Chapter 13

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Dedicated to : zacheema asami-izanami theshroffgirl19 Maouka Iamlostsometimes

Happy Reading :)

Soon Erwin passed the entrance exam and was chosen to be the Prime Minister's secretary as of which I grew even closer to him . We were more like brothers than friends . Saraha had crimson red bright hair , dark red eyes. Fair skin . She was pretty . A straight nose. Heavy long eyelashes. Very pretty indeed. Mom brought her to me I was studying for my literature tests .

"Zen dear ! I have a pleasant surprise for you " Mom smiled and I jumped down from my study chair and went upto her . She didn't bring her in but I felt her presence behind mom tucking her gown.

"What is it mom ?"

"Come on Saraha , don't hide. There is no need to be scared . " She pulled her from behind and placed her hand on her shoulder. "Zen meet this young girl ,she is going to be your sister . Make sure you take good care of her as an elder brother ." She gave me a closed eyed smile. Crease formed on my forehead head. A pout on my face. I was utterly disappointed. It's not what I expected for a surprise.

"But I don't need one mom. You do know I hate girls . Well except for you Ofcourse. "

"Haha ... I'm no girl . I'm a woman . She will be a fine lady one day . Zen please behave well. It's a request . Don't dishearten her . " She raffled my hair and left . The girl stood staring at me. I looked aside.

"Nice to meet you Big brother " She slightly bowed.

"Zen is fine . You don't have to be so formal. You can leave if you don't have anything to say "

"Alright . I'm sorry for interrupting your studies ." She left. As soon as I finished I left to the mid hallway . I knew Erwin would be free to spend some free time with me. As kids we played chasing each other in the grounds. Neil would always help me out in escaping from father. I was waiting next to the flower garden hiding from others . If they found me they would probably engage me in teaching lessons and formal practice sessions . I let out a deep sigh .

"Waiting for Erwin, Young Master !" Neil approached.

"Neil ! How did you find me ? I'm your local guardian after all I always keep a keen watch on you . It's my job . "

"I didn't want you to come here . What if someone finds us ? "

"I won't let that happen . Wait is that a chessboard you are holding Prince ?"

"Yes. He promised we would play it together . He is late. "

"Erwin is busy in a meeting with the beurucarts. It will take another 30 minutes probably . Why don't we go around the palace and you can tell me anything you want . I'll listen."

"Fine." I walked around the gardens with Neil. I stood in amazement . Saraha had a bunch of flowers in her hands as mom picked them. She noticed me and came running .

"Zen ! Look how pretty these are ! "

"You came all the way to show me these ?"

"Well I thought you might like them and besides I was hoping of you could help me weaning these together "

"Weaving ? What the hell ?I don't do stuff like that . "

"Master I don't think it's a bad idea. You have about 25 minutes until you meet Erwin . It will be fun . " My mother nodded in agreement .

"What good will it do to me ? Saraha you can do that by yourself."

"Now that's not true . It helps you concentrate . You wanted to improve that don't you? Also Saraha us going to make beautiful brackets out of those and gifts the maids and their children. Ofcourse it's not waste of time " Neil leaned whispering into my ear . He always smiled. I wondered how he did that. I never saw him panic or anxious no matter how much work he us given to do . Most of all he enjoyed his work and was very devoted. I realised why father chose him to look after me.

"Fine then just for sometime !" I said with an unpleasant face.

"Great ! Shall we head to the canopy leisure grounds. It's not occupied . Shall we proceed My queen !"

"Yes you may. I have no problem ." Mom smiled.

She taught me to weave those flowers and it didn't take me much time to learn it. Erwin came to where we were. The canopy leisure grounds. It was a pleasant place with tables and chairs white in color .

"He is been waiting for you !"

"Yes I know ." Erwin replied to Neil as I turned to him hearing his voice .

"Forgive me Prince . I was occupied in a meeting of which I came to know just today morning . I couldn't inform you "

"What's with the formality? "

"Oh who do we have here ? How come I don't know her ? " Erwin whispered . I got up from my seat .

"She is ... well .. my sister !"

"Sister ? You never told me that ...."

"I don't know myself . Mom brought her out of nowhere . "

"Hey that's kinda rude. " Erwin flinched.

