Chapter 4 - How am I supposed to deal with her ?

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Alisha leaves for her journey . The King thanks her and her parents for taking such a decision for the sake of  the kingdom also praises them . Alisha is happy and seems to enjoy her journey . Resting her hands on the wooden slab she admires the water .

"Wow .... the breeze is so cool and refreshing I love it .! The water its so beautiful  ..I  would swim all day if I got a chance . Hey Ashia why is the water so blue is it because of the colour of the sky ? "

"May be ... I'm not sure my lady "

"Hmm. .. but when I  take it in my hand the color changes making me wonder what it's true colour is "

"I don't know too ma'am . Well I have heard your story ... I mean the thing about never letting you out . Is this the first time you are travelling through sees my lady ?"

"Hmmm ... so you heard haan . Yeah this is my first time . I have never seen a sea this close and please don't  call me my lady ."

"Yes ma'am .I apologise . I'm glad you are enjoying this but if you feel anything at all please inform me .Most of them get sea sick ."

"Sure no problem . I'm sure we will reach soon " She says tucking the strand of hair behind her ear .

"Yes another hour I guess " . She listens to the captain's  stories as he had travelled a lot to many different places . She then speaks with him for quite sometime until they reach the port of Isla.  It was afternoon. Alisha gets down and everyone on board think that they will have a good feast or banquet arranged by the King but that wasn't the case as Zen wasn't aware of her arrival . Alisha thinks that everyone's  watch on her will make it difficult to enjoy her time outside and she won't be free . So she asks them all to leave forcibly cutting the rope that was attached to the wooden bridge . Ashia screams but she doesn't pay attention to him and runs away . She is elated to be walking around freely although she covers herself with a long coat and tightly wraps her hair with a cloth upon which she puts her hoodie . She wears long boots on her formal dress . After roaming around the port she enters a market . A market full of busy vendors selling fruits , cereals , fish ... vegetables ... and lots of other stuff .  The place was chaotic and it was very crowded with people all around. It was indeed a very busy market.  Alisha keeps walking amd suddenly two shady men appear and steal her luggage . She runs behind them and throws a drum which rolls down and they fall . She goes and tries to take her luggage back but one of them tries to hold her but just then a young man appears with a fine ..short beard and a white turban . His clothing was traditional and was good looking . He  holds the man's hand giving him a scary glare .

"What do you think you are doing ? Trying to attack a lonely girl don't you have any shame you fools ?" He tightens his grip as they get intimidated .

"We are sorry please ... We won't do it again .. We will never do it please trust us . Let us go. .. "

"Ahaaan ! Not so fast ... Neliyel take care of them ... good care I mean . " He glances at the man standing behind him and the latter takes action quickly . He drags them both and takes them away from the street they were standing in .

"Umm. .. Excuse me . Who are you ? And why are you helping me ? " Alisha queries in curiosity

"Don't mind me I'm just a passerby also a traveller  but who are you and what are you doing ?  I don't think you are from this place.... Judging from your dressing at least ."

"Oh you are observant ... well you are right I'm not from here and this is my first time visiting this place .  I'm from the kingdom of Lauderdale. "

"Ah I see I  have heard that before .  Anyways this place is too dangerous you mustn't wander around so carelessly I mean atleast the places which are far from the royal palace .  Come with me I'll show you some safe places for you to stay .."

"That's nice and all but you say it's dangerous around here so how can  I trust you?  I mean you could just  be the same as well "

"I don't mind if you don't come with me . You can stay if you don't trust me . Well then..... " He turns his back to leave but she calls him lifting her hand to reach him .

"Hey ..wait .."

"What is it ?" He turns around.

"Umm. .. you did actually helped me so I guess I can trust you " She says looking aside .

"You are pathetic.  You just want someone with you .. say it straight  will you ?"

"It...its not like that "

"Well let's walk shall we ?  Why don't  we stop by and eat somewhere ?"

"Sure but what about your friend who took those men and where exactly did he take them ?"

"Neliyel is someone I know from this place I tag him along when ever I come here and don't worry he took them to the cops ."

"I see. For a traveller you do know a lot about this place .. so tell me how many places have you visited ? Are you like those people who travel around the world and write about their journeys?  You must have tasted a lot of cuisines as well .."

"My my ... how many questions do you ask ? Well I haven't visited many places I just keep travelling that's what I like . Well this place is good . We can have our lunch here ." They stop by at a very fine restaurant .

