The Little Lies We Tell

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Everyone left me.

Like, no kidding.

There's no one.



I decided to just give you guys this short one-shot also because I'm gonna be kinda busy this week and I don't wanna leave you guys with nothing.

Okay, enjoy! :3


~ Kayano's POV ~

Nagisa, Sugino, Kanzaki, Okuda, Karma, and I got together to form a study group. We all decided to go to the library this one day to study for our upcoming test.

At 4:00 p.m., we were supposed to meet up there. I was the second one there, and of all people, Nagisa was the first. I approached him, a little nervous. He was reading a book.

"Hey," I said.

"Oh, hi, Kayano. You could sit next to me if you want."


I sat down on the chair next to him. It was comfy and warm.

"Should we just start on social studies?"

He looked up, still holding the book.

"I guess we could. But could we share your textbook? I don't have mine."

"Oh, that's fine."

I pulled it out of my bag and put it on the table. I opened up the hard-covered book to page 132. I started to read a little. I'd read this chapter before. It was about the government branches in the U.S.

"So, the judicial branch interprets laws...right?" I asked.

"Umm...pretty sure. And the executive branch enforces laws...?"

"Yeah...that's right."

"And so..."

I used my hand to point at the chapter that explained the legislative branch. But little did I know that he was going to point at that, too. Our hands ended up touching. I sat stiffly, but I didn't move a bit.

"K-Kayano?" He started to blush as well.

I didn't answer. Instead, I gripped it tighter.

"Don't mind me..."

He smiled faintly and let his hand stay there. In his other hand, he read his notebook. I still looked at him...I couldn't help but smile.

"Why the heck are you holding hands?"

I saw Karma and Okuda standing in front of us.

"Eh? Where did you guys come fro-"

"You trying to spend time with your boyfriend? Well, now we're here, so..." Karma said.

I still held Nagisa's hand...his soft, warm hand...

"He's not my boyfriend," I replied, looking to my left and turning red.

"Don't hide it, Kayano. We all know you're secretly dating him."

I noticed that Nagisa was now paying attention to the conversation. I knew that Karma was just teasing. Hopefully.

"Hehe, just kidding. I just wanted to do that," he told me after a few seconds of silence and blushing.

" studying on social studies? Why not chemistry?" he continued.

"Karma, I think that's enough...besides, we don't even have a chemistry test coming up." Okuda-san told him.

"Okay, okay."

"Since we're all paired up, why not study with our partners?" Kanzaki chimed in.

We all stared at her, probably thinking that this wouldn't be a good idea.

"Hmm...seems fair. At least I get to spend time my my precious Okuda-san~" Karma said while nuzzling noses with her.

All of us gave them looks that screamed, "Really?"

"Okay, okay. Let's separate then."

Both "couples" went to the other corners of the library. Kayano and I sat there, with nervous looks on our faces...

"Ahem...okay then..." I cleared my throat.

"Where were we?"

"Umm...the branches, I think."

"Oh yeah. Okay..."

I thought of a question to ask him...but the thought of having Nagisa with me, and only me, made me shudder.

"Why do the three branches follow the checks and balances rule?" I questioned.

" that they all have equal power..."

"Good," I said, giving him a slight nod.

He looked like he was filled with determination, and I was filled with hope.

Let's do this!

"What does the executive branch consist of?"

"The President, Vice President, and the Cabinet!"


Only for a few seconds, I thought of the next question.

He seems to be doing good, so I'll probably ask a kind-of challenging question.

"Where is the Congress and what does that consist of?"

"Hmm...the Congress is part of the Legislative Branch and it consists of the House of Representatives and the Senate."


"Nice! Next question..."

To be honest, I felt like I was having fun. With my Nagisa.

"What does the Judicial Branch consist of?"


I got him this time~

"The Judicial Branch has the Judge, Supreme Court, and the other judges and courts. The Supreme Court consists of 9 judges who serve for life."

