episode 7 - hero hunter (1)

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"Dad, what is sex?"

Billy turned around smiling after hearing what the young boy asked his father. He always wanted to have the talk with a younger sibling, but unluckily for him, he was the only child. The only thing he had close to a brother and sister was Joe and Daisy, and he only saw them once a year when he visited America. 

"Kid, sex is like eating a banana. Chew it with the cover on and it will feel bad. Do it naturally,  and it's the best feeling ever."

"My friend Mack said sex is when a man puts his doodoo inside a woman."

Billy's eyes widened, then he laughed after he saw the father's cheeks flash red with embarrassment. "Kid, Mack is dumb. Doodoo means poo, and men don't put poo inside women." He paused. "Well, unless if it's a fetish."

"What is a fetish?" The boy glanced between his father and Billy, questioningly.

Billy shook his head, saddened. "You have a lot to learn, kid."

He moved out of his booth - carrying his wings, fries and soda - and sat where the little boy and his father were, with the latter looking alarmed at his presence.

"Calm down, old man. Yes, I am good looking, but I'm not the crazy kind."

After binge-watching seven seasons of Vampire Diaries, Billy saw it was best to make it clear he was a good guy in case anyone showed signs of thinking otherwise. Apparently, he gave off a Damon vibe.

He grabbed a piece of his fries, dipped it in barbecue sauce and munched on it. "You want some?" Billy offered to the boy and his father. The little man was about to take one when his dad grabbed his hand and pulled it away.

"Who are you?" the father asked.

"I have many names, sir. Women call me Papi. Old people call me Young Man, or Excuse Me Little Boy, or Hey You, Stop Flirting With My Granddaughter." He reached for his bottle of Pepsi and took a sip. "But I am mostly known as Billy Turner, you may have heard of me?" 

The man shook his head.

"Impossible." Even though Billy didn't want to admit it, he was famous in Hobart for the wrong reason. "Remember two years ago there was news on TV about a girl who hired hitmen to kill her boyfriend?" 

"How could I forget? Veronica Darsy, that was her name, right?"

Veronica Darsy was his ex girlfriend. She thought that if she couldn't have Billy, then no one else could. It became the biggest news in Australia and some parts of America, inspiring some other crazy women to do the same - one of them being Dalia Dippolito, a thirty something year old Florida woman who tried to have her now ex-husband killed.

"Yes, it was," replied Billy with a sign. "And I was the boyfriend."

"So sorry about that."

"No problem. Sometimes it's a curse being this good looking." Billy shook his head. "Too bad you can't understand."

The boy laughed. "Dad, he called you ugly." 

"I noticed, son."

"No, no, I didn't mean it that way," Billy defended himself. "Look, I have nothing against the ugly community. Matter-of-fact, I am big admirer." He pumped his fist in the air. "Go ugly people."

It became awkwardly silent, making Billy regret leaving his booth. Looking around for an excuse to escape, he saw a tall, slim woman walk into the establishment.

"That girl is calling me." He stood up.

"No, she's not," the boy said.

"No, she's not," Billy mimicked him. "Of course, she is." He grabbed his glasses from his collar and wore them. "Kid, watch and learn how to approach a woman." 

Billy turned, ran and slid on the floor, stopping in front of the gorgeous woman who was now at the counter. He could smell the rose flower scent coming from her skin.

"Hey there, foxy mama." He playfully struck her brown hair that hung loosely behind her ear. "Has anyone ever told you I have beautiful eyes?" He pushed his aviators down and revealed his sapphire twins. "I'm pretty, you're pretty. What do you say we get out of here and go play tennis?"

The honey skinned girl glanced at him without saying a word, then back at her phone, typing. She repeatedly blew a giant bubblegum bubble before popping it with her tongue.

"Leave me," she said.

"Ah, come on, minty breath. I can already tell you and I like the same thing; me." Billy brushed back his hair before glancing at the little boy and his father. The kid stuck out his tongue at him and he chuckled. 

The woman gazed at Billy. "You're cute, but I have a boyfriend." 

There were things certain in life; Death, taxes, oxygen, and Billy trying to steal other guy's girls. He believed people were never really loyal to each other and that they always acted according to their needs at the time. Too bad Billy never knew the right thing to say to convince a girl to leave her boyfriend and be with him.

