Chapter 33: A New Understanding

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AN: Thank my spouse for the triple update, because the movie he chose tonight blows huge chunks lol!


"Mimi-chan, we didn't talk about this because, well, I didn't know it was coming up so soon," Nick said truthfully. "But I don't have any condoms." He looked down at her in the mellow light of the lamp, lips bitten together, wondering what her response would be.

She considered his words. "I'm on the pill, though, Nick, you know that," she finally said, sounding a little confused. She stroked his arm, which was holding him up as as he leaned slightly over her.

"I do know that, yeah," he agreed, nodding. "But I'm not talking about birth control." He was silent, waiting for her to speak. He finally took a breath when she didn't. "I'm talking about STIs," he said.

"I don't think I have any," she replied uncertainly, sounding so cute that Nick wanted to die.

He caressed her cheek, laughing softly. "Not you, Purple girl, me. Aren't you worried about engaging in sexual congress with someone who's slept with 'half the women in the northern hemisphere,' as you so aptly put it?"

Sumire's face blossomed into the tiny smile he knew and loved. She shook her head. "No. Because I know you were so careful about using condoms when you were with them, Nick-san." She continued to stroke his arm, her fingertips soft, providing a nice distraction to her words.

"And how do you know that?"

"Darcie told me when we were in New York."

"Oh." Nick leaned down and kissed her, gently, with his thumb on her chin. "As long as that's covered, then."

He lifted his head.

"And you will tell me to stop if you want to stop? Right away?"

Sumire nodded. "Promise."

She looped her arms around Nick's neck, pulling him down to her. "Now kiss me, Nick, please."

So Nick stretched out next to her, his legs stretching far below hers on the futon, and took her firmly in his arms without breaking the kiss. He couldn't contain the sound that escaped him, nor could he control the action between his legs as their hips aligned and he felt her belly and sex pressing against him.

"Nick? Nick."


"Please tell me if I'm doing something wrong? Please?" Sumire leaned back from him a couple of inches so she could stare earnestly at him as she made this request.

Nick tried manfully not to laugh, but he couldn't help it, and he had to look down as he snorted so he wouldn't do it right in her face.


"All right, all right!" he acquiesced, holding her firmly so she couldn't squirm out of his arms. "If you're, like, actually causing me physical pain or something, I'll tell you, I promise, is that good enough?"

He kissed her on her mouth, effectively silencing her, little kisses, over and over, moaning comfortably each time, pressing a little harder, asking with the increasing pressure for her to open up, which she did.

"Ah, god, I love kissing you," Nick murmured as their tongues touched.

"Me too," she answered between kisses. "Me too." She lifted her head to change positions, angling her torso over him so she was half on top of his chest. She weighed nothing, but he was surprised at how aggressive this move was, and feeling her warmth on top of him was a huge turn on.

Then, just as he was adjusting to having her on top of him, she lifted a leg over his hips, and the feeling of her leg draped over him nearly wrecked his wits in one fell swoop. He reached down and ran his hand from the back of her thigh all the way down her elegant calf to her little foot, enjoying the smooth, warm firmness of it.

"Oh god, how can a leg feel so sexy?" he asked, pulling her head in so he could kiss her harder.

Sumire reached between them so she could run a hand along his thigh. "Yours does feel pretty sexy, too," she admitted, surprising herself and him with her words and actions.

"You're killing me, and we still have our PJs on, Mimi-chan," he declared, his voice soft.

He reached under her yukata with the hand he had on her leg, putting it on her round bottom, on top of her underwear. "You ready to do this?" he asked, smiling at her.

"Yeah," she nodded before kissing him again.

"Then let's get these off," Nick said, hooking a thumb under the waist of her undies and slowly sliding them down.

Sumire closed her eyes and smoothly lifted her hips in a movement that was once again so sexy that Nick was barely hanging on. He wondered if he was finding everything she did sexy because it had been so long since he'd been with a woman, or if it was just something about her that affected him in this way.

He pulled her undies out from under her yukata, and saw that they were pink, with lace trim.


And super sexy.


He took a deep breath and put them under his pillow for perusal later.

"Sit up, Mimi-chan," he requested. "Sit right here, okay?" He patted his tummy, right where his six pack was flexed.

She nodded and scooted up, one leg on either side of him, careful to keep her yukata modestly closed, which Nick thought was so cute.

"Or would you rather lie down?" he asked as this thought occurred to him.

She immediately shook her head. "That's the one position I don't want to be in, if that's okay?" She looked at him, and he could see the panic in her eyes.

"Shh, shh, it's no problem, no going on your back," he assured her. He pulled her down and kissed her, smiling before and after.

"Here we go, ready?"

She nodded, biting her lip, putting her arms at her sides, hands on his hips.

Nick slowly reached out and spread her yukata out, looking up at her eyes frequently to gauge her feelings.

She blinked often and swallowed, but didn't stop him.

He finally looked down, after he lifted the sides of her yukata over her thighs where they rested on his abdomen.

"Wow," he breathed.

