Chapter 1: New Album

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A/N: Hi! This is my first Bts Fanfiction. So please go easy on me. :) Also this is probably gonna be a roller coaster of real problems and a roller coaster of emotions. So I'm grabbing my banana milk and carrots. You should too! ;)

September 19, 2017
Your POV:

I wake up to Jimin's beautiful angel voice, singing Lie. I close my eyes again, softly singing along with him. When I hear a door slam. My eyes jolt open. Dad must've been late to work again, and left in a hurry. I hear a sigh coming from mom, as she heads to her room. I sit up in my bed, and grab my phone, it's 7:03 am. I shouldn't be up till another hour. I yawn as I open a text message from last night at 11:36pm from two good friends of mine, Yun-Hee and Narae.


So what'd you guys think of their new album? I liked 'Go Go' best

I loved 'Pied Piper', also I'm pretty sure Y/N went to sleep earlier today. So tell us when you wake up Bo. Goodnight you guys 💜

Night! 💜

Bo is a nickname I was given by my mom and dad when I found out what boba was. But also when I got addicted to it. They shortened it up and got 'Bo' (pronounced like hair Bow). My family and close friends are the only people allowed to call me that.

I open Apple Music and type in Bts and click on their new album. Love yourself 'Her'. I browse instagram while listening to all the songs and decide I like DNA and Mic Drop the best. I text Yuni and Narae back.

7:36 am

Hey y'all, good morning! I listened to them. And I have to say DNA and Mic Drop.

Girl. Why are you awake so early???

Why are YOU up? 🤔

She woke me up. 😑 Wbu?

I was reading... 😆

Y/N and 💜Yuni💜
Of course you were.

My dad woke me up, he slammed the front door.

They fighting again...?😕

No, I don't think so. I think he was just late for work. At least that's what I'm telling myself.

You okay Bo? Do you wanna talk?

Nah, I'm fine. At least for now. I'll prolly open up at like 2:00 am one day. Haha

Bo... 😐

I'm fine. Really. I promise. 😁 I gtg, and get ready. You guys should too. Yuni get up and don't go back to sleep. We'll be late. Again.

Yeah, yeah. I will. 😛

😆 ok see you guys!

See ya!


I put my Bts playlist on shuffle and get up. I get out of my sweatpants and got out black jeans. I shiver as the cold air hits my bare legs. I pull my up jeans quickly. I take off my sleeping shirt, and put a plain white tee on. Then pulled a oversized grey hoodie on over that, that was on the floor. I find my white converse and slip them on. I look at myself in the mirror while I brush my long black hair. I wish I didn't though, it got all poofy. I sighed and just put a grey beanie on to hide my baby hairs. I looked okay. Good enough.

I roll up my charger, and stuff it in my bag. I put my phone in my pocket and grabbed my bag. I kissed my little sister, Mee, goodbye. That girl could sleep through the world ending. Then again so could I, but recently I got more restless and jumpy. I stepped out of my room and left the door cracked open. I walked down the hallway, threw my bag on the couch and went to the bathroom. I put my earbuds in and started brushing my teeth. By the time I was done with all this it was 8:23. I went to the kitchen, opened the fridge got some watermelon sat at the table and ate some.

I looked up from the fruit to find my mom looking at me and smiling sadly. I notice the the bags under her bloodshot eyes and her tear stained cheeks. "Are you okay, Ma?" I ask her.

"I'm okay, just your father was a little angry this morning." She says softly.

"Yeah, that seems to be one of his only emotions now." I mumble.

"Boba... that's not true. He's just a little stressed from work."

"Yeah. Sure."  I get up and put the rest of the fruit back in the fridge.

"Bo..." my mom pleads

"No, mom. Don't Bo me. If your fine with him treating you like that. Fine. But I'm not okay with it." I grab my bag, get my keys and close the front door behind me.

I unlock my truck, I softly hit my hand against the Bts sticker on my back windshield. I think of it like good luck. I have a sticker on the bottom right and left l, so no matter what side I'm on I can get my good luck. I sit in the drivers seat and turn on the ignition, it rumbles to life. The truck is a maroon red 2006 Lincoln, it's not completely new but it gets me from point A to Point B, and it's pretty nice. I turn on Mic Drop and roll out of the driveway. 

I stop at Narae's at 8:43 she walks out with 2 books in hand and her backpack straps slowly falling down her shoulders . She taps the sticker and climbs in the seat behind me. "Morning Bo!" She said as she pushed her glasses back into place.

"Morning!" I say back. When we get to Yuni's she runs out the door and slaps the sticker and climbs into the passenger side. "Dude! Easy with the sticker, your gonna break my glass."

"Oops." She laughs as she looks down at her seat. "Dude. You really gotta wash these seat covers." She points at a white stain on my black Bts seat covers.

"I did. Twice." This dummy spilled mayo on my seat a few days ago when we got burgers.

"Oh haha." I roll my eyes playfully and switch the song to N.O.

"Do you guys wanna go get Boba?" I ask

"Are you paying?" Yuni counters.

"I'll pay this time."  Narae chirps while smiling.

We make it to school right on time, with drinks in hand we walk in at 9:10. Ready to start the day.

A/N: so? What'd you think?   *munches on carrot

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