"You look like the kind of girl that could have two boyfriends." He smiled, revealing a dimple.

Instead of the woman getting mad, she laughed. "I've heard that somewhere." 

Billy leaned on the counter and said, "It's from Johnny Bravo. He's my idol." He moved closer to her. "And if you let Billy in, he'll be your idol too."

The woman cleared her throat. "First of all," she pushed him backwards, "I need space to breath. And second, who's Billy?"


"Who's Me?"


The woman put a hand on her face and sighed. "This is too much for me to take. And I haven't had my coffee yet."

Suddenly, a loud shatter erupted in the room before a man wearing black clothes and a ski mask stepped in. "Everyone, get out!" he exclaimed.

The people didn't need to be told twice, they ran out of there as fast as they could.

The man then walked up to the counter where Billy and the woman were and told the two, "Leave before I kill you." He pointed his gun at them.

Billy smiled, then nodded in agreement before walking out. He arrived at his car and got inside, but he had no plans of driving away. He reached at the back seat and grabbed a blue gym bag. Inside was a spandex and a matching black leather mask. Billy smiled as he held the mask in his hands. "Time to go to work." 

After he was done dressing, he stepped out of his vehicle. Billy lived in a world where not many things stood between a beast and its prey, everyone cared only for themselves. Thus, the world was a bad place, not because of bad people, but because of the good men and women who saw the bad things happening and did nothing about it.

So he became a vigilante who was adored by the young, and hated by the old because of his methods of taking down criminals. Hobart was his city after all, and the responsibility of protecting the residents there was his. 

The sun had set and all that was left was the moon highlighting the world below it. Billy pressed the side of his hand against the top of his mask and squinted. Looking past the bright lights from inside the KFC, he saw the man taking money from the register. There was no sign of the cashier or any other employee. 

Billy saw the kid he had talked to earlier being pulled by his father as the two ran away. The boy smiled and slightly waved at him.

"He must be a fan."

He waved back, then walked past the shattered door. The man stopped taking money from the register and turned towards him.

"Finally, you're here," the man said, throwing the sack full of money to the floor. "You still look stupid by the way." He referred to Billy's black spandex bodysuit with a white letter H stylized twice on the chest, representing his vigilante persona, Hero Hunter. 

"Have we met before?" Billy asked. 

"You don't remember me, Loud Mouth?" The man pulled off his mask.

"One Eye!" exclaimed Billy. "It's been a while, dumb head. How's your mother doing? Has she asked about me?" 

One Eye clenched his fists in anger. "I told you, never talk about my mother," he said through gritted teeth. "I'm going to make you pay today."

"You? Make me pay?" Billy tittered. "Please, do try." He pulled out the electric baton strapped on his back. "Come on, One Eye. Show me what you got." Billy played with his baton, throwing it from one hand to another, anticipating the man's attack.

One Eye wanted to, but hesitated. After being on the receiving end of multiple beatings from hero hunter, he probably thought it would be best not to fight him. "I would love to beat you, but I hired someone else to do it."

"What's with people and hiring others to kill me?" Billy shook his head. "I must be really awesome that people out here want to get rid of me."

One Eye placed his thumb and index finger between his lips and whistled. A second later, a big man - twice the size of Billy - came inside. He looked like one of those sumo wrestlers, but more muscular. "Loud Mouth, meet Big Bones," One Eye said." Big Bones, hurt Loud Mouth."

"Wait, wait." Billy tried to stop the giant of a man from attacking, but he was unsuccessful. Big Bones thrust his big knuckles across Billy's jaw, propelling him across the room and onto a booth that broke his fall. 

"That's what you get, Loud Mouth!" One Eye shouted from the sidelines. "Today, Hero Hunter dies."

Billy laid on his stomach, still dazed from the strong blow he received. He could taste blood from the cut on his lip. He stood up and saw his baton on the floor. Billy ran to it, but the moment he grabbed it, Big Bones wrapped his hand around one of his legs and threw him through the glass window.

He landed hard on to the tarmac road outside. Feeling the cuts the glass had left on his body, he groaned, struggling to stand up.

I can't be beaten by a human.

He picked up his baton, then drew his shoulders back, feeling the adrenaline kicking in. He exhaled deeply for the last time before bolting forward.

