About Silas

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'About the Author' is just way too formal of a title for me. Umm, let's see. How to start this off. My name is Silas Bleu (although a few of you might know me as something else *ahem*), as one might have guessed. For a guy that tends to be a bit of a grammar whore at times, that typo-of-a-last-name sure did catch my interest when coming up with a pseudonym. I actually stole it from a future TTH character. Sorry Mr. Bleu, looks like we're going to have to find you a new name!

Aspiring author here, screenwriter, and lyricist. Basically, I just love writing. I realized that at a very young age when English quickly became my favorite subject in school. While everyone else would pull out their hair at the thought of writing an essay, I jumped out of excitement! I would write my own "books" throughout the years, but later scrapped them thinking that they just weren't good enough.

Growing up, I realized that I shouldn't set such high standards for myself. Being so self-critical would only lead to more flaws and disappointment. I decided that whatever I write, I'm going to keep. Even if I don't publish it, or even finish it for that matter, I can use parts of that work to derive it into another story. Something better.

Unfortunately, The Truth Hurts is one of those projects I gave up on. I wrote the premise years ago in school, had it mapped out to be a television series, and even had the pilot episode script in the works. But I tossed it, deleting everything. Recently I found an old file in my e-mail detailing the basic plot with some of the characters. This inspired me to take the story and alter it to appeal to, not only the young generation, but more mature readers as well. If you enjoy how the story is going so far, then hopefully you understand the point I'm making. Everything you write is for you. If it doesn't live up to your expectations, don't just erase it. Improve it. Twist it into a new version that you're comfortable enough to share. After all, you can only improve over time.

If you ever want to reach out to me, tag me in the comments or shoot me a message. Sometimes they tend to get a little lost, but I promise I'm not ignoring you. If I don't reply, feel free to spam away until I do! :)

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