Chapter 14

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Percy P.O.V.

"Oh shit!" Annabeth cursed. "We need to get down there, they need help!"

'What about Thor?" I asked, looking behind me.

"You stay here. I'll go help them." Before I could protest, Annabeth launched herself over the railing.

I ran back into the room and looked around. Thor would be to heavy for me to carry, but maybe, just maybe, I could drag him. I picked up duck tape, a big piece of cardboard (which was covered in cobwebs), and some rope.

"Sorry buddy, this may hurt a little." I grabbed his feet and pulled him off the bed. His head wobbled as I worked to get him on the sled.

I used the tape to secure Thor to the cardboard. I wanted him to stay where he was, because it'd be bad for him to fall off. I quickly tied the rope on the sled and started dragging Thor into the hallway.

Very, very hard work.

Down below I heard a crash, and I looked over the rail. Clint was still slumped on the rail, unconscious. His head was bleeding pretty badly.

"Get ready for this..." I positioned Thor near the ladder, and with a slight shove, watched him fall down. His head bobbed on impact.

I swung myself over the rail, landing with a slight thump.

"Percy!" Annabeth called. I turned to a doorway, hearing the sounds of fighting coming from there.

Inside, Annabeth and Natasha stood back to back, weapons drawn. Loki and Nemesis circled them, Loki with his back turned to me. I quietly drew my sword and charged.

I took Loki by surprise. As he turned to face me, I slammed my sword hilt into his head. He crumpled at my feet, maybe unconscious. Nemesis advanced on me, giving the others a break.

"Son of Poseidon...." she hissed, narrowing her eyes at me. "You look just as handsom as your father...."

I started to back towards the door, Nemesis following me.

"To bad you're going to die!"

With that, Nemisis lunged at me. Her sharp nails broke the skin, small droplets of blood forming. I tore my arm away, lashing out with Riptide. Nemesis screeched as a deep gash formed on her cheek.

"Why you little-" I swung again, this time catching her arm.

This continued for a while, which gave Annabeth time to sneak up behind Nemesis. While the goddess hadn't noticed her presence, I had. I gave her a slight nod, and Annabeth stuck out her leg. Nemisis tripped, face planting onto the floor. I held her down while Annabeth quickly tied rope around her hands, hoping that would give us time to escape.

"Hurry up Natasha!" Annabeth yelled. The redhead struggled forward, dragging a very unconscious Clint behind her.

I grabbed Thor's sled and started to pull. By the time we reached the edge, Natsha and I were panting. Annabeth was behind us, making sure Nemesis or Loki didn't come after us.

Once we reached the edge of the rail, Annabeth prepared to jump over board into the water. Natasha was confused as Annabeth launched herself into the water.

"Is she alright???" Natasha asked worried. I gripped the top of the sled and yanked up and leaned it on the rail.

"Yeah. Just jump in after me, kay?"

Natasha didn't have time to respond before I shoved the sled and myself into the water. Annabeth sat patiently in the air bubble, legs crossed. Natasha plunged in seconds later with Clint, appearing to hold her breath.

"It's ok Natasha. You can breath." I said.

She slowly opened her eyes, looking around. She seemed surprised that we were encased in a giant bubble of air.

"What the..."

"Just a perk of being the son of Poseidon." Natasha gave a slight nod, amazement crossing her face.

Thor stirred a little in his sled, and Natasha bit her lip.

"Percy, can you make this thing go any faster? I don't want to be stuck in here when he wakes up..."


Yes, I finally updated. I'm sorry it's been months, but a lot of stuff has been going on, so I haven't had the heart to write. I'm finally in the mood to write again, so....YAY :)

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