Eternal Smile

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Requested by graimielu!

Umm...I dunno what to say. I like your idea. That's why I am writing, er, typing this. Hopefully you are a NagiKae fan, like me.

I'm really sorry for the very long wait! I'm just busy with school and such...



~Nagisa's POV~

Have you ever had that feeling where your heart feels heavy from thinking about someone? Yeah—I've felt that. The person I was thinking about was Kayano. She made me feel like smiling all the time. I felt invincible. Like I could withstand anything with her by my side. When I look into her eyes, it's like I'm in another world. I knew that I didn't have the guts to say that to her face. I don't know if this is necessarily love—more of a like-like situation. I don't know if she likes me—I guess that would be a miracle.


I snapped out of my thought and looked to the person to my right. It was Karma.

"You know, I'm trying to give you valuable information, but if you focus, it will hopefully be useful."

"Sorry. It's just that I can't stop thinking about Kayano-san."

"Her?" I saw him rub his chin in agreement.


I stood there, a little mortified of why I said that out loud.

"To be honest, you both would look cute together."



"I would be embarrassed if Kayano-san overheard me."

Someone put their hands on my shoulders from behind.

"Embarrassed about what?" Kayano said questionably.

"Uh...nothing." I felt her warm hands grip tighter.

"You sure? Okay. I couldn't help but notice you reading something. What is it?"

"I-It's just some notes."

"Hmm...okay then."

"Well, Nagisa here wanted to ask you something," Karma said out of the blue.

I gave him a look that said, "You've done enough. What are you planning now?" He shot back a look that said, "I'm doing you a favor."

"Do you want to be my date for the festival on Saturday?"

She was surprised to hear that. I waited for her response. I am a patient individual, after all.

"Hold on," she told me, pulling out her phone.

~Kayano's POV~

How could Nagisa-kun ask me on a date? I'm an actress. I doubt that I could even go. So, I checked my schedule on my phone to see if I was available. On Saturday, it said:

"Filming for Sparks Fly at the festival!"

Oh no. How am I supposed to tell Nagisa-kun that I can't go? Rather, what does he even see in me? I'm not who he thinks I am. Wait. I have an idea. I could call for a day off. Yeah, yeah!

"Umm...of course I'll go out with you, Nagisa."

"Okay, good."

I giggled, and leaned forward to give him a hug. It felt nice. I let go, and walked back to my desk to start the school day. It was a little boring, but I kept myself occupied by thinking about Nagisa, if that's a good thing. School seemed to be over in a flash. I walked home by myself, thinking about what I would wear. Maybe a yukata, with sandals. I guess it would take a lot of guts to muster up the courage to ask me out.

I want to make Nagisa-kun...happy. I knew just how to do that, I thought to myself.

I arrived at home, did my homework, and focused on my outfit for the festival. I upcycled it—I just added things that would spice up my look. Of course, not anything flashy. I'm not dumb. I was really tired after. I was doing this for Nagisa, because he made me really happy by asking me out, so yeah. I went to sleep—I totally earned it—and woke up the next morning feeling energized. I was determined to get through the day so I could have my precious time with Nagisa-kun! I did my morning routine, and went outside to my walking path. My eyes noticed the bluenette walking by himself, so I went over to him.

"Good morning, Nagisa-kun," I said, calming down.

"Ah. Good morning, Kayano-san," he replied brightly.

There was a clear, blue sky that stretched as far as the eye could see, birds chirping, and a soft breeze blowing through my pigtails.


"What is it?"

"It's just that I wanna tell you something..."

He hesitated. I saw the anxiousness on his face.

"You can say it. I won't laugh."

"l like you. A lot."

"I do too."

"Well, I think of you of more than just a friend..."

There was a small rock on the path, so I accidentally tripped over it. I thought that I was a goner, but within seconds, Nagisa managed to catch me. I was relieved. He looked at me with concern, although we were both in a sort-of awkward position. Our faces were close.

"Are you okay?" he asked.

"I'm fine. Thanks for saving me. I really do owe you something."

He looked at me with a smile, and we started to stare at each other for a little while. Neither one of us opened our mouths.

"W-We should go before we'll be counted as late," I told him, breaking the silence.

"Oh, yeah."

We both stood up and continued our walk, except this time, we walked in silence. It was a little awkward, but before it could get too awkward, we had already arrived at the school building. He opened the door for me, and I mouthed "thank you" while walking in. We went into the classroom, and that exact same moment, the bell rang for school. We both sighed in relief.

"Where were you guys?" Nakamura questioned.

"Just, um..."

I couldn't think of an excuse for not being here earlier, and neither could Nagisa. We got away with it by listening to Korosensei take attendance. The whole day consisted of the same-old, same-old. I thought of Nagisa, just like yesterday. I never really noticed how cute he was—after all, I did give him those pigtails. At the same time, he was brave. He's amazing. The bell already rang for school to end. Thank goodness. I speed-walked home so I could have time to add some finishing touches. I did everything I could to make my yukata flawless. It did take me a few hours, but it turned out great. I changed into my pajamas and went into bed.

Tomorrow's the day. I can't wait!

I know. Everything is so great.

Love makes the world so bright, doesn't it?

Okay, since when have you ever talked like that before?


I shook off the thoughts running through my mind and focused on a good rest. It wasn't long before it dismissed all of the thoughts and plunged into the darkness, for I remained dormant. Well, I think. This "first date" nonsense had changed my life. I realize now that I am a likeable girl. Apparently, I am liked as more than a friend by Nagisa.

