Part Thirteen

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I knocked on the wooden door in front of me, before turning to look around the area while awaiting a response. The small house wasn't much compared to the large houses surrounding it. There were no cars in the drive, so I was hoping that someone would be home.

The door swung open, and Cole was in front of me, still leaning against both of his crutches. When he realized it was me, he sighed and shook his head.

"Oh, God, what now?" he asked, and I smiled at him.

"Cole, you be nice to that man!" I heard his mother yell from behind him, before she walked over to the doorway to greet me with a smile. "Hello, it is nice to see you again, Officer."

She gave me a much sweeter greeting than the last time I met her. I gave her a smile. "It's a pleasure, Mrs. Mancini. How are you doing today?"

"I am doing good. Come in?" she offered, her accent strong as she gestured for me to enter their house.

"Oh, no thank you, Mrs. Mancini. I just wanted to know if I could borrow Cole for a moment?" I asked, and Cole shook his head from beside his mother.

"I have to wash the dishes," Cole said, clearly desperate to get me to leave.

"You wait to do that. Cole, go with the police," his mother said, her light eyes blinking up at me.

"Mamma," Cole mumbled, and she shook her head.

"Faresti meglio a smettere di essere scortese o tuo padre dovrà avere a che fare con te," his mother told him.

I had no idea what she said, but her voice sounded stern, and Cole seemed defeated as he looked at me.

"I'll be back soon, Mamma," Cole said, towering over his mother to give her a hug. She was a very petite lady, and he was a very tall boy, so she reached just up to his mid chest in height as she hugged him.

Cole closed the door behind him and crutched out onto the porch with me, his eyes squinting shut from the heavy sunlight.

"Do you need any help?" I asked as he threw his crutches in the backseat of my car.

He didn't answer me, he just got in the passenger side. I furrowed my eyebrows and got in the driver's side of my car, turning the key to start it.

"Cole-" I started.

"I'm not answering your questions anymore," he said, pushing his hair out of his eyes.

I pulled out of his driveway, staring at the road. "I know, you don't have to."

"Then what more could you possibly want with me?" he asked, his voice filled with frustration. "I told you I don't want to talk about this anymore."

"I know, Cole, I know," I said to him, focusing on the road. "I'm sorry that we keep bothering you."

It was silent in the car. I just shook my head, it almost felt refreshing to be dealing with a teenager again.

"You remind me so much of my son-" I started.

"I'm not your fucking son," Cole cut me off, his tone ice cold. "Do you understand that? I just got away from someone who thought I was their son, and now I have to deal with it again?"

His words punched me in the stomach - they physically made me nauseous. I didn't blame him, though - he had every right to be that way.

I took a deep breath and moved my gaze to the red stoplight in front of me.

"I'm sorry," Cole said quietly, and I looked at him, a bit surprised that he apologized.

"You... you don't have to apologize," I said, studying his appearance. His eyes had light bags beneath them, and they were a bit swollen. He was staring at the sleeve of his shirt, playing with the frayed strings on the end of it.

"I... I haven't been feeling right these days," he shook his head, rubbing his hands over his face before running his fingers through his hair.

"Well..." I started, but a car honked behind me, and I realized the light had turned green. "All right, all right... relax, dumbass," I rolled my eyes and complained about the car behind me, shaking my head.

Cole laughed from beside me, and my heart immediately felt warm. I felt awful for him.

"Cole, I know you don't like me that much," I said. "But you don't have to continue going through Hell after you just got out of it. You can always talk to me if you need to, I hope you know that."

He stared at me for a few seconds. "What happened to your son?"

I swallowed hard and licked my bottom lip. "He... he doesn't talk to me anymore. It- It's my fault, though. I fully blame myself."

Cole exhaled heavily. "I don't know what happened, but if it means anything, I wish my dad cared even half as much as you do."

I inhaled, and tried desperately to hide how happy his words made me. It felt really good to be appreciated.

Cole looked ahead and furrowed his eyebrows. "Why are we at the hospital?"

"You'll see," I said with a smile before getting out of the car.