When he got near Big Bones, he jumped with his knee forward and connected with the man's face, ramming his head against the KFC counter before Big Bones dropped to the floor, unconscious.

Billy rolled sideways and got up with a spinning kick which wasn't meant for anyone, but the baton he held in his hand was released and sent straight to One Eye's working eye, connecting perfectly.

One Eye wailed, moving around constantly as if it would help reduce the pain.

Billy laughed. "Now I have to call you, No Eyes."

"I've taken it easy on you all this time. I won't anymore." One Eye clapped his hands and then shouted, "You can come out now!"

In a few minutes, the KFC employees came out of hiding - dressed in their colorful red shirt, black pants and black caps - and stood next to him.

"Ladies and gentlemen, let's show Billy what we're made of,"he said.

One Eye was the first one to transform. His legs enlarged, followed by his torso, then his arms. It took a few seconds before his head grew, causing his dark hair to recede. His nose and front teeth fell off.

He looked at Billy with a sinister smile. "You didn't expect this, huh?" he asked, before his eyes moved to the center and became one big eye.

Billy stared at the Cyclops. "I guess I was right calling you, One Eye." He turned to the KFC employees. They hadn't changed like One Eye, instead, they had shrunk into small little monsters; Gremlins.

Cyclopes and gremlins were enemies, they could never stay in one room together and not fight. And yet, there they were, a Cyclops leading a pack of small monsters with a craving for junk food.

Who made them allies? This is a trap. Billy began walking backwards, passing the shattered door.  

"Where are you going, Billy?" a woman asked. 

Billy turned around and there she was, Medusa. The only thing that covered her grey body were two bowls made of gold metals, hiding her bosom as they glinted at the moon's touch. On her upper arms, she wore gold metal snake heads, while her lower body had grey scales that covered her four feet tail which had a sharp end.

He gawked at her astounding beauty, his mind easily falling head over heels. That was one of Medusa's strengths, she could easily make men do her deeds because of her attractiveness.

Billy slapped himself. Don't fall for that.

He stared at Medusa's head that resembled a cobra's, with grey snakes hissing on top.

Without a warning, Medusa threw her tail forth, wrapping it around Billy's neck, and flung him against the wall. She slithered towards him, wrapping her tail tight around his legs, lifted him up and flung him out of the restaurant.

Billy landed harder than before on the rood. His body ached so much when he tried to move that he felt like he had broken every bone - luckily, he hadn't. All he could do was wince and groan through gritted teeth.

Then, he forced himself to get on his feet, looking at Medusa with tired eyes, while his legs shook as they fought for balance. He placed his hand on his neck, feeling the large mark left by Medusa's tail.

She's too strong for me.

Medusa licked her lips, before her tongue flailed. "I just love how you Turners have different blood scents," she said, sniffing the air. "Yours is like honey, sweet old honey that has been preserved for over three hundred years."

"Thank you. I'll change my name to Honey, Madam Snakes," he joked. "What do you want?" he asked, one eye focused on her, and the other on One Eye and the Gremlins, in case they made a move.

"I want you to fight me, Hero Hunter," Medusa replied.

"And I want to meet the Queen of England. Come on, Reptile Skin, be serious."

She chuckled. "And I thought Hero Hunter never backed down from a fight."

"And I thought when I would look at Medusa, I would turn to stone. I guess we learn something new everyday, huh?"

"You will only turn when I want you to." She slid forward, causing Billy to take a couple of steps back. "Why don't you want to fight? Do you still have mommy issues?" 

Billy's jaw clenched in anger. He took a step forward, but realized she was only provoking him by using his late mother, and returned to his earlier position. "Try again next time."

He backtracked to his car, opened the door and entered inside. Turning on the engine, he looked at the monsters and said, "I am tired and in pain. Can we fight, next time?"

"Sure," Medusa said, before watching Hero Hunter drive off.

"Boss, we can't let him leave. We have to go after-" One Eye was silenced by Medusa's raised hand.

"Don't worry. Billy Turner has no idea what's waiting for him at home. And once Bothar lives up to his end of the deal, Billy is going to lead us to the rest of the Turner family. And I will finally get the chance to kill them and prove to Monster Mafia that I deserve to be one of its members."

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