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"Sorry my love this is going to hurt just a bit. But I'll heal it straight after." He said, showing his fangs.

"Hey if it's the only way to get it to work we're going to need to do it." I said bringing my wrist up to his mouth and I'm bringing his up to mine. Before we bit eachother. Drinking eachothers blood without swallowing it. Waiting till the Elder gave us the Q. Then he pulled me into a deep passionate kiss. Mixing our blood before we both drank it. Finishing the final part of the ceremony. Intertwining our souls into and ever lasting Bond. That tied our Fates together. Binding our souls together as one. Which can never be undone. But it would also make us much much stronger. Because when you're bonded to your fated partner. Youu can share power strength knowledge with eachother. But your hearts are also connected as well as your mind so I can feel everything he would feel anima deeper level then you could ever imagine. It's like we've become one. One single soul shared by two bodies. Which honestly feels pretty weird at first. But once you get used to it it feels. Beyond natural like it was like that from the beginning. They applaud as we separated to show them we drank it which is essentially what the Elder was going to do. But he was going to put in the cup. Then make us drink it. After giving the a bow. I licked his wound making him heal and he licked mine. It wouldn't work if I did it since he's doing a bit me. Just like it wouldn't work if he did it if I was one that bit him. I was beyond grateful to know how happy he was that we finally did this he was beyond happy. When one of the other men came running over.

"I'm sorry your Graces but we got a problem a big one." He said out of breath. Hercules are immediately ran to his father's side. In case if he needed assistance since it sounded serious. I walked over out of curiosity.

"What happened Daniel?" His father asked as mother walk to my side.

"It's the truth cuz they found out we know about them and that we lied about  a population. They're not too happy about it they literally just slaughtered two whole entire Clans to make an example. And some of them are saying they're headed this way. What are we going to do?" He asked panicking which is causing him to hyperventilate. So I walked over rubbing his back to calm him down. Which helped a lot and pulled him out of his panic attack. 

"Relax you've got not one but two of the only creatures on Earth that true gods are afraid of. And were even stronger than the original ones of our species. And my husband's Hercules. So trust me he knows how to tango with them." I said when another man walked out. Which I recognized as the king of the beasts which is their ruler the main one. He walked over taking my hand he was t

"Where is he I'm not meaning to barge in my lady. But I really need his help they decimated my whole entire Kingdom. And I can't bear to see them slaughtering anymore if my people." He pleaded as my husband walked up.

"That would be me and I'll do it. As long as my wife doesn't get Dragged In she's carrying her first child and I can't chance. But we're both a new race of titans. So we're a lot stronger and a lot harder to kill than a regular Titan. A true God can't kill me and honestly without powerful. I am right now I don't think you need us both. I think I'm just enough. Just tell me where?" My husband. Said read as we heard the big crash of Thunder which I knew was my dad so before my husband could even push any of this bag I could have walked in front of him.

"Daddy knock it off. Or come up there and Imma make you." I roared, using my dragons vioce knocking him from his thunder clouds. I walked over crossing my arms. When he looked up at me. It literally took him a couple minutes to realize who I was.

"What you don't recognize your own daughter. Sure you haven't seen me for 2,000 years. But that's only because you refuse to let me marry my husband. That's your fault. But seriously slaughtering beasts really dad. You do realize I'm part beast right. And you know what despite all the bullshit. I still love you you're my dad and I honestly don't want to have to kick your ass. But I will if I have to. You too Uncle Hades don't act like I didn't notice you." I yelled making all the true Gods come out of  their hiding places.

"Seriously when are you guys going to learn don't fuck with Titans. I might  have something growing inside me. But I can still kick all you guys asses for this. Because you know you know is that clean up after you assholes. Not you me and him. You think I like nothing the people that raised me. Not seeing my family know I have to. Because y'all don't know how to fucking behave." I growled showing my fangs tell Hercules came over behind me. Making me look up at him.