"Saraha we are leaving. See you later ." She nodded. However I realised Erwin had gained quite a liking to her . He started questioning me about her.

"She is pretty don't you think ?"

"To be honest I don't understand the word pretty but people love using it huh.... " I said moving my pawn on the chessboard two steps further.

"You are just stubborn Zen ! " He chuckled . Saraha was exceptionally skilled .She was better than me in academics there wasn't much difference . Years passed and we three grew even more closer. We would sneak out of the palace to visit shopping centres ,dressing up in weird costumes and enjoying festivals . It was fun ... fun until one day things took a drastic turn.

6 years passed . I turned 16 years old and my birthday was celebrated in a very extravagant way . A party was organised . 16 years marked the end of childhood and we were considered to be responsible enough to participate in the duties assigned by the king . This privilege was limited only to the member of the royal family as things we were taught were on a completely different level. That's what made us differ from the commoners . Saraha and myself would always clash swords to test who was better. After the party I came back to my room. I was exhausted . Some of our relatives stayed back and most of the guests left. I remember all too well . The sky was dark . Clear and I could countless stars sparkling , twinkling . All of a sudden I heard a loud scream . Something happened . Dad was busy that night he was still doing his paperwork. I rushed out of my room and saw Neil hurriedly approaching me.

"Prince Zen are you alright ? "

"I'm fine Neil. What's going on ?"

"I have no idea. I heard screams and hurried my way through here . " A loud voice was heard again . Something fell down and broke . We headed downstairs. Miliana was crying om get knees in front of mom's room . Neil stopped me from going ahead. He continued to walk and stood , trembling , he dropped his sword and went in . I couldn't myself so I followed him as well. What I saw was a disaster in my life . My throat parched . My mother was lying on her bed in a pool of blood. She looked pale and her white skin was cold ands ice.

"Mother !!! Mother wake up !! " I softly hit her cheeks , shaked her . Hearing our screams Father came running all the way from his chambers . It was devastating . My father hurried and caller the physician . There was no pulse. Obviously it was clear she was lifeless. There were wounds in her abdomen . Mother was stabbed with a sword . I couldn't control myself and went in search of who the culprit .

"Zen where are you going ? Wait ! " Father and Neil shouted but they couldn't catch upto me. I ran in the woods. There was no sign anywhere around . Then in the dark I heard footsteps. I turned back . It was Saraha . I burst out in tears.

"Zen . Why are you crying ? I saw you running and followed you "

"Didn't you see ? Someone killed our mother Saraha . What did she ever do ? She always helped people wanted the best for everyone . Who could have done such a thing ?" My tears kept flowing . She held my hand .

"Don't cry Zen . Your mother was a good person . " I lifted my eyes looking at her . She had no emotions . Come to think of it I never saw her cry .

"Your mother ? She was your mother as well Saraha . She accepted you as her daughter . What's with those lifeless eyes ? "

"Yes but sadly I never accepted her as my mother . To be honest I don't pity her death . It's what you deserved, what she deserved , what all of you deserved . There is no room for sorry . You see your ancestors have just done far more brutal things to have pity . "

"You are kidding right ? You are just too affected by the current circumstances that you are blabbering things . Saraha what are you saying get ahold of yourself !"

"It's the truth . Want to know what her last words were ? "

Saraha knocked at the Queen's door. She opened and smiled at the little girl. Little did she knew that she was inviting death disguised aa an innocent little face.

" What's wrong Saraha ? You need something ? "

"I'm scared . I can't sleep mother ."

"Oh . Don't worry . You an sleep with me . I'll tell you a fine story and then sing a lullaby you will definitely sleep after that more like before I finish it " She chuckled and let her in . Since it was windy she turned to close the windows. Saraha then summoned her blade .

"Blade of honour - Water moon "
And a long sharp reflecting sword was in her hands . Irina turned confused after hearing those words .

"I don't have anything against you but I must take my revenge . May your soul rest in peace kindred soul." Before she could resist Saraha impaled her . Irina fell backwards on her bed .

"Oh you are still alive ! " She impaled her for the second time . Blood dripped from her mouth .

"Why ... you ... " Tears left her eyes . " You probably .... ha ..hate me.. but I beg you ... please spare my son .... don't you .....dare... lay a hand on Zen.... you ... witch !"

