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Requested by pkhant!

As always, I add a small twist to the idea.

I wouldn't know if you could call it small.


I hope chu like~

Dat's it.


~Kayano's POV~

It's been a while since we met up.

In fact, it's been a year.

At the moment, I was talking to Kanzaki, Isogai, Maehara, and Nakamura at the library. We decided to meet up every month so that we wouldn't miss a thing that was happening in each other's lives.

"Hey, Kayano. I heard that you finished five seasons of the hit show Dragonfly, right?" Nakamura asked.

"Yeah. It's kind-of a big deal."

"Really? Congrats!" Isogai grinned.

They all clapped quietly for me. I blushed, my cheeks heating up.

"Thanks, I guess..."

"You said so yourself that it was a big deal, right?"


"Well, I think that we should have a small celebration for you. At my café. We'll cook you whatever you want."

I smiled at the idea.

"Really? You'd do that for me?"

"Of course! You're our friend! Why wouldn't we?"

"Well, you guys seem a little busy..."

"I'll take a few days off if you want," Kanzaki said.

"Me too. Well, we'll just help with the planning and inviting."

"Aww, you guys are so sweet!"

"Nah, you deserve this."

They all smiled knowingy at me. The smiles turned into smirks. I smiled sheepishly at them, for I was scared to see what they have in mind.

Hopefully something good.

Who am I kidding, it's Nakamura and Maehara.

I gulped silently, still with the smile on my face. 

A few days later, Nakamura sent me a text saying where and when to go to the café. 

Go to the café at 2:00 p.m.! You don't have to dress nice, but you can if you wanna 😏

I read the text over and over again, processing it in my mind.

Why is that emoji there? I thought with a stern face.

I signed, still feeling fearful. 

At that time, I had a little break from work because of working so hard.

I looked at myself in the mirror.

Things have changed. I was a little taller than before. My black hair was longer. My face hadn't really changed. I had the same maple eyes. I even still had a bit of my kinetic vision. 

A bit.

Anyway, I decided to wear a white blouse with a gray skirt and white knee-high socks. On my feet were black leather boots with heels. I put my hair up in a bun with a hair tie that had a white bow. I put on sunglasses so that no one could run after me to get my autograph. 

I picked up my phone and texted Nakamura:

I'll be at the café in 20 minutes, so just wait~

I turned it off and stuck it in my purse. I went out and took a deep breath. 

This outfit could be considered nice, right? I thought.


I walked calmly on the sidewalk near my house. I approached my car and opened the door. I got it started and drove contently to the café.

It was far from here, but not too, too far. I actually enjoyed the car ride there. There was pretty scenery everywhere. Today seemed like a good day. In the seven, no, eight years that have passed by, our class made a promise to live near our school so that if we ever missed Korosensei, we would just go to our old school and view the classroom. Plus, it's be convenient to be with each other. Sure, it also brought back nostalgia, but we were okay.

I saw the café come into view, so I found a parking spot and walked to the entrance. There was some guy approaching with his head down that had a peculiar haircut. He looked up, and a wave of joy and melancholy hit me. I took off my sunglasses.

"K-Kayano-san?" he said.


~Nagisa's POV~

There she was, standing in front of me in a completely different look that suited her very well.

"K-Kayano-san?" I said, my heart thumping.


We both looked at each other. I focused on her, every detail of her outfit, the look on her face, and those beautiful, maple eyes. She started to tear up a little. She clenched the bottom of her blouse, silently sniffling.

"I m-missed you..."

I realized that it had been a while since we met in person. Approximately a year.

I let out a content smile.

"Me too..."

She wiped a tear off her now-pink cheek. She gladly leaned in and hugged me, sighing once we made contact. I looked straightforward at first, then closed my eyes and savored the hug.

How good it felt to be in the presence of Kayano again.

The happiness and joy she brought to school before hasn't changed a single bit.

It was always a good thing, never a bad one.


She let go and blushed, her cheeks turning a little more pink.

"Let's go in, shall we?"