Her smooth thighs angled straight across his body to join at the fulcrum where they met her body, and there was her sex, definitely wet, with a small thatch of dark hair above. He could barely make out how it glistened, because that part was touching his skin, but he could feel it against him, and now that he could see her, it was making him crazy. He could even see the bundle of nerves that was responsible for her orgasms, the shining pearl that sat at the top of her sex, peeking out from the dark hair. He even thought that he might be able to smell her, the elusive scent of her, of Mimi-chan, the woman he loved. He couldn't wait to get his mouth on it. Not tonight, he knew.

But soon.

He looked up at her face once more, and gave her a smile. He waited for her to smile back, and slowly reached with both hands, grasping her in the twin grooves where her thighs met her pelvis. He let his thumb drop over the dark hair, and pushed a little, making sure that she would accept this before going any farther.

When she didn't object, he pushed in a bit more, into the welcoming heat of her, the wet warmth, the slickness where he wanted to just bury himself. He could feel himself throbbing painfully, between the cheeks of her bottom, and there was no way that she didn't feel it too.

One of his thumbs moved up to touch her center, and he pressed on it, moving his digit in small circles.

Her head tipped back and she closed her eyes, letting out a sound that was half pleasure, half pain. He stopped almost immediately, because that wasn't in the plans, not tonight, and pulled his hands away.

She lifted her head to look at him, her gaze smoky.

"You are very, very wet, Mimi-chan," he told her, his voice gravelly. "That's all it is."

She nodded, and leaned forward to kiss him. While she was bent forward, she reached behind her and untied his obi, flinging it to both sides and opening up his yukata.

Then she untied her own and took her yukata off, letting it pool around her waist. She sat up so Nick could see all of her, and she was simply the most beautiful thing he'd ever seen.

"You want to do it like this?"

"Is that okay?" she responded, her swollen lips barely moving. She took a deep breath, her chest heaving, and Nick could see that her nipples and areolae were swollen and a deep pink, almost red, from her excitement.

He nodded as he pulled her down so he could suck on them, and the feeling of having them in his mouth created a feeling in him that was almost a sizzle between his legs.

He could feel Sumire arch her back under his hands, and he opened his eyes to see her, looking magnificent with her eyes closed, leaning forward and into his mouth.

"But Nick, we're too far apart," she murmured.

So he sat up, so they were chest to chest. He lifted his legs at the knee so she could lean against them, and laved her breasts some more, while she rolled her head back against his legs, arms wrapped around his head, making small keening sounds.

"I can feel you dripping on my stomach," Nick murmured against her chest.

"Is that bad? Is that too much wet?" she asked.

Nick gave a little laugh as he shook his head. "No, Mimi-chan, there's no such thing," he assured her. He lifted his head and she gave him a scorching kiss, which he followed up with one to her collar bone that was so hard that he raised a purple and magenta bloom on her tender skin.

Sumire gasped at the pain, an Nick apologized, licking at the spot to soothe the burn.

"No, feels really good," she gasped again, holding his head firmly against her body.

"Shouldn't I do something to you?" she asked once.

He shook his head. "Maybe next time," he answered briefly. "I'm good."

Once, he sat back and just looked at her where she straddled his lap. "You are so beautiful," he told her, his voice serious. "Just so beautiful."

"You are too," she replied, blinking steadily.

"Nick?" she continued.


"I want to fuck now."

He laughed. "Okay, then, let's fuck. Like this, right? Face to face, with you on top?"

She nodded.

Nick took a gasping breath as she rose up and he grasped himself to get in the right position. "I've never done this before," he explained. "Gone bareback," he clarified at her look.

He gritted his teeth and fought for control as his head entered her body, as he felt her tight warmth wrap around him.

Nothing had ever felt so good.


Holy Jesus.

She slowly lowered herself on him until he was completely enclosed in her body, until they were completely joined.

"Oh, god," Nick gulped, nearly choking. "Please don't move, or I'm gonna just blow."

"But--isn't that the point?"

"Not right away, though, it feels incredible, I want to enjoy it a little--"


He grasped Sumire's shoulders, trying to hold himself motionless, trying to just let her ride him without moving.

"Kiss me, Sumire, kiss me," he murmured.

She leaned forward, pressing her beautiful mouth onto his, touching his tongue with hers, and even the act of moving forward this tiny amount felt incredible, causing him to groan.

He put his hands on her hips and began to move her up and down, very slowly, and she flexed her thighs, taking her cues from him.

With no latex between them, Nick felt like he could feel everything inside her, he felt like he could feel parts of her he'd never felt in any other woman before.

Holy shit.

"No pain?" he asked, looking at her face for honesty.

She shook her head.

"Feels good," she whispered, and he could see that she had little beads of perspiration on her upper lip from her exertion, and looked glorious, as beautiful as she'd ever been.

"God, you look amazing," he told her.

"I love you, Nick, I love you," she gasped as her hips sped up.

"Oh, Mimi-chan, here I come, here I come, okay?" Nick gasped, as he felt himself getting ready to shoot deliriously over the edge. "I'm sorry, I know you didn't come yet, but I can't hold on--"

"It's okay, it's fine, come, Nick, come inside me, I want to feel you--" Sumire encouraged.

"Mm, here I come, here I come, ready?"

"Yes, yes, yes," Sumire cried softly, her arms reaching for Nick, grasping strongly, holding him to her, her nails nearly making him bleed as he thrust into her, shooting his seed deeply into her body.

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