Chapter Thirty-Two

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I have been having a lot of writer's block and my depression has been bad lately so my motivation level is quickly going downhill for this novel, so there will probably only be a few chapters left until this book is finished.

Six months later...

Yoongi and Hoseok currently sat on a red and white checkered blanket with a picnic basket at their feet. They had already eaten their pre-made sandwiches and were now cuddling while watching the clouds glide across the sky as the sky gradually got darker. They were in a park, in the middle of an area surrounded by trees. It had become their favorite spot to hang out and spend time together.

Hoseok had his head on Yoongi's chest, playing with Yoongi's hand while the older's fingers on his other hand were slowly moving through Hoseok's brown locks. Every now and then, Hoseok would hum a sweet melody from one of the songs he's been dancing to recently.

"Hey babe?"


Yoongi stopped moving his fingers through the other's hair as he spoke. "Want to go on a little walk?"

Hoseok nodded as he stood up, reaching out a hand to help Yoongi, and then lacing their fingers together. Hoseok skipped a little bit while swinging their arms, bringing a big smile to Yoongi's lips. The older slipped a hand into his pocket, gripping tight out of anxiety.

The trees in the park opened up to clearing that overlooked a lake. They sat with their feet hanging on the edge of the grassy area, watching the small waves of the water. The sunset reflected beautifully off of the clear water.

Hoseok leaned his head on Yoongi's shoulders. This was the one spot that they both felt that they could relax. They had made a rule that neither one were allowed to talk about work at this spot. This was where they went to reconnect and remind themselves of their love for one another.

The stars started to overtake the remaining light from the sun, until the moon and the stars were their only source of light. It's perfect, Yoongi concluded.

"Hoseok," he cleared his throat. "You mean so fucking much to me. I can't even say that you mean the world because, to me, you mean so much more. If I owned a planet, I would sell it if it meant I could be with you. (So fucking cheesy I'm so sorry lol). Ever since you walked into my apartment to help me with my math, I knew that you would change my life. Of course, at the time, I thought you would just help me graduate." The couple chuckled at the memory. Yoongi reached into one of his pockets and pulled out a small photobook. "This," he began, pointing to the first picture, "is from that one time that you helped me with my math homework and we decided to take a walk. We walked all the way to the park we're in now."

"And this one," he chuckled lightly at the memory, "was taken at Jin's and Namjoon's wedding a few weeks ago. You still look amazing, by the way."

"Remember when you kicked ass at that dance competition and won with the song that I composed for you? I hadn't been so proud before in my life."

"And all of these are from Taehyung wanting to use us as models so he could practice his photography skills. I don't think you ever actually saw these. I was saving the reveal until now."

"Wow, we look hot, Yoongs." Hoseok was laughing as tears threatened to fall.

"When do you ever not look hot?" Yoongi pecked Hoseok's cheek. "But, Jung Hoseok, you have made me a better man than I could ever have imagined of being. You give me so much inspiration for my music with your love. You broke me out of my shell. You helped me become the me I had always dreamed of becoming. I never thought that I would end up with a guy, but I am so freaking glad that I ended up with you. We're perfect for each other. You soften my rough edges, sanding me down. And I love you so much, and I will love you for the rest of my life."

He coughed a couple of times, ruining the moment and startling Hoseok. "Babe, you okay?"

Yoongi stopped coughing and, after a moment, smiled as just enough light came on to illuminate Hoseok's worried face. "Look at the water, Hoseokie."

The younger did as his boyfriend asked and gasped. In the water were strings of floating lanterns, connected together to form letters.

The lights read: "Will you mary me?"

"Goddammit Jungkook, you spelled 'marry' wrong!"

Jungkook's head popped up from the bushes to their left. "Oops, I'm sorry. I tried! Go ahead and finish what you were saying!"

"You're doing well, Yoongi! Tae and Jin are in tears already!"

Yoongi rolled his eyes while laughing at the group of people hiding in the bushes that he calls his friends. Yoongi stood up from where he sat, pulling Hoseok up with him. He pulled the box out of his pocket and kneeled down so one knee touched the ground below him. Hoseok's hands covered his mouth as streams of tears started to flow from his eyes.

"Jung Hoseok, will you make me the happiest man alive and marry me? With two R's, not one like our dumbass friend Jungkook thinks."

Jungkook could be heard groaning in the grass, followed by shushing from the rest of their audience. Hoseok knew his voice would crack if he spoke so he nodded his head quickly. Yoongi smiled his biggest smile yet as he slipped the ring onto Hoseok's finger. The younger pulled him up by the collar and slammed their lips together as cheers erupted from around them. Someone threw confetti on the couple. The cheers were drowned out as the couple poured every ounce of love they had for the other into their kiss.

They finally broke apart with huge smiles. Yoongi was immediately tackled by Jungkook, and Jimin ran and embraced Hoseok. Jimin wiped away Hoseok's tears. "Congratulations!" He whispered before backing away, letting other peopls have a turn. Jin was basling into Namjoon's shoulder while the latter was comforting him by rubbing a hand on his back.

Taehyung walked up to Hoseok and hugged him, squeezing tight. "I think I cried more than you," he giggled. "I got so many pictures of you two." Hoseok pinched his cheeks.

After everyone had said some form of congratulations, Namjoon spoke up to be heard above everyone. "Shall we go out and celebrate?"

The crowd cheered, until Yoongi whistled to quiet the group down. "Can we celebrate as a group together? I want to spend the rest of the evening with my fiancè."

Hoseok giggled at the new term. He would have to get used to that.

I was too excited to update so here I am updating earlier than expected. Hope that you enjoyed.

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