Chapter Thirty-Four

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Author-nim is sorry in advance.

Hoseok panted while wiping the sweat on his brow with the bottom of his shirt. He picked up his bottle of water and took a few small sips before sitting down, his back against the mirror. The sound of the door opening made the mail raise an eyebrow. An unknown female entered. She wore a black suit jacket and skirt, with a pink blouse. Her hair was completely straight, falling to about the middle of her back. Red lipstick and black eyeliner brought out her pretty features.

"Can I help you?" Hoseok stood up, continuing to wipe the remaining drops of sweat from his face.

"Are you Jung Hoseok?"

Hoseok nodded. The woman pursed her lips before pulling out a piece of paper, handing it to him. "What's this?"

"This is a legally binding document proving that the marriage between Min Yoongi and Kim Jisoo is under contract. The only way to break the contract is if both parties agree. To my knowledge, the Kim family is refusing to accept your relationship with Mr. Min."

"What does this have to do with me?"

"Well, you see..." Her voice trailed off as her eyes traveled around the studio. "You and Mr. Min are not able to be legally married until this contract is broken." Pretend that marriage between same-sex couples is legal, okay?

Hoseok made an "oh" shape with his lips as the reality struck him. His heart dropped into his stomach. "So if the Kim family doesn't accept our relationship and break the contract, I can never marry Yoongi?"

The lawyer nodded. "I am sorry. I have been hired to try and help you."

"Wait, who hired you?"

Lisa was silent for a moment before clearing her throat. "Kim Jisoo."


Hoseok burst into Yoongi's studio, startling the older. "Hoseok! What are you doing here?"

The younger scoffed. "Did you know that Jisoo hired a lawyer to help us against her parents? We can't fucking get married until her parents agree to break the contract, Yoongi!"

Yoongi's eyes went large as the pen he held in his hands fell. "What?"

"Stop acting as if you didn't know! Is this why you keep waiting on our wedding plans? We had a date set, and then you change it. I find the perfect venue and you say you 'don't know if it is correct.' I don't know what else to do here, Yoongi! Do you actually want to marry me?"

Yoongi sat there in shock. He bit on his lower lip nervously had he had to fight back a few tears. Hoseok took this as a yes before he stormed out. "Hoseok!" Yoongi called out and tried to chase after him, but the younger was already gone. "Shit."

Yoongi gathered up his stuff quickly and exited his studio, fuming in anger.


The door swung open and an older man answered, his eyebrows immediately furrowing. "Yoongi? What are you doing here? Please, come in!"

Yoongi bowed slightly before entering the home. He sat on the couch awkwardly before the older male brought a cup of coffee for Yoongi. "Now," he sat down across from the younger. "Care to tell me why you made the trip here?"

Yoongi tried to surpress his anger. "You see, Mr. Kim, Hoseok came to me, furiously informing me of the information he learned regarding the contract between you and my parents."

Mr. Kim sipped on his coffee. "What about the contract is he so upset about?"

"The part that states that Hoseok and I can't be married until the contract is broken. You and Mrs. Kim are the only people who are still wanting this arranged marriage. Please, Mr. Kim. I beg of you, please let me marry my Hoseok."

Mr. Kim was silent for a minute before shaking his head. "I'm sorry, Yoongi. I can't break the contract."

"Why the hell not?" Yoongi's voice was slowly raising in volume.

"I want my daughter to be happy. Your family has some money. You have a job. You can support her."

Yoongi scoffed. "Your daughter is happy with the man that she is dating! I don't want to support her, I want to support Hoseok! Why can't you understand that neither me or your daughter want this marriage to happen?"

"I'm sorry, but I can't."

Anger poured out of Yoongi's pores. He stood up, his hands forming fists as his voice raised to a yell. "I have been like a son to you since Jisoo and I were kids! Why don't you want your daughter and I to be happy? The person who makes me happy is Hoseok, not Jisoo! WHY THE HELL CAN YOU NOT ACCEPT THAT?"

Silence filled the living room, and regret instantly crept up to Yoongi's heart. "Mr. Kim, I- I am so sorry, I-"

Mr. Kim held up a hand, stopping Yoongi. They glared at each other for a moment before the eldest's eyes softened. "You're right. I will speak to my wife tonight and we will go see the lawyer next week."

"Really? Oh my God, thank you!" Yoongi hugged Mr. Kim, both of them chuckling awkwardly.


Yoongi unlocked the door to his apartment, unable to contain his excitement. It was close to eleven PM, since the drive to Mr. Kim's house took a few hours. "Hoseokie!" He called out, dropping the keys on the counter as he searched for his fiance. "Where are you? I have some great news!" He grabbed a beer from the fridge, popping it open and taking a sip. He entered their bedroom, the smile still planted on his face. He instantly noticed the open drawers in the dresser, and the empty hangers in the wardrobe. "Hoseok?" His voice cracked slightly.

"No, no, no, no..." Yoongi dropped the beer as he ran over to the desk, picking up the scattered papers. "Shit, no Hoseok, please no." He felt the tears falling as he searched for the framed picture. He threw everything from the desk on to the floor, flipping through all of the drawers and cabinets. He fell to his knees, clutching the fabric covering his heart as he realized that the most prized object Hoseok owned was missing.

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