"Woah ! This place looks expensive . I don't have much money I'm sorry . Let's go somewhere else I can have anything it's not like I prefer exotic foods "

"It's fine I'll take care of the bill you can pay me later "

"No .. I won't like it . Please... I already owe you ..."

"Just come with me . You are so stubborn your clothes are fine how come you are so poor "

"Excuse me I'm not ... its just that ..."

"Save your story for later for now come " He holds her hand and pulls as they climb the stairs .  The gurads bow to them and let them in . They take a table for two and place the order .

"It feels so weird .." Alisha mumbles as he makes awkward facial gestures looking at her .

"She is so different ... how am I supposed to deal her "

"So tell me how come you are all alone in a foreign land ? Didn't anyone accompany you ?"

"Oh it's nothing like that .. I travelled through ship and many of them came along with me from Lauderdale but I forcibly let them go since they wouldn't allow me to wander around . They would straight away take me to the palace . This is the first time I have been out all by myself for such a long time " She says looking down playing with her fingers .

"Hmmm. ... sounds strange but I don't want to ask you any personal questions but still why did you come here ?"

"To marry the king of this place ... and the funny part is that I don't even know how he looks he talks ...what his name his ...nothing at all I just have a blurry,  faint image in my mind which needs to be filled when I actually see him "
She rolls her eyes as he clears his throat .

"Marry the king haan ? Well I find it hard to believe but if you are saying the truth why didn't the king come to receive you ?"

"I understand but you see I never told him that I'm coming so he isn't one to blame but he is crazy and I do not like him ... he has no manners at all proper timing,  he still doesn't know who he has indulged with .. I will teach him a proper lesson and no way will I forget his crime "

"Crime ? "He says baffled by her talk .

"Yes . Do you think marriage is a deal ? Just because he is a king doesn't mean he has power to do anything . He gave us a choice my land or me so what was I supposed to do ? I couldn't possibly stand and watch my land taken away by a ruthless,  merciless king right ? "

"Ahem !  How can you call him merciless when you haven't even met him in person ? You do not know the king "

"He is .. and anyways how will you know you are just a traveller "

"Well whatever let's have our meal for now okay ?"

"Yeah right " The food was delicious Alisha grabs a plate and serves herself .

"Hey we have been talking and I never asked your name . I'm so sorry "

"Um.. uh... that's okay ... my name is .. Zz... Zorro what about you ?"

"I'm Alisha . "She let's out a chuckle . They then ride to a nearby town in  search of a room and on their way they meet Neliyel and Ashia .

"My lady ... glad I found you . I had been searching for you " Ashia shouts walking up to her as they get down from the carriage. 

"Ashia how did you ? ..."

"I jumped into the water and swam  till the port .. I searched you everywhere but couldn't find you at all . I'm so glad you are safe ."

"I'm sorry . Well I'm ok thanks to this young man who helped me a lot . " She turns to Zorro and introduces Ashia clearing his confusion .

"I see so you are her bodyguard well I'm not worried then . This place has a lot of hotels so you can spend the night here Alisha but tomorrow morning make sure you leave to the palace without any delay . "

"Wait ... are you leaving ? "

"Yes I have some errands to run "

"Hmmm.. oh I need to pay you .Ashia you have my purse  right ?"

"Yes ma'am "

"Hey its alright no big deal you may need it so ..."

"No way I don't even know when I'll meet you  so please take it "

"We will meet again I assure you . "

"Fine then if you insist . Thanks for everything today"

"You are very welcome . " Alisha and Ashia move to check the rooms . A transport from the palace arrives just then to take  Neliyel and Zorro who are actually Neil and Zen .

"Your Majesty ! Is it safe for her to stay alone you should have just taken her with you "

"It's ok Neil Ashia is with her . That girl really is something . She is brave and I couldn't let her know my true identity. "He sighs .

"I understand Sir " Zen disguises himself that way once a month to inspect the kingdom . That way he comes to know how actually people behave and what's going on outside the palace . The needs of the poor and other such matters are dealt by him personally . The next day morning Alisha leaves to reach the palace . Zen is busy in his quarters .

"How can we help you ma'am " One of the guards on duty at the palace gate question her .

"I'm here to see the king "

"I'm sorry but we cannot allow anyone to enter the palace just like that . We need to see your Id do you have one ?"

