episode 15 - you meddling kids (2)

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Daisy swung her machete at a charging commoner, decapitating its head. She ducked another one's sharp claws, cut off its hands, before spinning around it and slicing its head off. She watched the head roll on the ground with a smile. She was having fun, much fun than when she fought Yuri. Though they nearly killed him, she witnessed the end of her parent's marriage, and her mother choosing a vampire over her family.  

"Off with the heads!" Joe mimicked the Queen from Alice In Wonderland, before chopping off one Commoner head after another like wood. Even he seemed relaxed and having fun. It had been a while since Daisy saw him like that, especially when her father always down his throat. 

Lately it seemed like The Turner family had fallen apart and there was no coming back. She was mad at her parents for not trying to save their marriage. Joe was pissed at his grandparents after finding out they had killed innocent monsters, which went against everything they had taught him throughout his life. 

Now they only had each other and their friends to rely on. 

Two commoners came for her. She dodged one at a time. Then, she grabbed one of them's thrown hand and kicked the other on the chest, sending it rocking backwards. With the former still in her grasp, she slit its throat and slashed off the top half of its head.

Blood splattered all over her, getting in her mouth and hair. She spit it out, before rubbing her face with her arm. I love this. She felt the adrenaline kick in and went on a killing frenzy. She felt strong and unstoppable, like the Hulk. 

Meanwhile, Moon had cut off the legs of a Commoner. It shrieked and its fellows came to its rescue before she could kill it. The Commoner, shielded by three others, transformed into his human form. 

"Moon, it's me, Marcus. We met at the bar," he said. 

Moon tilted her head sideways. "Marcus? Is that really you?" 

He nodded. "Yes, it's me. Remember the fun we had? The dancing, the touching, the kissing, you enjoyed it all, right?"

"I did very much." Moon smiled. "And now I'm going to have fun killing you." She dashed at Marcus' direction, jumped in the air and came down swinging the machete. She slit one of the Commoner's eyes, another one's temples and the last one's nose and mouth. The three screeched in pain, stepping away. 

Moon was left alone with Marcus. He couldn't run without legs. She smiled, menacingly. "You're not her."

"What a surprise." She lifted the machete in the air, then swung it past Marcus' neck. She walked up to the decapitated head and started stomping on it. 

"Moon, behind you!" Daisy warned her.

The young woman rolled to the side, escaping a claw to the back of her neck. She got on her feet quickly and cut off the Commoner's head. She had a smile Daisy had never seen. Not that Moon never enjoying killing monsters, it's just that when it came at the expense of ruining her expensive, designer clothes, she always ended up complaining.   

But not that day. 

That day Moon punched, kicked and decapitated Commoners with her eyes twinkling from elation. 

Joe nevertheless, he was talking throughout his fights. "Come on, Paris Hilton," he said to one of the Commoners who had left claw marks on his shirt, "I've seen the One Night In Paris videos, so I know you can do better."

The Commoner snarled, revealing its razor-sharp teeth. It launched forward, aiming its claws at Joe. He blocked the attack by crossing his axes together, his face inches away from the creatures jaws, saliva drooling down its mouth. 

He kicked it back, then threw one of his axes at its head, cracking its skull. "What does the skull say? Crack, crack, crack, crack," he began singing. He was having too fun much for someone who had been worried to death for Moon. Maybe the thought of him being there with her assured everything was fine again. Or maybe he had finally lost his mind after years on living on the edge of sanity. 

Another Commoner was about to attack Joe. But it ran clumsily and tripped on a tree log, landing before Joe's feet. "Idiot," the young man said before decapitating it. That must have been one of his easiest kills ever. 

Joe took out his other axe from the dead commoner's skull and the creature burst into a ball of fire. He turned towards Daisy and saw a commoner preying on her. It moved on four limbs, staying low so the young woman couldn't see it. 

When it was confident it hadn't been seen, it pounced. But Joe was too quick for it. He threw an axe towards it, pinning the creature against a tree. He walked over to it and pulled his weapon from its head, before watching it slide down. 

He whirled his axe and beheaded the creature, blood splattering on his face. "Yuck." He waggled his tongue after some of it got into his mouth. 

Daisy evaded three claw strikes, before kicking the commoner backwards and thrusting her machete between it's eyes. It kept on moving with its left leg carrying all the weight. She took out the gun holstered to her thigh (full of wooden bullets) and shot it down like a rabid dog. 

Three more ran after her, but faced the same fate, doggy style. 

As she turned around to look for more commoners, a hard punch to the gut and another to the face sent her rocking sideways. Her vision was hazy for a couple of seconds as she tried to regain her balance. Holding onto a tree, she took in a deep breath. 

