Chapter Eleven

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Yoongi stood waiting on Hoseok's front porch, unable to stand still. His fingers were fidgettinf against his legs, which were also bouncing on the ground.

The door swung open to reveal a beautiful smiling woman, her brown hair pulled into a bun tightly. She had wrinkles around her eyes and mouth, so Yoongi knew she smiled a lot, especially when shebwas younger. He knew she was definitely Hoseok's mom.

"Uh," Yoongi cleared his throat. "Hello, I'm here for Hoseok?"

Her smile grew bigger, something Yoongi didn't know was possible. "Please, come in! He'll be down in just a moment."

Yoongi smiled and nodded before carefully stepping inside. He followed his mom into their kitchen. The apartment was on the smaller side. There was a kitchen and a living room, and a small staircase leading up to what he believed were the bedrooms. It was nice and cozy.

"So, son, Hoseok said your name was Min Yoongi?"

"Yes, ma'am." Yoongi had always been good at charming the parents.

"Are your parents from Seoul, or do they live somewhere else?"

"Oh, I grew up with them in Daegu, but they sent me here to live with my aunt for a better education and life. There were some problems at home."

Her smile dropped to a light frown. "Oh, I am sorry to here that."

"It's alright."

His mom opened her mouth to ask another question when the sound of steps coming down the stairs interrupted them.

Yoongi's mouth almost dropped open when he saw Hoseok. The younger had a giant smile on his face when he saw Yoongi and his mom in the kitchen, obviously chatting.

"Hey Yoongi, sorry it took me so long."

"Not a problem. You ready to go?" Hoseok nodded eagerly, before the boys turned towards Ms Jung. "I'll have him back in a few hours, Ms Jung."

Hoseok's mom laughed. "You two stay out as late as you want, just no funny business, you hear me? And you take care of my baby." She kissed Hoseok's forward, making the younger blush.

"Mom!" He whined, causing the other two to laugh. "Um, okay, let's go then, Yoongi." He waved goodbye to his mom before they walked out of the apartment.

Yoongi held the car door open for Hoseok, making his already-existing blush even deeper. Yoongi then hopped into the driver's seat, starting the car and then pulling out onto the street.

"So you still won't tell me where you're taking me?" Hoseok chuckled.

Yoongi shook his head. "It's special. I wouldn't want to ruin it."

Hoseok poured, crossing his arms across his chest. "Damn." Yoongi laughed. "Sorry about my mom, by the way. I've never been on a date or anything before so she was probably more excited than I am."

"You're mom seems fantastic. You have her smile. Oh! We're here." Yoongi turned the car off before jumping out, running to open the door for Hoseok, who stepped out and laughed.

"This was your big surprise, Yoongs? The cafè that I work at?"

Yoongi grabbed a hold of Hoseok's hand, bringing him inside. "I'll explain, just wait."

Hoseok's eyes got big when he saw a table with a red tablecloth, a clear vase full of a bouquet of yellow daisies. Yoongi motioned for him to sit down, pushing his chair in behind him.

"Yoongi, what is this?"

Yoongi had a big gummy smile on his face. He grabbed a hold of Hoseok's hand again, after having to let go to sit down.

"Why hello! What do you guys want to eat?" Jin asked enthusiastically.

"Strawberry whipped cream waffles please!" Hoseok was practically jumping out of his chair with excitement, making Yoongi's heart beat loudly in his chest.

"I'll have what he's having." Jin nodded before walking off with their menus.

"Hoseokie," Yoongi began before clearing his throat out of nervousness. "You remember those times when I would come in here after I found out you worked here?" Hoseok nodded. "While the coffee is incredible here, there is something even more incredible."

"Oh? What's that?" Hoseok's smile hadn't faded for one second.


Hoseok felt taken aback at the statement. He felt a tear fall down his cheek, and Yoongi reached across the table to wipe it away. "Yoongi, that's so sweet."

"I can be sweet sometimes." This made Hoseok laugh.

The boys' heads turned at the sound of someone sniffling and crying loudly. Hoseok and Yoongi immediately started laughing. "Jin-hyung, are you okay over there? What's wrong?"

Jin sobbed. "I-I heard w-what h-he said and it's j-just so so sweet."