"No I don't . I'm here to marry the king so I have no need of such things please let me in "

"We don't know what you are talking about ?  " She tries to make her way inside but the guards hold her . Ashia tries to calm her down but she pays no attention and keeps screaming to let her in . Hearing all the chaos Neil comes to check .

"What's going on ? Huh.... you?  ... Madam what are you doing ? "

"Who are you ? Listen I'm   gonna be the King's wife so let me in didn't he tell you ? "

"Uh... Well you do have the letter I assume so please show it "

"First let me go .. "

"Leave her guards " Neil commands as they let her loose who were holding her from barging in . She then takes the letter and the envelope she received from the king and hands over to Neil .

"If you had just shown it to them from the beginning you could have avoided a brawl with the guards "

"They treated me like a suspicious person out of nowhere ! Anyone would get violent over that ! "

"No . They would not . Anyways come with me I'll take you to the audience chamber "

"Fine . " Ashia and herself follow Neil who walks through the hallway which was pretty long . The palace is huge like anyone new would definitely get lost . There  were many rooms and two guards stood outside every door . One could see the view of the gardens and attractions through the windows in the hallway . The space in between was vacant only with flowers and trees also little bushes  . The building covered it completely on all four sides . It was pleasant ,  warm and pleasing .

"Hey I get the feeling that I have seen you somewhere before . Have we like met each other before this ?"

"No we haven't . " He says straightening his glasses . Neil always wears spectacles but when he is Neliyel he doesn't and looks totally different that is why Alisha couldn't recognise him . They reach the audience chamber but Zen wasn't present in the hall . One of the ministers inform that  he is busy with the elders and has instructed to take Alisha to her room and will meet her later .

"What ? I have to wait ... just how busy is this king ?"

"Watch your tone Lady Alisha . His Majesty is busy most of the times but don't worry he will meet you soon . Come now I'll show you both your rooms . You must be tired so please rest for sometime . "

"Sure . " He takes her to the other side amd reaches the room.

"This will be your room . Except for me , your bodyguard and his Majesty no other men will be allowed in this area . So please don't allow anyone to come in . "

"Yes . Thank you so much ."

"No problem . You can call me Neil I'm his Majesty's advisor and care taker "

"Hm..more like his trusted right hand man I can see that " She gives him a closed eye smile . And yes Ashia you don't have to stay here . Go and have some good sleep .. the guards are here so no need to worry "

"Yes ma'am . " They leave and the servants bring her luggage . The room was large and beautifully decorated . The bed was in the middle on the right hand side and opposite to which was a large window from which she could see the room where Zen works and deals with his regular work . There were two side tables next to the bed with lamps on it . There was table surrounded by elegant sofas and other seating furniture on the other side of  the room . Wardrobe and a bookshelf was also seen  . The balcony had sliding doors and tiny plants . There was also an attached bathroom in the room . She began to unzip her luggage and arranged her stuff.  After having a nice fresh bath she dried and brushed her hair thinking how the king would be . She couldn't suppress her curiosity anymore . The fact that she didn't even knew the name of  the person she was going to marry was troubling her  . She admired herself in the mirror .

"Ah ! I'm tired I think I should sleep . I would probably be able to see him tomorrow so why rush . Anyways it sure is cold at nights here compared to lauderdale. " She shuts the windows and goes to her bed . The mattress and cushions were soft and fluffy . She curled herself into the blanket and fell asleep in no time .


"Your Majesty !  Aren't you going to see her ? She was upset not being able to see you "

"Yeah  I should . I don't know what to say her ?"

"What ? That's no reason  and besides you did talk to her as Zorro didn't you ?"

"Yeah I did but ...."

"Anyways how did you get that name ...Zorro ! I thought I wasn't supposed to call you anything in disguise "

"Ah ... I had to come up with something . That was on a potato chip packet glad I saw it in a kid's hand "

"I see. So will you see her tomorrow Sir ?"

"Yes Ofcourse . I just want her to wait for me that way she will realise my value "

"I really don't think that's a good idea well in any case don't make her wait for long Sir . Good night "
Neil leaves as Zen ponders over her . The next day Alisha wakes up in response to the knock on her door. She gets worried thinking that it would be Zen and quickly washes her face and combs her hair to look proper in front him but upon opening the door she finds three maids waiting in line .