I think it broke my rib. She held the side of her torso, feeling the pain of her new injury. I enjoyed it too much and lost focus.

"Buckaroo, what's wrong? You can't take a nut to the face?" Miles asked, the sound of his low, wicked laugh bouncing off Daisy's ears. "Now that I've seen you and the fella in a brawl, I have heard about the two of you before. But truthfully, I thought they were telling me the story of Hansel and Gretel. Is that where you and your... brother? Is that where you two buckaroos were inspired?" 

Daisy stood up straight. She spit out blood and rubbed some of it off her lips. "You're from England? That explains a lot," she said. 

"Buckaroo, what are you implying?" He pulled a sword out of his makeshift cane. 

"English people don't know how to dress."

"How. Dare. You!" 

I got you now.

Miles attacked, tinging sounds reverberating through the forestry as the two weapons collided. He sent multiple kicks at the same time. Daisy blocked everything thrown her way. But it was becoming visibly hard for her to stop Miles with one of her hands holding her broken rib. 

When Miles became visibly frustrated, Daisy used it to her advantage. "Come on, is that all England has?"

Miles used more forced. Her kept swinging his sword and she blocked with her machete. It went on for nearly ten seconds, then the sword broke. 

"Got you," she told him.

Daisy unleashed a lethal left hook, throwing Miles to the ground. She picked him up, then began striking him with her knees before delivering a kick to the face, breaking his nose. He fell on his knees, holding his nose as blood came out. She went at his back, wrapped her legs around his body and arms around his neck.

"You shouldn't have punched me." 

Laying on the ground, she focused all of her strength on her arms until she cracked his neck. 

But that proved unfruitful as Miles snapped his neck back into place and got up. He rubbed off the dirt on his clothes and blood on his face. "As an Elder, it was tomfoolery of me to think a mere sword could defeat a skilled hunter." He looked at Daisy. "Forgive me for doubting your tremendous skills. It's time I treated you like a worthy adversary."

He removed his frock and put it on the ground, then took off his hat and placed it on top of the frock. He stretched his arms, legs and neck. "I haven't tapped into my full vampire side in ages." He closed his eyes and opened five seconds later, they were bloodshot red. His teeth elongated, then sharped. They were more edged than a commoner's. "Are you ready?"

Daisy bent down a little, one hand holding a machete and the other clenched into a fist, and said, "Whenever you are."

Before Miles could attack, a voice shouted, "Wait!"

Everyone turned to where it came from and saw Mindy. 

Miles was shocked at first. "Marilyn... Marilyn Monroe! How could it be? It's unfeasible. How are you," he waggled his arms in Mindy's direction, "vigorous!" 

Mindy narrowed his eyes at him. "Guys, who is he?"

"Mindy meet Miles, Miles, this is Mindy," said Joe.

"Hi, Miles." Mindy waved at him.

"Um... hello, madam. Nice to make your acquaintance." He bowed. "Now if you don't mind, may you join these two buckaroos," he referred to Moon and Joe, "at the side and let me nut this buckaroo." He pointed at Daisy.

"I kinda need them."

"What for?"

"An urgent matter?"

"And that is?"

"Urgent." She cocked her brow like he should have gotten it. 

Miles sighed. He picked up his hat and frock and put them on. He reached inside his frock and took out a card. "Since you three did away with my men, this is not over." He handed it to Mindy. "Once you're free from these mongrels, don't shilly-shally, call me."

Mindy gave a friendly smile. "Will do."

"Alright, buckaroos," he tipped his hat, "sayonara." Using his unnatural speed, he flashed out of there. 

"That was..."

"Interesting," Moon completed Daisy's sentence. 

"It was weird," chimed Joe. 

"Weird that he left even though we killed his men, or weird because he seemed to have a thing for Mindy?" asked Moon, smiling mockingly. 

"Shut up." Joe turned to Mindy. "What was the urgent matter?"

Mindy shook her head. "Right. Milk called, he knows someone who might help us find Bruce, Yoko and Uno."

"Excellent, let's go."

"You guys go ahead, I'll take Moon home," said Daisy.

"Really?" Mindy asked.

"Yes, you two got this. Plus, I need to treat my broken rib."

"Are you sure?" Joe asked her, getting a closer look at his sister's injury. "That looks bad."

"I know. I will be fine though."

"You always are." Joe fist-bumped with her and then went over to Moon. "Take care of her," he whispered before embracing her with a hug. "Alright, see you two tomorrow."

"Best of luck." Moon waved at Joe and Mindy as the two left. 

With only the two of them remaining, Daisy asked, "Why did Miles and his men kidnap you?" 

"One of his men took an interest in me and I shot him down."

Daisy chuckled. "Men, they can never accept no for an answer."

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