Hoseok got out of his chair, apologizing to Yoongi quietly, and hugged Jin, who sobbed uncontrollably onto Hoseok's shirt, while the younger rubbed his hands up and down his back.

After a few minutes, Jin pulled back, thanking Hoseok. He wiped his eyes as he went to one of his tables on the far end of the cafè.

"Sorry about that, Yoongs. Ew, he got snot on my jacket," Hoseok whined before slipping his jacket off.

"It's not that noticeable, Hoseokie."

"You're too nice, Yoongs." Hoseok smiled as Jin delivered the plates of food. His eyes were still puffy but the tears and snot were no longer flowing. The boys immediately dug into their food, and Hoseok moaned at the taste. "Oh my God, this is fucking delicious."

Yoongi laughed. "By far the best waffles  I have ever had."


The two boys sat in the cafè until it closed, Jin forcing the two out. Yoongi had insisted on paying, saying that Hoseok could pay next time if he wanted.

Hoseok suggested taking a walk to a nearby park before driving back home. They walked hand-in-hand, the biggest smiles ever planted on their faces. Hoseok shivered at the chilly air. He didn't want to wear his jacket that was soaked with Jin's snot and tears, so he had put it in Yoongi's car before they began their walk.

"Are you cold?" Before the younger could respond, Yoongi had shrugged off his jacket, placing it gently on Hoseok's shoulders.

"T-thank you." Hoseok started to feel the butterflies in his stomach again. They had fluttered away during dinner but they had made their way back.

"Yoongi? Can I ask you something?" The boys sat down on the swings in the park.

"Of course."

"What is it about me? Your best friend is a homophobe, and you have always been close with him. I guess I'm just confused. Why did you kiss me and ask me on a date? What makes me so special?"

Yoongi chuckled lightly. "Oh Hoseokie. Honestly, the first thing that caught my eye was your smile. It can light up the darkest room. It lit up my whole life. And before I knew it, I found myself missing your presence. You're just incredible."

Hoseok got off of his swing and walked in front of Yoongi's. The older looked at him with curious eyes. "Min Yoongi, stand up."

The older stood up from his swing. "Hobi?"

Hoseok wrapped his arms around Yoongi's neck. Yoongi put his arms on the younger's waist, staring him straight in the eyes. "Yoongs, I'm so happy you needed math tutoring."

The older laughed. "I'm glad I'm such a dumbass when it comes to math. And I'm glad I decided to ask Jimin for help." Yoongi pecked Hoseok's lips. "You ready to head back home?"

The younger nodded. "It's getting late and it's getting colder so we should probably head back."


They stood at Hoseok's doorstep, in each other's arms. Hoseok's head rested on Yoongi's chest, listening to his heart beat. Yoongi's hands were rubbing circles in Hoseok's hips.

"Yoongi?" Hoseok mumbled, keeping his head on his chest.


"What happens now?"

"What do you mean?" Yoongi stopped rubbing the circles on the younger's hips.

"Well," Hoseok brought his head up, making eye contact with the older. "Before we were keeping everything a secret, not even telling people we were friends. So, what happens now that we went on a date?"

Yoongi smirked before putting a hand on the other's cheek. "Now I'll tell people you're my boyfriend, if you want to be."

"I-I do," Hoseok smiled.

Yoongi smashed his lips on Hoseok's, feeling the other smile into the kiss. They heard the door next to them open before breaking apart.

"You two are adorable!" Ms Jung exclaimed. "Are you official?"

Hoseok's face flushed a bright red, and he hid his face in his hands. Yoongi wrapped an arm around the other's waist before answering. "We are."

His mom jumped up excitedly, clapping her hands together. "So cute! Hoseok, you'll have to tell me all about it! Come on!" She started to drag her son into the house.

"Mom! Let me say goodbye!" His mom gasped before letting go of his arm. Hoseok walked over and pecked Yoongi on the cheek. "I'll talk to you later?"

"Have a good night, my Hoseokie."


A/N: Yoongi is a little taller than Hoseok in this story, so please don't comment about how Hoseok is taller in real life.

^Taegi's friendship makes me so happy. They're so cute.

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