We walked in, looking around at the décor and the café overall. There was a good use of brown. It smelled like food everywhere, making my mouth water a little. I was invited here by Isogai, Maehara, Kanzaki, and Nakamura for no apparent reason. I decided to come here anyway because I thought, "Might as well go, it's my day off anyway."

What I didn't expect was Kayano to be here. The star of Dragonfly is actually here in front of me. 

Oh gosh.

I've caught up with every single episode in every season, and it was pretty miraculous. Everything about it was so phenomenal. It's even better with Kayano being the star. It's amazing to see her have a totally different character and a different pseudonym. Well, she was Haruna Mase, but still. 

I felt myself heat up at the thought of her being next to me. And only me. 

I wonder if she still remembers the kiss, I thought.

Anyway, we sat down at a table near the window, where not much people were, since it would grab attention if someone said that Haruna Mase was here. She left her sunglasses off, probably because people wouldn't really care or notice anyway.

"So, how has school been?" she asked curiously.

"Ah, it's sometimes tiring. But overall, I love it."

"It's nice that you followed your career path all the way through high school. Once you decide something, you move towards it. Kinda like me, right?"

"Hehe. Yeah."

Maehara came by, wearing the whole waiter outfit.

"Maehara! Nice to see you again," I said, smiling.

"Hey, Nagisa! Oh, and Kayano-san too."

We both looked over at her. She was a little startled, but she smiled.

"Hi, Maehara."

"Hi. So, what could I get for you guys? It's free, so..."

Kayano and I both looked at our menus, scanning for something that looked yummy.

"I'll have the caramel pudding and vanilla milkshake," Kayano told him.

"Okay. And you, Nagisa-kun?"


I was still deciding on what to get. I was down to two options. I ordered both of them:

"I'll have the mocha frappé and blueberry cheesecake, please."

"Okay. We'll be back in, say, 10 to 15 minutes, 'kay?" he said, walking away.

"Okay!" we both said back in unison.

Our eyes made contact again. She blinked a few times.

"Nagisa...don't be weirded out, but..."


"Do you have a girlfriend?"

I thought about this. 

Well, there wasn't much thinking to do.

"No," I responded hesitantly.

We stared down at the table for a few seconds, waiting for someone to break the silence.

"Do you have a boyfriend?" 

"No. I have another guy in mind, though."

I was a little sad to hear that. 

Someone...else, huh?


"What's wrong?" she asked, concerned.

"Oh, it's nothing. Don't worry."

"Nagisa-kun, you know I have to worry. You're one of my closest friends. I can't let you be sad."

"It's nice that you're concerned, but honestly, I'm okay."

She gave me a look that said, "Okay then."

I felt like there was more to that in her mind.

Maehara came back with our beverages, mine in his right hand, Kayano's in his left.

"Here you go. Your desserts are coming soon, okay?"

We smiled back as he turned around and walked away again.

I pulled my drink closer to myself, picked it up, and took a sip.

It was sweet. There was a hint of French vanilla. It was all at once, creamy, soft, and fluffy.

I glanced over at Kayano, who was serendipitously sipping her drink as well. She was looking outside. It felt like something was on her mind. I didn't know what.

"Nagisa-kun, how's your frappé?" she questioned after several seconds of silence.

"It's good. How's yours?"

"Same here."

I watched her pick up the shake and bring the white straw to her lips. 

Those flawless, lovely lips...

I forced my eyes to close.

What am I thinking? Don't be a pervert...

I looked into my cup. About three-fourths of my coffee remained in the cup. I picked it up again and sipped it. It was still nice and warm.

Like Kayano.

I turned red and slammed my head on the table.

"N-Nagisa-kun? You okay?"

I looked up again. Kayano's pretty face had a concerned look on.

"I-I'm fine!"

She tilted her head and pouted in the cutest way ever.

K-Kawaii! I thought.

"Okay... Well, our desserts are coming."


Maehara was holding two dishes—one with the cheesecake, and one with the pudding.

"Here you go. Have fun~" he said while walking away.


"Yum, looks delicious!"

