Chapter 4: The Funeral

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October 13, 2017
Your POV:

My eyes jolt open, I'm out of breath. I'm freezing but I'm sweating. It's the same nightmare.  I can never remember it. All I can remember is running down a lonely road in the rain. My room is dark, darker than usual with the occasional flashes of light. How ironic , it's actually raining. And for a bonus, it's my dads funeral today. And it's Jimin's birthday, ha, today is going to be interesting. I woke up a bit earlier than I was supposed to. It's 6am and the funeral is from 11:00am to 12:30pm and the after thing is from 1:00 to 3:00pm. I look at Mee, her eyes are puffy and she has a sad face. She has been crying for our dad a lot, I feel bad for her. I grab my phone and I see messages from Narae and Yuni from last night.


💜Yuni💜                                                                   I'll be there at 7.

💜Narae💜                                                                Me too.


💜Yuni💜                                                                    Happy birthday to Jiminie!!!

💜Narae💜                                                                To our Mochi! 💜

💜Yuni💜                                                                    Anyway gtg, goodnight.

💜Narae💜                                                                 Night.

These girls and I have the most messed up sleep schedules and most of the time it's thanks to the boys. I don't mind but it gets a bit crazy after awhile. I'm literally freezing in this house. I put the covers over my head and listen to music for the next hour or so. when my phone buzzes.


💜Narae💜                                                                We're outside.

💜Yuni💜                                                                    And now we're letting ourselves in.

I playfully roll my eyes. What was I thinking giving them an extra set of keys. I hear my door crack open and shut quietly. I look up from the covers and I see two blurs and then I'm attacked. "Eww, get off. You guys are wet!" I whisper yell.

"but we love youuu." Narae chirps.

"I love you guys too, but I can't breathe."

"Ugh, your no fun..." Yuni sighs as they get off.

"Ah, a weights been lifted." Yuni punches my shoulder.  "I'm kidding. Mostly." We try our best to stay quiet. Narae straightened my hair as i curled Yuni's since narae had her hair braided. We all had matching black dresses, around knee length. No sleeves, tight fitted around our chest and torso. While flowy the way down with black leggings covering our legs from the cold. A black dress coat with black converse. Finally a black umbrella.

Mee had her long brown hair braided into a crown. With a black flowy dress, black flats, black leggings and a long dress coat.

My mom had a tight knee length dress with knee high high heels and a dress coat. With her hair let down in its natural wavy state. Dad hated that, i guess it was kind of a final FU to him. We all got into my mom's black SUV and by 10:30 we were at the cementary. The funeral consisted of final goodbyes, a few tears shed by people who didn't really know him. People telling us what a great man he was. It was pretty boring until a man dressed in all black, (shocker right) stepped out of a silver ferrari. He was about maybe 30 to 40 but had aged well. I was curious about him so I decided to talk to him.

???'s POV:

It's a small funeral, not very many people. I look for the girl I'm supposed to know more about. My eyes land on a beautiful young lady, I immediately know its her. She is looking at me, curiosity spiking to the max. I see now why the boys were so intrigued by her. The girl who wore headphones was now walking towards me. I saw a familiar fire in her dark  brown eyes.

Your POV:

"Hi, I'm Y/N. Who are you?" I speak to the man. "Ah, as curious as a cat I see. My name is Muk Jung-Hee, nice to finally meet you. I worked with your father and came to pay my respects."   "Ah, came to pay the good man respect huh." "He was a good man, was he not?" "Yeah, sure. Anyway he's over there. Well his body is anyway and at 1:00 we're going to my house to eat or something, until 3:00. So yeah. Anyway have a good day. Bye." I walk away not giving him enough time to respond.

Jung-Hee's POV:

Mh, she is a very interesting girl indeed. I'm intrigued, you'd think a daughter would be more distraught about her father's death but she looked like it was more of an inconvienience more than anything. At least I will find out where she lives. My acting skills have paid off so far. Lee Y/N goes back to two other girls. I suppose it's her only two good friends. Min Yun-Hee and Ryeo Narae. Very Interesting back stories on them as well.

Your POV:

"Who was that?" Yuni automatically asked. "His name is Muk Jung-Hee, he worked with my dad I guess." "Hmhh..." Yuni and Narae say together as they watch the man pull out his cellphone.

Jung-Hee's POV:


Jung-Hee                                                                  I made it to the funeral, and I found the girl, Lee Y/N. 

3 Attachments Sent.

Namjoon                                                                  Good, just learn more about her and her friends and immediate family.

Jung-Hee                                                                  Yes sir.

Hoseok                                                                      Guys. Isn't this a bit... strange...?

Taehyung                                                                 Yeah, you've gotta admit.

Seokjin                                                                   It wasn't my idea so don't blame me.

Yoongi                                                                        You weirdo's are stalking the girl.

Taehyung                                                              Correction, Namjoon-Hyung is stalking the girl.

Jimin                                                                          Actually, Jung-Heessi is...

Jung-Hee                                                                   Well don't blame me, I was told to do something and I did as I was told.

Namjoon                                                                    I'm doing this for Hoseok-ah and Jeonggukie.

Hoseok                                                                       Rrrighttt...

Jungkook's POV:

I don't pay attention to my arguing Hyungs. I'm too busy looking at Y/N. Jung-Heessi took pictures of her and I finally get to see her face without a hood over it and tears staining her cheeks. She's gorgeous. I'm blushing so bad right now I can feel it burning my face. I also feel sad because I read a comment on another girls post of her fit body of Y/N saying that she believes that she herself should go on a fast and lose weight because she's 'fat'. But she's beautiful just the way she is. She may be a bit fluffier than her friends but it looks good. She looks really good. I can't believe I'm falling for Lee Y/N. And I've never even met her.

-•Time skip•-

Your POV:

Once everyone left, my mom left to her room. Mee was physically, emotionally and mentally exhausted, she left to sleep in her own room an hour ago. Yuni goes to our pantry , pulls out chips and pops popcorn and we migrate to my room. We rewatch all of 'Run! BTS' and watch cute and funny compilations of them. Then we fall down a hole of sad BTS videos. We're all bawling when it truly hits me.

"Guys. My dad is dead. Oh my God, he's really dead." My voice breaks "My mom is just a shell now. She's empty. My little sister buried her dad at 6 years old. My older sister didn't even bother to show up. But I don't blame her." I wipe my tears as more threaten to come down. "We're screwed. I'm screwed. We're gonna go broke. My life is over."

"No your not, we'll be here for you, always" Yuni says softly.

"We love you so so god dang much." Narae tells me. They squeeze me tight while we sleep that night. Maybe they were worried I'd leave them and float away. I hug them back tighter. I'm afraid the world will yank them away from me too. They are two out of nine people who bring me happiness and love. And the other seven have no clue I exist or how much I owe them.

They've saved me. These nine people are the only reason I haven't let go yet. I love them more than words or actions could ever express.

A/N: Hi guys! So the ball has now started rolling. I would really appreciate it if you could vote and comment on my story if you've enjoyed it so far. Come back for the next chapter.

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