"Haha ... I don't really know idof it was a request or a warning . Either I can't let you live . I have to see you suffer " Saraha laughed. Zen's face changed . His eyes turned red and veins erupted across his neck and hands . He took put his sword from his scabbard.

"You are the one who is going to die !" Their swords clashed . Zen sealed his hands into a sign and attached her with a fireball . She dodged it . He tried using hypnosis but Saraha was all too well aware of his abilities. She avoided eye contact . She replicated herself 4 times but Zen was able to confront all of them at once . Replication drained Saraha's energy . She replicated her blade of honour 209 times . Zen couldn't defend all of those miniatures hence they wounded him badly . Zen used his illusion powers to trap Saraha. She had used all of her energy . Exhausted she fell down . Zen couldn't bring himself to kill her as her mind kept repeating the words.

"You can't kill him , you live him
You can't kill him , you love him "

Saraha could also heal herself but now she was lying down weak and fragile . Zen went upto her . Her blade disappeared. She was able to use her powers to the fullest in the presence of the moon.

"Obsessed with revenge obsessed with power obsessed with your clan !! You really are a heartless woman Saraha! ! I don't know what we did to your people amd I don't want to know coz you are wrong. Your very existence is a burden . So I'll free this world from bearing your burden. I hope you find peace after you die. " With that Zen pierced her chest with his sword. She winced in pain as he removed it back .

"In the near future you will be desperate for freedom from my memories ! I wanted to make you feel how it feels to lose a loved one . I don't even know why I feel guilty of doing this but I'm honoured to be able to taste death from by your mighty hands ... as always the colour red will bring happiness in your dry life Zen but next time it would be true It won't be a burden ! Don't mistake me I'm not sorry at all but ... The look on your face aches my heart .... " Zen could read her mind and she was fully aware that was knowing what she was thinking. Drops of tears left her eyes which became 2 bright shiny pearls. Zen held them before they fell to the dusty ground. With a shaky smile on her face she passed away in Zen's arms . Erwin hurried to them and fell down. He couldn't believe what he saw. That night screams were echoed like howling of wolves .


Alisha found difficult to swallow. Tears dripped down her face . She saw Zen crying as she held his hand . Her hand could feel the pain in his tears .She never could have imagined that behind a straight face there was a deep story hidden. He probably buried it inside of him for this long . She felt sad for bringing it up but then it gave a her a chance to make things right . She wiped his tears.

"I understand Zen . You aren't sad because you killed her . You are sad because you loved her . She just got the royal family's name but to you she meant something else. To be betrayed by a person you love is an awful feeling . I'm sorry . "

"She could have resisted my attack . Also she had enough time and resources to help herself but she didn't . She chose to die and abandon her mission. "

"Mission ? "

"Yeah . She was upto something although I could never forgive her for killing my mother . "

"I know . "

Zen and Alisha get back to their quarters. Given the time they spent talking they were sure not going wake up early.

"Zen said Saraha always dressed in red I'll do the same . Wow this was the first time Zen spoke to me so much . He also shared to me about his past . I guess he isn't that stubborn as I thought . In any case the fact Zen loved someone is making me so uneasy . I'm glad she isn't alive . Wait what am I saying ? I sound so out of character . Oh well I must get some sleep now. " Saying that she goes back to sleep.

Zen was a workaholic. He got enough sleep and woke up to resume his work. Neil barged in with a worried look on his face.

"Your Majesty ! Lady Alisha is not to be seen anywhere . We can't find her I'm afraid she was abducted !"

"What ? How can you say that ?" Zen rose from his seat .

"This note was found on her bed. "

I haven't given up . If she is important you will find her or else I don't mind making her mine .

Zen crushed the piece of paper . Wearing his armour and cloak he prepares himself for the worst.

"Neil ! We are leaving . At this point I won't waver to kill him . Even if he is my best friend "

"As you wish Your Majesty ! "

I'm in love with Zenisha! !! Thank you all for reading my story and your votes and comments mean mean a lottt! ! Love you all ! What do you all thing is gonna happen now ? Is it time for Zen to give up on Alisha or is it gonna take take a whole new turn ? Let me know !!

Stay Awesome :)

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