And then I woke up. The sun was shining in my eyes. It was like it wanted me to wake up. It was only 9:30 in the morning. I stretched, brushed my teeth, and ate breakfast. The festival was starting at 5:00 p.m., so I had some time to myself. The thing was that I didn't have many things to actually do. I didn't have anyone to hang out with.

Ugh. I have to be positive, not negative, I told myself.

I decided to bake something with a given cookbook. I made cupcakes and a smoothie. It passed the time immensely, which was a good thing. It was 3:45 in the afternoon, and I was going to get ready at 4:00. I decided to text Nagisa to make the extra 15 minutes pass.

"Hey, are we gonna walk to the festival?" I texted.

"Yeah. I'll come to your house at 4:50, 'kay?"


I put my phone down, and walked upon to my bedroom. I put on the yukata and sandals on. I put my hair up on regular pigtails. I brought a bag with my wallet and phone—and my anti-sensei knife, in case Korosensei was going to be there, in which there was a good chance that he was. I was ready. I waited by the front door. My heart was pumping so fast.

What words do I say? How do I know if something's funny or not?

Relax. It'll be okay.

The doorbell rang, and I started to hyperventilate. I opened the door.

"Hi, Kayano-san. Are you ready?"

"Yeah, yeah."

I locked the door, and stayed by Nagisa's side.

"You look beautiful tonight."

I blushed a little. "Ah, thanks. You do too."

He replied with a kind smile, which filled me up with warmth and determination. We continued on, talking about the likes. And then I saw a small crowd of people, including Karma, Nakamura, Kurahashi, Okuda, and others.

"Hi guys!"

"Hi Kayano! You look great!" Okuda told me.

The group nodded in agreement. Nagisa grabbed my hand suddenly.

"Ah, what's going on?" Karma asked.

"I'm going to take her to—"

"Oh, now that I remember, you guys are on a date."

"Date?" Nakamura turned around.

"You guys" Kurahashi was a little confused.

"Yeah. Sorry that I didn't tell you."

"No, it's fine."

"Huehuehue. This is the perfect time of year to matchmake..." Korosensei snicked.

"Korosensei, you and your dirty mind," Nakamura scoffed.

"I don't have a dirty mind! How dare you say that!"

"Pssh, name one thing that you haven't done that had to do with love."


He went away in Mach 20 speed, while I stood there, Nagisa-kun holding my hand.

"Er, that just happened."


I looked away, in the direction of a camera crew. I examined it from afar.


Oh no. The director, camera man, actors that were my co-stars...they were here, filming for Sparks Fly, an upcoming film in which I was the star of it.

"Nagisa, so where were you gonna take me?"

"Ah. This way."

Thankfully, he walked in the opposite direction of the crew. I sighed. Nagisa took me to some stands with games, masks, treats, and souvenirs. It was a blast! The fun all stopped when someone came up to me.


I turned around. It was my co-star, Mikuni.

"Hey, come on. We're filming. I'll go tell the director, and—"

"No. I'm not going."

"...And why is that?"

"I'm on a date with someone now. I'm busy."

"I see. I'd do the same. This job is so tiring, ya know? Then again, our boss said to not date..."


I hesitated. I wanted to say it, but I also didn't.

"I quit."

"Whoa. Hmm...bold move. I'll tell him for you."

"Thanks. It's been a pleasure acting with you, though."

"No problem. I'm here for you. Give me a call sometime!"

She turned away, waving. I waved back, knowing that I had someone waiting. I looked for the bluenette in the crowd, and I saw him standing with Karma.

"How's the date going?" he asked.

"It's going great! I love hanging out with her. Her presence makes me feel special."

"Ah. Did you kiss yet?"

"N-No, why do you ask?"

"Well, that's what boyfriend and girlfriend do, right?"

"We're not necessarily there yet. I just asked her out."

"You better do it. You have to take charge. After all, you are the man."

"Okay, okay. I get it."

"Sure ya do," he replied, giving Nagisa a shove towards me.

"S-Sorry to keep you waiting."

"It's okay. The fireworks show is almost starting. Let's get a good view."

I nodded, and let him take my hand. He took me to a front row seat, perfect for a first date in my opinion. While waiting, I ate some strawberry-flavored Pocky. It was sweet, just like him. Then, some guy announced the fireworks show, and then it started. Vivid colors covered the sky above us. It was a little loud, but it wasn't deafening. The shapes were very cool-looking as well.

"Nagisa-kun, thanks for taking me here. Today has been so much delightful, and I'm glad that I got to spend it with you."

"You're welcome. I never got to finish my sentence back from yesterday morning."

I turned to him to give him my full attention.

"I really do like you more than just a friend. D-Do you like me back?"

The answer was already clear. Obviously.

"Of course I do. You're the one who asked me out, and I do recall saying yes."

He smiled. I had completed what I had to do.


He looked at me, and I grinned. I put my arms around his neck, which made our faces closer.

"You forgot something."

I leaned in, and gave him the most lustful kiss I could give. He kissed back with passion. It stayed like this for a solid three minutes—Professor Bitch's lessons in class paid off. When the kiss was over, he picked me up and spun me around. The feeling of him holding me was heart-warming.

Every time I flash back to that day, I smile a bright smile.

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