She took her spoon and carved a piece out. She put it in her mouth and smiled.

"Wow! This is really good!"

I took my fork and sliced a piece of my cheesecake. I stabbed it and put it in my mouth.

It was pleasant and quite satisfying. I took another piece.

"This is pretty good," I told her, taking another part.

We sat there, happily enjoying our dishes and smiling as if we were teenagers again.

It felt good.


I stopped eating for a second.


"Could I..."

I waited for her to say it, whatever she was going to say.

"You don't have to be nervous about telling me anything," I said, trying to let her relax a bit.

She nodded.

"Could I have some of your cheesecake?"

I processed those words in my mind.



"Why not?"

She smiled in delight. She took her fork and sliced a piece off. She put the piece in her mouth.

"You were right. This is pretty good!"


I hesitated to ask.

"If you're going to have some of my cheesecake, then could I have some of your pudding?"

She looked at me in a little bit of surprise.

"Yeah, of course!"

I nervously took a piece from her pudding. I immediately put it in my mouth.


"Hehe. Glad you like it," she said, both blushing and smiling.


We both went back to eating our own desserts.

That pudding was good, though...

I finished my cheesecake as soon as Kayano finished her pudding.

"Sugino-kun really knows how to whip up a good dessert, am I right?"

"You sure are!"

We laughed and then sighed at the same time.




I was too nervous to ask. 

"Who's the guy on your mind?"

I felt like an idiot just saying that. 

She must think that I'm weird...



"Nagisa, you're really something."

Did I do something wrong? I thought.

"You know, sometimes you can be so..."

"So what?"

"Nagisa, can't you take a hint?" She looked at me sternly.

"What did I do?"

"Your mind is just wrong. You never even realized that—"

"Says you. You're the one who implanted the tentacles into your neck without even thinking that it could lead you to death!"

"Well, at least I'm not dumb enough to not think about others! At least I have concern!" She slammed her hands on the table, making it shake.

"Why are you so mad at me?" I mirrored her actions, also making her scared a tiny bit.

"Because, Nagisa!"

I stopped talking to avoid making things worse.

"Because I fell in love in middle school with a boy that was so focused and straightforward that he wasn't even able to notice the girl right in front of him! The girl who got kissed by him, gave homemade chocolates to him on Valentine's Day, and thought about him every single day!"

I remained silent, feeling a bit bad.

"I really thought that he'd notice and realize that girl. That one girl who was alone at home now that her parents were somewhere else and her sister was dead."

I looked at her face. I could tell that she was on the verge of crying, which made me feel even worse inside.

"That girl and that boy were away for the longest time. The girl was heartbroken, but she decided to pursue her love of acting. And now, that boy still doesn't take a hint."

She sniffled.

"The thing is, Nagisa, why are you so dense?!"

She closed her eyes, sniffling even more.


Tears fell down from her face. I held her soft, warm hands.

"I can't tell you how sorry I am. Honestly. I admit, I am dense. Truthfully, so dense that I didn't really notice you. I should've realized that I was always on someone's mind. I haven't even considered the fact that someone actually like me. But, I guess, I'm perfect to someone. I wish I did notice that that someone is you."

"Nagisa-kun, it's okay.  I just overreacted and wanted to let out all my anger on someone. Sorry."

"I'm sorry as well."

"Is this the part where we hug it out?" She grinned.

I didn't answer. I just hugged her without even telling her. I gave her a hug that was filled with sincerity and warmth. I let go, and smiled at her.

"Nagisa-kun, I love you." She closed her eyes and turned red.

I didn't answer a second time. Instead, I kissed her, right then and there. I grabbed her soft cheek and deepened the kiss. I could tell that she was enjoying it. To be frank, I was too. Her warm breathing made me go crazy. To think that this wasn't our first kiss made this seem...awkward.

She let go, heavily breathing.

"Nagisa, you were really focused back when Professor Bitch was teaching us how to kiss."

I chuckled and kissed her on the cheek. 

She gave a look that was, this time, wholehearted.

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