23 │haunted

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As the sun begins to rise, it drapes the small town of Riverside in a glistening, yet humble, hue of gold. The scarlet sky appears to be blushing overhead, watching the city as it awakes to yet another day.

Over on Fifth Street, the O'Neil residence appears as tranquil as ever. No sign of Garrett, Hannah, or any life for that matter.

That is until Taylor's car speeds past it, twisting the corner of the winding road rapidly as she carelessly types a text message on her phone. Music blares out of her rolled down windows, disturbing the serenity of the neighborhood.

The song fades out. A man talks for a few seconds before another tune begins and, excitedly, Taylor tosses her phone into the passenger's seat and looks at the radio. "Ohh, I love this song!"

She leans down to grab the volume button and twists it, turning it up as loud as she possibly can. The steel shell of the car begins to vibrate, trembling to the beat of the song. She sits back up, turning back to the windshield, and gasps as she quickly steps on the brake pedal.

But it's too late. A thin line of blood splatters onto the windshield as the car slams into the bike, sending the young boy tumbling into the pavement and underneath her front bumper. The car lifts up and then quickly drops, as if she drove over a speed bump, before coming to a screeching halt in the middle of an intersection.

Taylor stares forward, frozen in a moment of dismay, and watches the blood ooze down the window as she feels her hands begin to shake. A thick cloud of dark grey smoke rises from the bent hood. She can taste it with each heavy breath she takes as it slips in through the open windows.

Suddenly, there's a loud banging. As if somebody was angrily slamming their fists on the trunk of the car. Or banging from the inside of it, trying to free themselves.

"Taylor..." A female voice, all too familiar, softly speaks from a distance. It is as inviting as it is eerie.

Out of the corner of her eye, she sees a figure move near the light post and turns to look out of the passenger's window. The constant banging grows louder with each blow.

Watching from the sidewalk, Paige steps off of the curb and into the street. She screams, her voice seeming to echo throughout the community. "That blood is on YOUR hands!"

The sheets nearly fall off of her bed as Taylor jumps up, waking from the nightmare. Her t-shirt clings to her chest, drenched in sweat, and she continues to breathe heavily as if still inhaling the smoke from her dream.

A knock comes from her bedroom door. "Taylor?"

"Come in." She says, brushing her frizzed bangs out of her face.

Morgan cracks the door open and lingers in the doorway. "God, you sleep like a rock. I've been knocking for over a minute."

"Sorry." She says, sitting up straight as she pulls the covers from her legs.

He wipes at a smudge of oil on his left cheek with the back of his hand. "It's cool. So I fixed your car. Temporarily anyway. Looks like the battery was out and something might be wrong with the engine."

Rather surprised by his sudden nice gesture, Taylor rubs at her eyes to ensure she's actually awake. "Uhh... Thanks?"

"No problem, sis." He smiles before pulling back into the hallway, closing the door behind him.

Lately he's been acting better. More calm. Relaxed. Like he used to be, that is before the accident shattered all their lives to hell.

She gets to her feet and stumbles to the foot of her bed, walking around it, as she approaches her windows. She twists open the blinds and looks into their driveway at her car, as if to ensure the hood was still intact.

The dream was so real. So vivid.

She turns around and her big toe brushes against her camera bag. She looks at the open bag and leans down to grab her camera, thinking about how it's been weeks since she has used it. She pushes the power button and the screen promptly lights up as the lens extends outwards. She hits a button to go through the recent pictures taken, realizing that she never even developed the pictures from the last football game. She smiles at a picture of Casey posing with the cheerleading squad.

A few moments later, she is across the hall in another room. The guest room she had convinced her parents to let her convert into a darkroom for her photography. It's nearly pitch black, except for the dim crimson light coming from a long bulb hanging from the ceiling.

Taylor slowly dips the seemingly blank photographic paper into a bath of various chemicals in a rectangular plastic container. She pushes it down until it is completely submerged underneath the fluid and leaves it, slowly retracting her hands before drying them with a damp hand towel on the table.

The long table is centered in the middle of the small room. A thin fishing line stretches from both walls on her left and right, pictures dangling from the line above the table.

She moves to the right of the table to another plastic container, one with a picture already sunk in it. Seeing it's fully developed, she reaches in to grab it and slowly slips it out of the liquid at an arched angle.

Smiling, she looks at the image as she lets the fluid drip. It's a photo of the Riverside Gators after their latest victory, Morgan risen up in the air by a horde of his enthusiastic teammates. Riley walks toward them in the background.

Her smile quickly fades as she notices, further behind Riley, Garrett standing a few yards past the crowd as he glares coldly at Morgan. His face reads nothing but disappointment and pain. As if he knew where that night was heading.

She uses a small plastic clip to pin it to the fishing line and watches it as it slowly dries.

"Hey. You ready?" Taylor, phone pressed against her face, eases on her brakes as her car approaches a stop sign at an intersection. She waits a few seconds before driving forward. "Okay, I'm about to turn down your street. See you then."

