18 │misery loves company

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Bored out of his mind, Garrett toggles with the television remote as he browses through the selection of movies and shows on Netflix. His hand begins to tremble, the light weight of the remote, and the length of the few minutes he's been holding it, enough to send a tingling pain through his tendons.

He sighs, letting the arm drop to his side, as he turns toward the window. The pain has been getting better over the past few days, but there are moments that when he's doing the simplest things—or even nothing at all really—a sudden, agonizing pain will shoot through his body. Like right now. Everything feels like it's on fire, his skin burning up. As if he was still in that bus...

A plate shatters from the kitchen and he quickly turns to look at the open doorway to his room. Footsteps can be heard as something scrapes against the floor.


The footsteps halt for a moment before speeding up as they head toward his room.


A glimpse of auburn red startles him as Hannah hurriedly cuts from the corner of the hallway and into the room, her long hair swinging wildly with each step. "Hey! Did you call?"

He takes a deep breath, his nerves getting the best of him. "Yeah, I just... I thought I heard something."

"Yeah, that was me. I broke a plate." She blushes, leaning against the doorframe. "Sorry."

He glances at the ceiling, trying hard to mask the pain from her. "Okay."

"So pizza or lasagna for dinner?"

"Whichever. I don't care."

"Why are you so grumpy, sir?" She walks into the room and sits next to him on his bed. He turns to the side, groaning. Her eyes widen as she glances down at him. "Garrett! Why didn't you tell me?"

Garrett grits his teeth, still trying hard to play it off. "Tell you what?"

"It's time."

"No, we really don't have to."

She lifts up from the bed, the mattress rocking sending another excruciating pain spreading through his body. Everything stings. "Uhh yes, we do. You're still recovering from severe burns and, if you don't get your shot, the pain is just going to get worse. You know that."

Glancing back up at the ceiling, he takes in a deep breath. Hannah rolls out a small, metal tray from the corner of the room that stands a couple a feet above the ground. On it are a few glass bottles and medical vials. Next to them on a piece of cloth lays a large syringe with a good three-inch needle.

He watches as she picks up the syringe and sticks the needle through the silicone opening on one of the small vials. She begins to pull the plunger backward, the barrel filling with a maroon liquid.

"It's just... the pain. It reminds me that I'm still alive."

Slowly and carefully, she pulls the needle upwards and out from the vial, then lightly pushes the plunger to shoot out some of the liquid from the tip. She glances over at him as she lays the vial back on the tray then eases her way his direction."You don't need pain to remind you that you're still alive. You've suffered enough."

"Have I?"

Not really sure what he's referring to, she ignores the question as she figures it is just the pain talking. He stares into her eyes as he feels the needle's tip line up with a bulging vein on the pit of his elbow. It pierces his skin as she injects the shot, pumping the maroon substance into his system.

She steadily pulls the needle back out and dabs at his skin with a cotton swab. She then applies a small bandage. "You're one of the strongest people I know, Garrett."

A knock comes from the door and she turns to the hallway, setting the syringe back down on the tray. She pushes the tray back into the corner and stands up. "Looks like we have company."

He watches her as she fixes her long skirt before exiting the room. He feels the drug kick in almost instantaneously, a tingling sensation traveling throughout his body as his nerves begin to grow numb.

Hannah opens the front door, a smile spreading across her face as she's happy to see that Garrett finally has visitors. "Hello."

Nervously playing with her nails, Taylor shoots her a smile back as she stands in front of the door. Morgan leans against the wooden railing of the porch, looking off to the side.

"Hi. We're friends of Garrett's from school. We were wondering if we could see him?" Taylor asks.

Hannah frowns. She really doesn't want to turn them away, as Garrett could use some friends right now. But he could also use some rest, especially after the dose she just gave him. "He's actually about to go to sleep. Can you come back another time? Maybe tomorrow?"

Taylor glances at Morgan, and then turns back to her. "It's really important that we see him today. Please."

Before Hannah can respond, Morgan cuts in.

"I just want to fill him in on some things regarding the football team." He smirks. "Let him know that he's still on our minds. We won't take too long. Promise."

Morgan has always had an act for being able to wield his manipulated charm on command. And it always works.