I sweat-dropped a tiny bit.

"Are you sure you don't have any notes on your wrist or something...?"

I gave him a sneaky look with my eyes and then looked down at his two hands that were folded up together.

"Of course not, Kayano. I memorized the meanings~"

"Sure you did," I replied while giving him a tiny shove.

"Hehe...anyway, how about I ask the questions?"

"Ohh...okie then!"

I pushed the textbook over to him and he held it up so that I wouldn't see. He scanned the pages quickly and then set the book down.

"What does the Legislative Branch do?"

"Uhh...they make laws...right?"

Like I did once, he gave me a slight nod.

"Okay, true or false: The Judicial Branch enforces laws."

I glanced nervously at the table.


"Nope. False. The Legislative Branch does."

He gave a grin that told me, "It's okay."

"Okay ~ what is the Constitution?"

"It's a...written plan of government!"

I knew for sure that I was correct.

"Yes, correct. I, uh, have one more..."

He fiddled with his fingers, nervous to say the question. Being the curious person I am, I wanted to know. What I didn't know was if the question was, in any way, related to the topic. If he was going to ask a question for the test, then he wouldn't be anxious.

Slowly, he brought his hand to my cheek and brushed the hair out of my face. I blushed, and looked down again.

"Could I learn about you instead?"

I swear, that question made my heart stop. Literally. Just what kind of question is that? I took a deep breath, and I then knew what to answer.

"G-Go ahead, Nagisa..."

Without hesitation, he put his mouth to my neck and licked it slowly.



~ Nagisa's POV ~

I licked her neck slowly and closed my eyes for a second. I wanted time with her.

I find Kayano to be more interesting than a stupid test.

I was already gently sucking on it. It was really sweet-that wasn't surprising. It's what I was expecting. I felt my cheeks turn red. But I wasn't going to give up. There were barely any people in the library anyway. I planted soft kisses on her cheek.

Fact 1: She turns really red when she's being touched in certain spots.

She seemed to be holding up, so I finally kissed her on the mouth. She did nothing at all. I saw her close her eyes, which told me that she was enjoying it.

Fact 2: Her lips are really, really, soft and sweet.

I kissed her a bit more passionately, and she did the same. It made my heart fly a little.

Fact 3: She's really obedient...

I held her hand. It seemed to be a bit warm and sweaty, but I didn't really mind. I dared to touch the tip of her tongue with mine...soon enough, I was licking most of the insides of her mouth.

Fact 4: She flinches a bit when I touch a good part of her mouth.

I couldn't believe that I had mustered up the courage to do this to her, and Kayano seems to be okay with it. Should I be happy about that?

Fact 5: She...might like me...

I let go, gasping for air. She was breathing heavily as well. I gulped, taking in all the sweetness that I got from her mouth. She folded her hands together and blushed. I wanted to confess. I decided to just say it, as if I were ripping off a Band-Aid.

"Kayano...I l-like y-"

I was stopped by a certain red-head, which ruined the moment.

"Hey, lovebirds!"

Karma put his hands on Kayano's shoulders. She jumped, and then punched him on the arm.

"Anyway...we're done studying, so Okuda-san and I are gonna get something to eat~"

"Okay. You go right ahead," I told him, with a fake smile.

"Sugino and I are already done too, so we're going with. Wanna come?"


I glanced over to Kayano, who glanced back at me.

"Sure...why not?"

"Alright then. Off we go!"

They all went towards the exit of the library, and Kayano and I followed along. We walked with no words to say to each other.

"Nagisa...what were you gonna say before?"

My eyes widened a bit, knowing that she remembered.

"Ohh, I was gonna say that I like...yakisoba! Yeah, it's so...good..."

"Ah. I see."

She said it with a warm smile. I felt like it was fake, too. Thoughts ran though my head.

I'm sorry, Kayano.

I'm sorry that I lied.

And, what I was going to say was going to be a lie anyway because I don't like you...

I love you.

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