episode 11 - sweet as a proxy (3)

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"The creature you're looking for is known as Slenderman. He is one of the many creepypastas on the internet," said Jojo Chaser, sagged back on the couch with her legs on the table in front. In one hand, she held a knife. And on the other, she had an apple. Slowly, she peeled the fruit with such care and precision, it was like watching a surgeon at work.

Everyone else in the room was silent, and only the sound of the blade against the skin could be heard. After Jojo was done, she threw the skin on the ground and smiled, noticing the glare Moon and Daisy gave her for treating their apartment like a garbage bin.

This may not end well, Joe thought, feeling the tension between the three women. Though Jojo was beautiful, he had learned to stay far away from her. She was like Mindy in the sense of being rich and privileged. But unlike the Marilyn Monroe look alike, Jojo was able to do anything to anyone and get away with it because her father (Mr. Apollo Chaser) was the mayor of Ramere. "What else can you tell us about him?" he asked.

Jojo took a small bite out of the apple and chewed loudly. She wasted time on purpose, knowing very well she was the last reliable source the Turners had in finding the missing children. From what Joe had heard, Jojo and her younger brother were now Creeper hunters (people who took down creepypastas).

 "We have been hunting Slenderman for months now," said Jojo, before handing over the bitten apple to her brother, Somo. But the teenager shook his head. "Take it!" she ordered, and Somo grabbed the fruit and munched on it. 

The two of them were the same coin, but two different sides. One was pro-active and the other was reactive. Jojo always bossed her little brother around, and Joe felt sorry for him. Somo never made his own decisions, always relying on his sister to do it for him. And Joe couldn't comprehend how someone could allow another person to have such power over their life, even if they were family.

"Jesus!" Daisy groaned, then turned to Somo. "Can you please tell us what we need to know?" 

Somo glanced at Jojo. "Would you... um... err... mind if-if I tell them?"  

Jojo took the apple from Somo's grasp and replied, "Suit yourself." She put an arm behind her head and leaned on it, before eating her fruit. 

Joe's chest soured listening to the two, and he clenched his hands. Can't he talk for himself? Come on, dude. Be a man! He despised how the relationship between Somo and Jojo wasn't the old fashioned brother and sister, but rather like a mother and son. But a part of him understood why. With Mrs. Chaser dying when Jojo was five years old and Somo was only one, Jojo naturally took on the roll of the mother especially with their father constantly being away on political affairs.

"I'm not... not good in explaining, but... um... I'll try. I'm sorry if I'll sound stupid. I'm not  really that smart to remember most things," Somo said with a soft spoken voice. He had his hands between his closed legs and was positioned at the corner of the couch. He looked uncomfortable, but that didn't stop Jojo from taking up the remaining free space.

"Take your time. No one's in a rush," Mindy told him. She was more equipped in dealing with such kind of people, having been like Somo once upon a time before her transformation.

Somo glanced at Daisy, Joe and Moon, and the three nodded. "OK, I can do this." He took a deep breath and began, "You... you know... know that... that website called creepypasta wiki?"

"Yes," Joe lied.

"Appa... um... Appate... um... Appatently-"  

"It's apparently!" Jojo corrected him, rolling her eyes. "Do I have to do everything."

"Come on, he's trying his best," Moon told her.

Somo looked at Jojo and said, "I'm sorry, Jojo." He lowered his head even lower, his face turning red. 

"Let me just tell these idiots." Jojo sat up straight and locked her eyes on the four in front of her. "You baboons know about people writing horror stories on creepypasta wiki, right?" She didn't wait for them to reply and continued, "If not, go fuck yourselves. Well someone, or something, with very strong magic has cast a spell on the site. And now, when someone finishes writing a story on the site, it comes to life.

"Me and Somo have been trying to stop Creepers, but there's only two of us and nearly hundredths of thousands of them. And they keep increasing by the hour. But the story of Slenderman was the first case we heard back when we were still Ghost Hunters. When Father told us about the missing kids in the city, I knew it had to be the Creeper. The signs were similar to the ones in the other cities in which he was rumored to be in."