"Good morning My Lady!  " They all greet together and excuse themselves in .

"Umm... good morning to you as well but what are you all doing here ?"

"We are your regular maids ma'am . I'm Mika ..she is Raina and she is Reesha. "

"Please to meet you my lady " Reesha says .

"Wow ! My lady your hair are so beautiful.  So red I have never seen hair of such colour "

"Oh thanks Raina . I thought people find it unusual so I always cover them but I guess I'll let it open from now on "

"Sure ...Ah we brought your dresses and footwear . We will arrange them for you . We will dress you up everyday and do all your chores so please make yourself comfortable . Today is going to be your first breakfast with his Majesty so you should look special " They close the door and make her sit in front of the mirror .

"Yes now that you mention it . Will he have breakfast with me ? "

"Ofcourse . We will make it quick so you are right on time "

"Thanks ." They quickly get her ready and she comes down to the dining hall . Ashia and Neil stand near the table wishing her . The table is set with special meal .

"Please begin my lady . Chef Mihaya has prepared most of your favourite dishes today "

"Oh that's so sweet . Umm but where is he ? Wasn't he supposed to ..?"

"I apologise My lady . His Majesty had some paper work to do so he couldn't ...."

"It's alright Neil I'll wait for him ... After all he has to meet me right ?"

"Well... yes ..but he actually said that he won't make it today as he has a very busy schedule so. ..."
Hearing him she stands up pushing the chair behind . She holds her fists and frowns .

"Don't tell me your king has no apetite and doesn't eat at all I mean what kind of a reason is that and here I came all dressed to share a meal with him . Is he trying to play with me ? He could just tell me if he isn't interested  " She shouts as tears take form around the corners of her eyes . She rubs her temples and let's out an exasperated sigh . 
"  I'm sorry I don't feel like eating but I feel bad since the chef has put in so much effort to prepare this so I'll have have a little . Mika bring it to my room I'll have there "

"Sure My lady . " She bows as Alisha flinched and moves upstairs lifting her gown a little . Neil was upset and stood there speechless.  Zen witnessed everything but chose to remain silent .

"Your Highness ! I think you should go see her she was really upset today "

"Don't tell me what to do Neil and besides we don't discuss anything else but only official matters here in my quarters . You are aware of that aren't you? "

"Pardon me Your Majesty ! " Zen continues his work . Alisha just tastes everything and then refuses to eat any food . She sits beside her window and observes the atmosphere outside .

" My lady please have something it's not good to be  without food "

" I'm not hungry Ashia . It's alright I'll have something later ."

"You are not looking good . You look good only when you smile . Tell  me what can I do for you sing ? Dance ? Play ?"

"You aren't good at that so no need" She looks aside resting her folded fingers under her chin while her elbow rested on the arm rest of the chair.

"Fine then I'll read you a book ."

"Yeah I suppose that will do ."

"Okay then ...." Ashia then goes to the bookshelf and gets a book . He keeps reading but she soon falls asleep . He shuts the books and spreads a blanket over her . He leaves the room asking the maids to look after her . After a few hours she wakes up stretching her arms .

"Oh my god ! How long have I Been asleep ? " She then looks at the clock and realises it was  3 in the evening . She opens her bun and straightens her hair . " Today was rough ...I got mad on Neil for no reason he probably hates me now ..huh.." She then goes to her balcony to see that it was drizzling.  Small droplets of rain fell on her . She was sad for what happened and also on the king she was so desperate to meet . She then starts to sing her favourite song which she did whenever she was upset . Her voice echoed in the hallways . Everyone were mesmerised.  Zen was walking towards his room but he stopped when the melodious voice reached his ears .

A tear runs down your cheek
I want to fill that void with happiness .. no matter how far apart we may be I believe it will reach you .... the raindrops shine beautifully around me .

"This voice .... who could be singing now ? Moreover it seems familiar to  me .." He quickly moves his steps towards the direction of that voice .

When the sadness is located washed away the world will come to life again ...

"It's the same what I heard in lauderdale!  Could it be ... that it's ..?" He thinks over it and reaches the hallway that leads to her room and opens the door . The clicking of the door knob stops her singing as she curiously comes out of her balcony moving the wavy curtains to find Zen looking at her . With the bright green gown , a simple diamond necklace and emarald green studs she looked elegant and pretty . A strong breeze flew as the two souls meet each other .

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