Chapter Sixteen

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A/N: it's only been two days but I feel like I haven't updated in such a long time. I had to think about where I wanted this story to go, and then I was busy finishing my vkook ff, and then I started on the sequel.

Also! Shameless promo: I have a new book in the works! It will be another vkook, but this time it will be a top Tae instead of top Jungkook.

Enjoy this kind of short, kind of boring? Chapter!

Hoseok was wiping the sweat off his brow with the hem of his shirt, feeling the cool air on his stomach while doing so.

"Keep doing that, babe." A voice caused Hoseok to jump, before slapping his boyfriend playfully.

"Yoongi! You scared me!" Hoseok's heart was still beating quickly from his intense dance practice.

Yoongi was laughing, hunched over. "I'm sorry, babe. I wanted to surprise you. You looked great!"

Hoseok chuckled as he pecked Yoongi's lips. "I was just about to head out. Wanna grab something to eat?"

"I know what I want to eat." Yoongi smirked, earning another smack from Hoseok.

"Bad boy!" Hoseok grabbed his phone and keys, wiping more sweat from his brow.

"I can't help it that you look ridiculously hot while dancing." Yoongi held the door open for Hoseok.

"Seriously though. Did you want to grab a bite? A bite that does not involce me?" Hoseok locked the door and turned to face Yoongi, who was nodding his head, reaching out a hand. They interlocked their fingers before walking to the Pink Pony Cafè right around the corner.

A friendly face greeted them wheen they entered. "Hoseok! I haven't seen you in so long!" Hoseok was engulfed in a hug.

"Jin-hyung! How are you?"

"Excellent." Jin's eyes averted to Yoongi, his smile wavered a little, but he tried to hide his emotions in front of Hoseok. "Hello, Yoongi. Just you two? Feel free to pick a table." Jin wandered off to go handle the few other customers in the cafè.

The couple sat by the window, which overlooked a small park. Their fingers were still wrapped around each other's. After a moment, Jin walked over to take their orders.

"I'll have the hamburger, but with no tomato. Oh! And a vanilla shake. I'm going to run to the restroom real quick, be right back!" Hoseok jumped out of chair before walking to the restroom on the far end of the restaurant.

Jin took this opportunity to take a quick seat, earning a confused look from Yoongi. "Listen, Yoongi. I have known Hoseok for a long time. I was there with him when he received the news about his father passing away. I know how hard it has been and how unhappy he's been inside, despite putting on a smile." Jin inhaled sharply. "I can see how happy you make him, and I wanted to thank you for that."

Yoongi gave a small smile. "You're welcome, Jin. I'm glad I can make him happy."

Jin held up a hand, stopping the younger. "However, if you hurt him, Namjoon and I will cause you so much turmoil. Hoseok has been through way too much to be heart broken."

Yoongi raised his right hand. "I, Min Yoongi, solemnly swear to not break Jung Hoseok's heart in any way, whatsoever."

Jin had an annoyed look on his face, but erased it when Hoseok came back over, nudging Jin out of his chair, causing laughter to erupt between the three men.

"I'll go put the orders in," Jin said before leaving the couple alone.


Hoseok lay in his bed later that night, unable to sleep. He groaned as he rolled over, reaching for his phone to check the time. 1:13 am.

He saw a text message appear on his screen, and Hoseok chuckled as he read the message.

Are you having trouble sleeping too?


I miss you babe. I know that I just saw you a few hours ago but I miss your warmth. Come over and warm me up?

Hoseok smiled at the screen while he thought about whether he should head over or not. His mom is away on business for another week, and tomorrow is a Saturday so they don't have to worry about school.

                         I'm on my way over babe.

Hoseok slipped out from under his covers, throwing on a hoodie and some shoes before grabbing his keys and phone. He walked to Yoongi's apartment a few blocks over and knocked on the door. A moment later, Hoseok's phone received a text.

Don't want to get up, door is open

Hoseok laughed at his boyfriend's laziness as he opened the door, locking it for their safety once he was inside. He wandered across the living room and entered Yoongi's room. He admired the ball of mint hair curled up in the middle of the bed. "You're going to have to make room for me, you know?" Hoseok crossed his arms over his chest.

"Just come and warm me up!" Yoongi scooted over a little, giving Hoseok enough space to climb into the bed. Due to the small space, Hoseok had to press his chest against Yoongi's back. He felt Yoongi laugh. "Oh, so you're the big spoon in this relationship, huh?"

This made Hoseok blush. "I, uh, w-well t-there wasn't a l-lot of room s-so."

Yoongi rolled over to face Hoseok. He rubbed a finger on the younger's cheek gently. "I never said that it was a problem. Just next time your dick is near my ass like that, make sure that it's consensual."

Hoseok smiled as he pecked Yoongi on the nose. "God I love you, Min Yoongi." He spoke on instinct, and then wanted to explode when he said those words out loud. He felt his face and ears start burning up. He was expecting Yoongi to push him out of the bed.

"I love you too, Jung Hoseok."

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