She ends the call with Casey and sets her phone down in the cup holder. Her hair is pulled back into a loose bun and her bangs are swept carelessly to the side. As usual, she had lost track of time in the darkroom and was almost late leaving for school. She just threw on a fresh pair of jeans and tank top and jumped in her car.

A faint tapping comes from underneath her hood as her engine begins to rattle. Suddenly, the engine dies and the steering wheel locks up.

"Shit!" She says, struggling to turn the wheel to pull the car over to the side of the road as it abruptly slows to a stop. She shakes her head, frustrated, as she hits the buttons to turn on her emergency lights. "Son of a..."

Gazing around the neighborhood, she sighs and reaches down to snatch the phone from the cup holder. She starts to dial Morgan's number when she hears honking behind her.

A red SUV, with some dings and paint peeling on it, pulls up behind her. She looks in the rearview mirror and recognizes it instantly, sighing as she glances down in embarrassment.

Marc steps out of his car and walks over to her already rolled down window. "Hey. Car trouble?

"Nope, just enjoying the view." She says sarcastically.

He laughs. "I could check it out. I mean, if you don't mind."

"I don't want to be a bother—"

"Don't be ridiculous." His tone grows serious. "You could never bother me."

She gestures for him to go for it and leans down to pull the lever to pop the hood. "Well, if you insist."

He walks to the front of the car and lifts the hood, propping it up with the support rod. He starts with the battery, checking to make sure the cables are hooked onto it securely, as the driver's door opens and Taylor steps out onto the pavement.

"You know, I'm not a mechanic or anything, but I think something's just wrong with the battery." Marc has his head buried under the hood, not noticing she had left the car. He turns around and is startled to see her standing a couple of feet beside him. As if seeing her for the first time in years, he blushes nervously. "I mean, it could be the engine but I'm not really sure. Want a jump?"


He runs back to his car and hops inside. He drives past her car and makes a wide turn to twist it, positioning the vehicle directly in front of hers. Luckily nobody else has driven by yet, considering they're both now hogging up the middle of the narrow road.

After popping the hood of his car, he leaves the engine running as he jumps out of it and walks around to the back of the SUV. He pops open the trunk to grab his jumper cables before heading back over to the front of the car where he fastens them onto his battery.

Taylor watches, rather confused. "I'd help but... Yeah."

"I remember." He laughs, pulling the cord along as he walks over to Taylor's car to hook the other end of the cables onto her battery. "You don't know much about cars."

"Yeah." She says, glancing to the side. "Well, at least I know how to drive them. I mean, usually."

He pulls on the cables to ensure they're secure and glances back at her, smiling. "Want to try starting it?"

Rather than leaving, she lingers there for a moment as she looks at him. It's been a while since they've talked, or even seen each other so close in person. Part of her just wants to embrace him with a hug. She shoots a tense smile, quickly walking back to her car. "Sure."

She sits down in the driver's seat, leaving the door open, and reaches up to twist the key. Nothing happens.

He slightly adjusts the jumper cables. "Try again."

The second she twists the key the ignition starts, the engine letting out a slight rattle as it comes to life. A high pitch, deafening screech comes from the engine and Marc scrunches his face, quickly unfastening the jumper clips and pulling out the cord before slamming the hood down.

Him and Taylor exchange looks through the windshield and he smirks as the screech quickly fades out. "Yeah, you might want to get that engine checked."

"Sorry." She laughs, trying hard at this point to mask the embarrassment, as he walks over to her door.

After making sure her legs are inside the car, he carefully shuts the door, and slightly leans in through the window.

"Well, thanks for the jump." She says, shooting him a smile. She doesn't know what else to say.

He pushes himself off her door, slowly backing up to his car. "Anytime."

"See you in class?"

"See ya." He says before turning around to pull the other end of the cables out from under his hood.

She looks down to shift the gear in reverse and glances at her rearview mirror.


She turns her head back out the window, watching him as he slowly backs up to the rear of his car, wrapping the jumper cables neatly in his hands.

"Nash misses you." He smiles. "And so do I."

For a moment, their eyes lock as they smile at each other. No words are exchanged, but rather a kindly unspoken reminder that they are still in love.

She turns back to the steering wheel, slowly lifting her foot from the brake pedal as she backs the car up and then peels around his car, driving off down the street.

Marc, still smiling, watches her drive until the road curves, her car slipping out of sight behind a row of houses. He tosses the cables back into his car and slams the trunk door shut.

Taylor can't help but eagerly glance back-and-forth from her windshield to her rearview mirror as if he would pursue her. But after the way she treated him, does she even deserve that?

The car slowly rolls to a stop at the next intersection and she flicks her blinker on to turn right. A young boy, similar to the one in her dream, looks both ways before pedaling his bike through the crosswalk in front of her car. He turns his head to smile at her as he passes by and, just like that, images of that dreadful night begin to flood her mind once again.

♫ ғɪʀsᴛ (ʀᴇᴛᴜʀɴ ᴛᴏ ᴛᴀᴄᴋʏʟᴀɴᴅ) / ᴄᴏʟᴅ ᴡᴀʀ ᴋɪᴅs ♫

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