Chapter Thirty

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This chapter contains some short smut so don't read in you're uncomfortable.

Angst will arrive either later in this chapter or next chapter. ;)

"...get physical."

Hoseok slammed his lips on Yoongi's, instantly gaining access into the other's hot cavern. Their tongues fought for dominance, and this time Yoongi won as he pushed Hoseok onto the bed. The younger let out a soft moan when Yoongi straddled his hips, their members being dangerously close to each other's. Hoseok broke off the kiss and felt Yoongi's lips trail down to his sharp jawline.

A gasp escaped Hoseok's lips as Yoongi pulled off the younger's shirt, followed by his own. The boys wasted no time getting fully undressed. Yoongi prepped Hoseok with his fingers, getting more and more turned on by his moans.

Yoongi placed himself at Hoseok's hole, leaving red marks all over the other's chest while he slowly pushed himself in. He immediately found Hoseok's prostate, and the younger arched his back in pleasure.

"Fuck Yoongi, right there."

Yoongi thrusted in and out of Hoseok's hole, listening as Hoseok's moans got higher and higher as he neared his climax. When he saw Hoseok getting close to cumming, Yoongi started to pump Hoseok's member with his hand, admiring how Hoseok's face scrunched together at the double pleasure.

They came together, Hoseok on his stomach and Yoongi's chest, and Yoongi inside Hoseok. They panted as they came down from their highs, Yoongi slowly pulling himself out of Hoseok's hole and laying down next to him.

"I will never not get tired of that," Hoseok panted out, causing the couple to laugh. Hoseok yawned and closed his eyes, already feeling the tiredness overwhelming him.

"Get some sleep, baby. I'll clean up and have breakfast ready in the morning." Yoongi kissed his forehead before walking to the bathroom to get tissues to clean up their mess with.

A week later, Hoseok was watching tv in the living room late at night. He was waiting for Yoongi to get back from the studio so they could go to sleep together. He heard the front door open and close, followed by the sounds of unstable footsteps. His eyebrows scrunched together as he stood up to see what was going on, only to find Jisoo grabbing onto the wall to stable herself.

"Jisoo? Are you okay?" He ran to her and wrapped an arm around her waist to provide support.

"I-I'm fine." Hiccup. "Just a l-little d-drunk."

Hoseok chuckled at how adorable Jisoo is when drunk. It's like a toddler taking their first steps. "Here, let's get you to your room."

Jisoo laughed loudly as she froze, causing Hoseok to stop walking too. They hadn't even made it out of the hallway yet.

"Hoseokkkkk. I really like youuuu." Hiccup.

"Wow, you really are drunk."

"B-because of you."

Hoseok choked on his own saliva. "What?"

"Can't you see how much I like you? That day we went to the mall and you bought me such nice things and held my hand and hugged me. I know you like me too."

Hoseok took his arm off of Jisoo's waist, feeling a little uncomfortable at her words. "Jisoo, I was only being so nice to you because you were upset. I'm gay, I love Yoongi. I'm sorry, but I do not have any romantic feelings for you."

Jisoo smirked as she pinned Hoseok to the wall. She was surprisingly strong. "You can't tell me that this doesn't mean anything to you." She snorted before pressing her lips against Hoseok's. She snaked an arm around him and gripped the back of his neck so he couldn't pull away. He tried to push her off, but he didn't want to hurt her in her drunken state. A tear streamed down his face as he used his strength to pry Jisoo off of him, watching as she fell to the floor.

The front door opened and Yoongi walked in, his eyes immediately falling to Jisoo, who lay on the ground in tears, with Hoseok standing above her.
The younger male was panting and Yoongi noticed some tears as he turned his head. "Yoongi, I-"

Jisoo cut him off. Hiccup. "Yoongiiiii!! Your boyfriend is mean!"

Yoongi dropped his keys on the table by the door and ran toward his friend, helping her up from the ground. He glared at Hoseok, who stood there doing nothing to help. Yoongi took Jisoo to her room and got her settled in bed before softly closing her door. He stormed back to the hallway, where Hoseok stood with his arms wrapped around himself, still with tears in his eyes.

"What the actual fuck happened?" Hoseok flinched at Yoongi's voice. The older was absolutely pissed.


"Who the hell pushed a woman to the ground? And a drunk woman at that? What kind of person would do such a thing?"

"Yoongi, let me explain, please."

Yoongi rolled his eyes and crossed his arms across his chest. After a moment he nodded for Hoseok to explain.

"She came home drunk so I came to help her to bed." He took a deep, shaky breath. "And she started talking about how she likes me and how when we went to the mall, me hugging her and letting her hold my hand were signs of me liking her. And she pinned me against the wall and kissed me. I couldn't break it off because she had a strong grip on my neck so the only way to get her off was to push her off. I-I'm so sorry I didn't know what else to do."

Yoongi was silent as he nodded his head. He bit down on his bottom lip. "You couldn't have just let her kiss you instead of pushing her off?"

Hoseok scoffed. "Would you have preferred to walk in to her kissing me or her crying on the floor after I push her off?"

"I would have preferred neither one." Yoongi rolled his eyes. "We will talk about this tomorrow. I think it's about time for her to find somewhere else to stay, I obviously can't trust you two to be around each other."

"Please, Yoongi. I feel disgusted with myself for even making her believe I am interested, but we can't throw her out on the street. We have to give her time to find somewhere else to go."

"I said we will talk about this tomorrow." Yoongi stormed off, slamming the door to his bedroom shut. Hoseok let his body slide to the floor as he curled up into a ball and cried. His heart ached, and his head throbbed from crying so much. The floor was cold but he could hardly register the temperature because his body went almost completely numb. He stood up and stared at the locked door to the bedroom before sighing and curling up on the couch. The spare blankets, of course, are all in the master bedroom where Yoongi was, so Hoseok just wrapped his arms around himself tight, praying for warmth and sleep to welcome him.


Holy shit three updates in one day I think is a new record for me.

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