sounding a little irritated probably because Stan hadn't told her he was my bodyguard. "I do believe Stan is Kyle's bodyguard!" she said quite angrily. Then Cartman started laughing.

"You guys, haha, are you guys serious? You're his fucking bodyguard, Stan? Oh my god, this is priceless. This is actual proof that I shouldn't have trusted your family, Stan, you traitor! You're working against me!"

"If you hadn't murdered my family I wouldn't have left you ugly, fat living piece of shit!" Stan yelled at him. I knelt down beside Stan and patted his back gently. Murmurings could be heard from the people behind us. 'Wait, that's why Stan left?' 'Cartman murdered Stan's family?' 'I thought Cartman just threw them out the country.' It figures the fatass would have the media lie to the people. Typical. I smirked at Cartman. He could hear the murmurings too. His plan had back fired. Big time. Stan was trying to hold back tears and I was very pissed.

"Kindly leave Cartman." I said glaring at him.

"Oh yeah? Well I am going to leave. Not because you told me to but because this party sucks. Just like you, you fucking ginger elf Jew. Screw you guys, I'm going home." It took all my will power not to punch him into oblivion. Everyone looked a little stunned and shaken. I addressed the crowd.

"Well, sorry for that little intrusion. I bet you're all hungry. Food!" I yelled and several people hurried in with a buffet. I then walked over to the band and told then to play something lively. Slowly, the party got back to relative normalcy. I saw my Mom beckon at me to come over. Oh God, she's going to kill me! We walked into a nearby empty room.

"Well done bubby!" she said, giving me a large hug. What? "I didn't think you could handle that situation. We were about to send the guards in to stop Stan but you had everything under control."

"B-But I revealed Stan's identity and made the head of a neighbouring country, leave the country! I also got pretty emotional, elves are meant to be calm."

"Yes, but bubby you stopped a war and managed to get the party under control again! Your guests are very happy!" I stared at Mom in confusion, but decided to let it slide. If I wasn't going to be punished why fight it? "You're Dad and family are too hard on you sometimes. You have your own way of doing things and it works. You go enjoy the party bubby!" I smiled at her.

I walked back in, and started talking to the guests of both kingdoms. Thankfully, I didn't have to dance again. I'm honestly surprised I didn't break anyone's feet. Then, the gay couple from earlier came over to talk to me.

"If I could tell Cartman to leave a room I would be so happy." Said the guy with a blue chullo hat on.

"Um... thanks?" I replied, uncertainly.

"Gah! There's going to be a war! They're gonna get me! Ah t-t-too. Much. Pressure!"

"Tweek, calm down." Said the first guy, sounding bored. He put a hand on the guy's shoulder and I saw him visibly relax.

"That was cool what you did." Said the monotone guy. "However, I swear if you make my life any less boring I will find you. And I will kill you." I nodded at him slightly in fear and the couple walked off.

"Craig! You can't threaten the future King of a rival country! Gah! Oh God, Craig, you've doomed us all!" I heard Tweek yelling as they walked away. They were a bit of a strange couple but I decided I liked it. I scanned the room for Stan, but soon realised he wasn't there. Cartman must have really shaken him up. I mean, who wouldn't get shaken up by that? Let's see, he won't be in his room because he knows I'll find him there. Hmm, he'll be at the stables. Kenny grabbed my arm on the way out.

"Off to find your lover?" she asked giggling.

"Kenny, I swear to God!" I half shouted.

"Yeah, yeah I know, go find your lover boy. I'll keep things together here." I would have smiled gratefully at her, but I was too busy glaring.

Before I was in his line of vision Stan said, "Kyle leave me alone. I don't wanna talk about it." He said sniffling.

"I would, but I don't trust you not to go emo on me. And I am not going to let you just drink your worries away; you have school tomorrow."

"Fuck you dude." I sat down next to him in silence waiting for him to talk. "It's all my fault Kyle, if I hadn't befriended that fat fuck my parents and sister would still be alive. If I hadn't been so stupid. I should have known not to tell Cartman about my Dad's job. Now he's dead. And it's all me and my big mouths fault." He said tears rolling down his cheeks.

"That's just what fatass wants you to think. You couldn't possibly have known not to tell him, Stan. This is not your fault. It's Cartman's fault. It's one hundred percent his fault. He had tonnes of other sources. There are archives of who trades with who. Cartman could have easily found out that way. He would have sent troops after your family either way. He was just trying to rile you up. But you resisted, Stan. That's very impressive. I don't think I would have."

"I didn't think I would either." He said chuckling slightly. "But you shocked me so bad it kinda broke my trace of rage."

"Sorry I blew your cover." I said, guiltily.

"It's fine. Better that than war, right?" I laughed.

"Yeah, I guess you're right." After Stan had completely calmed down and there was no evidence he had been crying we re-joined the party just as it was coming to a close. I politely said goodbye to the guests and then Stan and I practically collapsed on to our respective beds.

Man, that was way more trouble than it was worth.


Thanks for reading! I really appreciate the support. Votes and comments appreciated. Have an awesome day guys!

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