"Is that all?" Mindy asked.

"It's not, Plastic Face. I believe if we capture Slenderman, we can make him tell us how he came to be and where can we find the magician who cursed the site." 

"How sure are you that Slenderman knows who this magicians is?" asked Daisy.

"Because he is patient X." Jojo reached in her denim short's side pocket, took out a Kit-Kat and nibbled it. 

How comes she's always eating and never getting fat? Joe thought. A knock on the door caught everyone's attention. Moon stood and went to answer it. A few seconds later, she returned with Sly behind her. What is he doing here? Joe glanced at Daisy and she shrugged, having no clue of who had invited him.

"Joe, Daisy, why didn't you tell me we were having a meeting?" Sly asked, wearing a long sleeve hoodie and black pants. He sat beside Mindy and told the woman, "Thank you for calling me. It seems my best friend forgot about me." 

This is not good, especially if he's connected to the kidnappings. But how does he know Ellen and her husbands? And why is he doing all of this?

"What did I miss?" Sly asked. 

"Jojo and Somo are creepypasta hunters now, and they were telling us about Slenderman. Turns out the creature-"

"Creeper," Jojo corrected Mindy. "And you baboons should start calling him that too."

Daisy got on her feet. "I swear, call me baboon one more time and I-"

"What will you do, Daisy?" Jojo asked, a smirk on her face. "One quick phone call to my father and your con of a mother will be in jail. Do you really want that, huh? Or maybe I should ask the IRS to check on your father for any illegal businesses. He does pay his taxes like any other citizen, right?"

Daisy sat back down, scowling.

"Good girl," said Jojo. She was a woman of her word. Her threats came with instant action. Daisy and Joe learned that years ago when Jojo had asked her father to deport Billy back to Australia because he had declined to go on a date with her. She then gazed at Sly and said, "I am not going to wait for Plastic Face to tell you everything. This is what-"

Don't tell him our plans.

"-we know: Slenderman has taken over someone's mind in Ramere. That is how he is able to move and act like whoever he has control over. Also, he never works alone. And if you baboons haven't figured that out yet, then I am wasting my time here. His sidekicks refer to themselves as Proxies, and they all have the same tattoo on their lower arm; an X crossing over a circle."

Joe glanced at Sly and noticed his sleeves were pulled down. Is he hiding the tattoo under there?

"And another thing," Jojo said, loudly. "From what I have gathered, Slenderman can see through his proxies' eyes. That way he knows what goes on in the city and if people are close to finding him. He doesn't choose anyone randomly. He makes sure it's someone who can get all kinds of information from anyone, and still be deemed invisible by the society. If I were you guys, I'd be very careful with who I trust from now on until we catch the Creeper."

Joe and Daisy glanced at each other and knew they were doomed, with Slenderman already knowing their plans. 

"How do you know all of this?" asked Sly.

"Why are you asking? Are you a fucking proxy?" Jojo said.

"No." Sly shook his head. "It's just that I do most of the research on this team, and I haven't come up across anything you have said."

"You're looking at the wrong place, stupid. If you want the real truth, then the dark web is where you'll find them. Not on some Wikipedia page that anyone can hack into and change." She pinched the bridge of her nose and sighed. "How have you baboons been functioning all this time? And they say you're among the best hunters? Wow."

"Is that all you have?" Daisy asked, standing up.

"Yes," Jojo replied. "Why?"

Daisy pointed at the door. "Then it would be best if you leave. Now."

"I am not going anywhere without you and Joe." Confused glances circled the room, and Jojo chortled. "Wait, you baboons thought I came here because you asked me?" She shook her head and laughed even harder. "I can't stand any of you to even accept a call without getting something in return. There's a Creeper case in a town nearby, and you two," she pointed at Joe and Daisy, "are coming with me and my baby brother to take care of it." She turned on her heels. "Now, chap, chap. Let's go." She walked out, Somo not far behind.

"I really hate her," Moon said.

"Everyone does," Daisy added. 

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