Chapter 16

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" Look at those pretty Gucci bags we earned under our eyes," Taehyung groaned as he stared at his reflection, as they both tried not to fall asleep.

"We'll be taking our breaks in five minutes. Jen, please wait a minute "whispered Jin as he handed her his water bottle.

"The classes have been dismissed," Her head slammed against the table, giving up on the battle to stay awake.

Jenny looked around, her gaze drawn to the various groups of students, each with a different color for their clubs.

Scanning her surroundings, her gaze was drawn to one of the clubs, which wore a blue-based club jacket and wore the pe uniform. She assumed the leader was a short girl wearing a headband who was screaming at the top of her lungs from the raised platform. "We only need one more person. Please take a look at what we have to offer."

Jenny approached her, looking interested; the girl noticed her gaze and turned her attention to Jenny. She smiled as she handed Jenny a blue ribbon. When she saw the large lettered words "SWIM CLUB," her smile faded.

Jenny ran past her in the opposite direction before the girl could finish her sentence, leaving her speechless. Her mind was clouded by her thoughts, but a familiar voice jolted her out of her trance. Seokjin's.

" Jen, have you found your club yet?"

She raised her chin defiantly to meet his gaze.

"Not yet," she mumbled, her gaze fixed on the club behind him.

The banner read, "THE GOLDEN THEATRE."

" Would you like to be a part of mine?"

When Jin noticed her nodding her head, he slipped a golden wrist band around her wrist.

"Welcome to our club," Jin said with a smile as the tall man next to him introduced himself as Jaehyun.

"Do you think she'll be the right fit for the part, Hyung?" Jaehyun elbowed Jin as they scanned her again.

"Professor will be pleased to know that we have found the ideal candidate for the play."

Jin chuckled as he looked her in the eyes.

"I'll take her to the professor while you deal with this, "Jaehyun informed them as he led her to the staff room.

"You'll get the script tomorrow, and those expressions aren't going to work on me." Jaehyun chuckled as she sighed at her failed attempt to persuade him to reveal her role in the drama.

"Fine," she groaned as she entered the room, where she noticed a man reading a book while leaning over his desk.

"Professor, we found her." Jaehyun declared as she noticed both of their eyes on her.

"You did an excellent job, kids. Don't forget to arrive at the auditorium a little early tomorrow. So I can fill you in on your role?" Professor gave them a friendly smile before returning to his book.

"You'll be fine." Jaehyun consoled her when he noticed her pouting.

"You're not getting it.I can't even give a presentation in class without shaking!" Jenny huffed.

"You'll only have a few lines," Jaehyun remarked, noticing Jin waving his hands at them.

"I know you said there weren't many lines. But, what's the deal with my role?" She inquired.

"That person standing over there has read the entire script and is playing the main character. If you want to know what your role is, confront him." Jaehyun winked at her, and she rolled her eyes in response.


The bell that signaled the end of the school day had just rung.

"Yes! It's finally over! We can all go now!" Taehyung exclaimed, rising from his seat and stretching his arm.

"Yep! "Let's start walking!" Jimin smiled as he grabbed his bag. "Wait a second... Jenny?" He inquired, quirking his head to the side as he examined her face more closely.

Her mouth let out a small muffled snore. Her head was buried in her crossed arms, and it was clear she wasn't going to wake up any time soon.

Jin smirked and reached into his bag, pulling out his cumbersome math textbook. He approached her desk and started counting down from five.

"Three... two... one!" Jin slammed the textbook on Jenny's desk, causing Jenny to wake up and mumble an apology for falling asleep.

"Wait..." Jenny became aware of her surroundings all of a sudden. She realized it wasn't the teacher who had woken her up, but rather her ostensibly best friends. She fixed her gaze on Jin, who immediately ceased laughing.

She exclaimed as she felt Jimin's hands gently but firmly rubbing the stressed areas of her neck.

" Our little Jen must have been working hard!" Jimin made a lighthearted remark. She nodded sleepily, engrossed by Jimin's massage.

The other two exchanged daggers with Jimin, who was amused by her reaction. She sighed as her head sagged back in contentment.

"I feel like I could fall asleep right now..." She murmurs, already feeling drowsiness take hold of her body.

"Alright! Jimin! I believe she's had enough!" Jin whined as he moved Jimin's hands away from her shoulders.

"However, it felt really good." She grumbled as she snatched Jimin's hand and drew him back. Jimin smirked and cheerfully continued his meddling.

Jin frowned and yanked Jimin away from her. Instead, he walked up behind her, a smug little grin on his face.

" We have to get the project done," mumbled Jin, grabbing hold of her backpack as they made their way out of the classroom.

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