Chapter One

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The healer looked around as the storm finally passed. He paused as he saw lanterns up ahead. Whether it was paranoia or his own intuition, he felt that these people were looking for his passengers. He didn't have the heart to leave the poor dead woman out in the woods, in a place where her kind soul would be disgraced by the elements and wild beasts. He sighed shakily as he glanced to the wrapped body on his horse and then to the child sleeping soundly in his warm cloak. He glanced up to the sky again as he saw the clouds. The rumble of thunder in the distance was heard.

He carefully led his horse off the road and clicked quietly to get the beast moving. He kept his hood up and continued to work his way back to his home. The baby stirred and whimpered as she felt hungry again. Her cries would definitely bring attention to them. He knew she didn't understand and didn't place blame on her.

"Shh shh..." he whispered quietly and looked to her. He gently gave her his finger to suck on. "Go to sleep little one... just for a while longer." He pleaded gently. The babe whimpered and gripped his fingers as she drifted back to sleep.

The man sighed shakily and closed his eyes for a moment before he continued on. Once he knew he was well enough away, he started to hum a little and glanced around before getting back on the road. He looked to the sky and frowned deeply for a moment before he continued on. He knew that the local people would become a threat if they just saw a figure wandering around by himself. He knew if he made some friendly noise, they would be less likely to attack him.

"The road is long... but I must go... to places I... wish was home. The night falls and shadows play... they pay no heed to my fears... nor do the care or see my tears." He sang gently as he rode towards his home. "I once found myself a lady... she played with sunshine and rain... but my heart was naive and young... now my heart is filled with pain." He sang solemnly as he glanced towards a few cottages. There inhabitants already sleeping and oblivious to the world outside.

"I searched the land once more for her, to plead my undying love.... but atlas... my young heart was stabbed with a dagger... when her heart went for another. I wander the lands high and low... to find the one I can never know... once my love was taken and thrown... across the sea and lands unknown... my heart could never love again... it was not my intent... to have a heart turned to stone... by the one I loved." He trailed off and stared at his little home. He carefully got off and led the horse to the stables. He then took the child inside and lay her somewhere safe. Afterwards he set some milk in a bottle and went outside. He then found a place to bury the dead woman.

"A nice place for you to rest in peace." He muttered once she was in the ground and buried. "I don't know you... but I feel it would be disrespectful to not say something... I'll take care of the child until her family comes to get her... I can promise you that." He whispered quietly. He put a little stone for the grave marking and went back to his house. He took care of the horse and went inside to see the child was waking up. He carefully picked her up and held her as he sat in a chair and gave her the milk.

"Hello little one." He whispered quietly and smiled slightly. "I'm going to take care of you until your family comes..." he promised. The baby stared at him as she gripped his fingers and ate greedily.

"Easy now." He said and frowned deeply as he pulled it away for a moment before giving it back. She whined and wiggled then gripped his fingers again. "I know your name but you don't know mine... I'm Ratchet... the healer." He said seriously and the child just watched him intently as she drank her milk. He smiled a little bit and gently rubbed her cheek before he frowned slightly.

"Now don't get attached. We aren't going to be together for more than a month. Just you wait." He said and pointed a finger at her. She gripped it and stared at him intently. He sighed shakily and looked outside to the dark world. "You won't be here long... your family will come for you." He muttered. He looked at the blanket that he found with her, he knew it was royalty or at least a noble family. He stared at the Crest as he thought about where he had seen it before. He frowned and looked at the child again.

"How will I get anything done with you around?" He asked as she finished the bottle. She looked at him and her lower lip quivered before she burst into tears.

"Ah! I'm sorry I didn't mean-" he sighed and grumbled as he held her and burped her. "I suppose I can do some looking around." He growled. "I know someone who can watch you until I get answers." He said seriously.

The next day he put together what he had for the baby and headed off on his horse. The babe was silent and warm in his cloak. He glanced around as he rode carefully down to the cottage. He didn't want people asking questions and was grateful the child was small and not easily seen in his arms. He came to the old home in the woods with a perfect flower garden. Something out of a story book. He walked over and got off his horse, grumbling as he tied it to a tree and went to the door.

"She better be home." He grumbled and knocked on the door. After a few minutes and something breaking, the door opened to reveal an old woman.

"Why if it isn't the young doctor." She smiled as she looked at him and fixed her spectacles. "What's the occasion?" She asked as her old body shook a little.

"Hello Edith. I'm simply here to ask a favor." He grumbled and she pouted playfully.

"You're never here for just a visit." She huffed and shuffled back into the room. "Come in, come in." She waved as she went to her kitchen. He followed and glanced around a little. The woman lived at the edge of the kingdom a ways off from his own home. They both lived in neutral territory but were loyal to the good king, Alpha Trion.

"What does the young stone hearted doctor want from me now, aiy?" She asked with mischief in her eyes.

"Don't call me that." He grumbled and narrowed his eyes. "I need to do some work and research. I was wondering if you could watch someone until I got back." He said seriously and gently revealed the baby. Her eyes widened and she walked over.

"Oh my goodness. The cute little tiny cinnamon roll." She cooed and he furrowed his brow.

"That's... not what she is." He muttered thinking she was senile now.

"I could eat you right up with my morning tea." She smiled and pinched the babies cheeks.

"I wouldn't recommend that. Its called cannibalism." The doctor said as he furrowed his brow more.

"Oh Ratchet." She huffed as if he spoiled everything. She then gently slapped his shoulder. She frowned and looked at her again. "Where did you find this child, doctor? Do you have a secret lover you never cared to tell me about?" She asked and raised an eyebrow. His heart twisted in pain and he looked towards the fire.

"No Edith... I found her...." he trailed off as he thought. The less she knew the better. "I found her abandoned in the woods." He said seriously. "I'm going to find her parents, but I need you to look after her while I do." he muttered as he looked at her again. She was silent for a moment and gently pinched his cheek.

"Oh you sweet thing. Finding a place for the child in your stone cold heart." She said gently.

"No. Of course not. I'm not keeping her." He huffed angrily and the baby started to cry.

"Oh look what you did. You upset the little dear." She pouted and picked up the child.

"What I did?! I di- you're the one w- fine fine have it your way." He growled and waved her off as he went to the door.

"Oh Ratchet dear." She called and he glanced back with annoyance from over his shoulder. "Don't worry your pretty little head about the baby. She'll be here when you get back." She promised. He frowned but didn't say anything as he walked out of the home. He got on his horse and rode away to the kingdom.

He thought about what she said about his stone cold heart. He shook his head and continued on. That was a curse he didn't expect to be lifted. Nor did he honestly care.

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