"Okay, come in." Hannah pushes the door wide open, holding it as she lets the two enter the house.

She leads them down the hallway, toward Garrett's room. "I just gave him a dose of his medication, so he'll more than likely drift off soon."

"We'll be fast." Taylor says, gulping as they turn the corner to enter the room.

"Garrett, some friends are here to see you."

Caught off guard, Garrett turns to the doorway. Friends?

Taylor and Morgan both stare back at Garrett, a deafening silence filling the air.

"Hey." Taylor forces a smile, but Garrett doesn't respond. Instead, he continues to hold his cold stare.

Awkwardly, Hannah backs up toward the door. "Well, if any of you need anything I'll be right down the hall in the kitchen." She shoots a brief glimpse at Garrett. "Okay?"

He doesn't respond, but instead continues to stare at his 'friends'.

"Okay. Thank you." Taylor says, watching as Hannah leaves. She listens to the footsteps as Hannah walks down the hall, as if to ensure that she's far enough away before talking.

Morgan focuses on the bandages covering what's exposed of Garrett's body from the top of the sheets, and then looks over at the tray sitting in the corner. The guilt begins to seep in even deeper.

"You here to finish the job?" Garrett snaps. Part of him wishes that was the case. That they would just put an end to his suffering now.

"Garrett—" Morgan steps forward.

Garrett turns his head to the wall, clearly not wanting to hear anything coming from Morgan's mouth. "Just leave. Both of you."

Taylor takes a deep breath. "Can we please talk to you?"

"Are you deaf?" His tone grows more annoyed by the second. "I said leave."

She walks around the bed to face him. "Garrett, Julia is dead."


"Somebody murdered her."

Stunned, his eyes widen as he listens. Or tries to, rather.

She continues. "And I got a note in my locker before it happened. So did Paige. Somebody is—"

"So what, y'all think I did it?" He lifts his arms, his hands dangling limply as the drug continues to kick in. "If you haven't noticed, I'm not in the best shape right now."

She shakes her head. "No, that's not what I'm saying."

Morgan steps closer, cutting in. "Did you tell anyone?"

"Tell anyone what?" Garrett scoffs, peering over at Morgan.

"You know what."

"Tell me, Morgan. I want to hear you say it."

Feeling his short-tempered fuse beginning to ignite, Morgan breaks eye contact and turns to the wall. He doesn't deserve to be the person getting angry, not here. "Did you tell anyone what happened that night or not?"

"The night you left me to die? In a burning bus?" Garrett continues to stare at him, his eyes glazed with hatred. "That night?"

Morgan glances back at him, his silence answering the question clearly.

Garrett lets out a frustrated laugh. "Well, no. I didn't."

Taylor and Morgan look at each other, feeling somewhat relieved. The short-lived relief fades as a mutual thought crosses through both of their minds. If he didn't tell anyone, then how does this person know? Could it be one of them?

"Happy now?" Garrett turns his head to focus back on the wall across from him.

Outside in the hallway, Hannah leans against the wall as she tries to listen. Her face reads a mixture of confusion and concern.

"No. We're not happy." Seeing him after all this time—especially like this—Taylor can't help but feel pity for him. And, of course, guilt. "Garrett, we also came here to apol—"

"Y'all can leave now." He cuts her off.

"No, Garrett. We—"

"I said y'all can leave now!" He screams, his words beginning to slur. He doesn't look away from the wall but not by choice, the drug incapacitating his body.

Hannah walks in immediately, her tone now more serious than welcoming. "I think it's time to say goodbye. Garrett needs his rest."

Taylor nods, still looking at Garrett. "Bye."

His eyes shift to a long mirror on his wall, the only part of his body he can move, and he stares at Morgan as he leaves through the doorway with Taylor.

"Go ahead and get some rest. I'll have dinner ready in a couple of hours, okay?" Hannah smiles at him through the mirror before closing the bedroom door.

Garrett stares at himself in the mirror, hearing the front door shut as Hannah walks Taylor and Morgan out of his house. His eyes twitch and, almost immediately, he begins to drift off into a deep sleep.

♫ ᴇʏᴇ ᴏғ ᴛʜᴇ ɴᴇᴇᴅʟᴇ / sɪᴀ ♫  

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