I moved around to the other side of my car, gathering his crutches. Cole got out of the car and I helped him get situated with his crutches. Just as we started walking towards the entrance of the hospital, somebody must have run up to us without me seeing.

A man in a suit tapped Cole's shoulder, making him jump in alarm. I immediately moved in front of Cole, before I realized that the man was just a reporter.

"I'm so sorry," the reporter said, "but it would be amazing if you could just answer a few questions for me, Cole?"

"Fuck no," Cole spat, and the man recoiled in pure shock at Cole's attitude.

"Oh- o-okay, how about you, Officer Rocklin? Please, it will only take one minute," the reporter said, holding a small recording device in front of my face.

I turned and ignored him, holding onto Cole as we continued walking into the hospital. Luckily enough, the reporter left us alone easily and walked back to his car in the parking lot.

We entered the hospital and walked through the first floor to room 110A. I stood outside the door, gesturing for Cole to enter the hospital room.

Cole crutched into the room, and I followed behind him.

Elliot was sitting in his hospital bed, talking to his mother, Jasmine, who was beside him. Elliot looked up, and immediately smiled at the sight of Cole.

"Cole!" Elliot squealed, his face lighting up.

"Hey, buddy," Cole crutched over to him, a smile on his face as Elliot reached up and threw his arms around Cole, nearly knocking Cole off balance.

"Easy, baby," Jasmine told Elliot, and Elliot continued to squeeze onto Cole as tight as he could.

"Look Cole, I am all better!" Elliot exclaimed, and Cole laughed under his breath.

"Of course you are," Cole told him, and Elliot laughed before suddenly frowning.

"You're on crutches," Elliot pointed out, and then he looked down at the bandaged wound on Cole's leg. "What happened?" he asked Cole.

Cole's eyes flickered towards me for assistance, before I stepped closer to Elliot.

"Hey Elliot, let's not talk about bad things, okay? Only good things," I said to him with a big smile. "Got it?"

"Okay!" Elliot agreed loudly.

While Cole and Elliot talked, I averted my attention to Jasmine, who shook her head and watched them.

"How's he been?" I asked her, and she smiled up at me.

"He's doing amazing. He has that light back in him that he had before all this," she said.

"That's absolutely incredible," I said with a grin, before there was a sudden knock on the open door.

We all looked over to see Liv standing there with Bella.

Bella looked hesitant, her eyes big as she looked between Elliot and Cole.

Cole straightened his posture, and watched as Bella walked quickly over to Cole, throwing her arms around him. Cole immediately wrapped his arms around her, resting his chin on the top of her head as she cried into his shirt.

"I missed you, I missed you so much, oh my God," she rambled, her words muffled by his shirt.

He rubbed her back gently. "I missed you too, Bella," he responded quietly.

Bella pulled away from Cole, reaching up to rub her eyes before she looked at Elliot. Elliot was staring at her with furrowed eyebrows.

"H-hi, Elliot," Bella said softly, taking a gentle step closer to him.

Elliot stared at her. "I don't want to see you," Elliot said, and Bella instantly put her hand up to her mouth in shock.

Jasmine latched onto Elliot's arm and scolded him for saying that, but Bella just shook her head, tears streaming from her eyes.

"She hurt Cole once!" Elliot said to Jasmine, before looking back at Bella.

"Maybe this wasn't a good idea," Liv said to me, and I was going to respond, until Cole spoke up to Elliot.

"Elliot," Cole said softly to him. "Listen, okay? I'm fine, she never hurt me."

"I watched her! She did, she did hurt you, really bad," Elliot said while staring with terrified eyes at Bella, who was an emotional wreck beside Cole.

Cole leaned down and whispered something in Elliot's ear. Elliot started smiling, and then nodding at whatever he was saying, before Cole then pulled away from him.

"You're right," Elliot said to him with a small smile. "I still don't forgive you, but..." He looked up at Bella and opened his arms wide, seeming hesitant but whatever Cole said to him changed his mind.

Bella smiled through her tears and moved past Cole over to Elliot. Then, Elliot tossed his arms tightly around her.

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