"Wait a minute my niece is what pain are you both were beasts?" My uncle Hades muttered.

Yes and no four-part beast but we're a new retainer how do you think I'll beat your ass. Wasn't because I was strong it's because I'm a Titan. We're a hell of a alot stronger, a lot harder to kill. And we have two forms not just one. No funny business or you might get to see how strong my other form is. Oh and before I leave you and think about you can't kill me or her so get don't even try. Cuz the only way to kill one of our race and thats by our fated partner. Since their the only person that can destroy our actual Soul. So you can't do shit to us. But that doesn't mean that. I won't rip somebody's arm off for touching my beloved. Especially in her condition." Hercules warned them.

"Wait is she pregnant how is she pregnant? Titans can't get pregnant."

"Well surprise surprise. Aphrodite our race can conceive and give birth naturally. So yes she is pregnant oh and since we're feeling like being a bunch of assholes right now. You said me and her was very last a year. We married for over 2000 so screw you you know I was going to let you see your grandkid but do you want us to give me the reason to I'm not going to do it cuz my wife loves you still well you don't even treat her like a daughter. Just because she chose me well I'd like to give you a little bit of information. She's my favorite partner for a faded pair. Which means that you're a freaking idiot. Which is honestly quite disappointing since your daughters a genuine genius. Oh and just for the record she is like a hundred times more stronger than me and I took you out. When I was in my 300 we get stronger the older we get. So how strong do you really think she is. Because you really underestimate her all of you do. And she is was way too underappreciated by you. I mean your gods and you guys didn't even noticed all the time that you're raising her that she was a Titan. You didn't even see her potential I did that's why I married her and I love her more then anything . But that's besides the point the point isn't so she's carrying her first child and I swear to God if any of you guys make a mess and she has to clean it up imma break one of your legs off. And that's not a threat but it's a promise. I am not making my wife get her hands dirty just because you guys can't behave she doesn't need to stress she doesn't need to be over working herself and just to make up for what damage you dumbasses do.
so why don't you just learn how to get along with them so I don't have to decapitate someone cool cool because I'm very irritable right now and I'm not in the mood to deal with this I mean we literally. Just had our binding ceremony interrupted by you guys. And if she loses it I am going to fucking kill someone. And this time I might be more than one because I I haven't waited all this time to be a father just to have one of you ruin it. I don't fuck around when it comes to my unchild understood." He snapped at them angerly. Male dragons are known to be much more aggressive and possessive over there females. That are carrying offspring. Bear fuming with the stuff around like when an animal is in rut. Dragons are a lot more sex driven. Whenever they're females carrying. Offspring for some odd reason. Although I've noticed that a lot of shifters do that like werewolves shapeshifters. Anything that shifts into an animal-like creature. They'll literally freaking attack you. For just looking at the right the wrong way. So I knew it took every restraint in him not to tear into them. Because he's seen them as a threat to me. Which means exactly his instincts kicked in. That would only make him a hell of a lot more violent and out of control. So I  hugged him and kissed him. Calming him down almost immediately.

"Sorry my love I'm just... I don't want anybody to hurt you and even though their family. I know they would try.  So please don't get in the way if I have to physically restrain any of them because I know you'll jump in if I go on a blind rampage again. You know I love you too much. To do that if I hurt you know I'll never forgive myself.

Sweetie on the phone I'm going to have to agree with them remind daughter. I love you and listen to him please. I can't control them if they decide to do something stupid. That's sets him off. I do not want you in the line of fire. The reason I was shooting lightning down earlier was to stop them. Because I get sense you nearby. And the one that started it Loki and the other gods. Aren't here we were the ones trying to stop him. They are behind us. Hercules if you can stop them do it. I don't want them touching my baby girl. And I'm sorry I was wrong but I need your help." My father pleaded.

"Well then why didn't you just say that instead of making me look. Like a big assshole. For blaming you guys for this whole mess. It's not like I can read minds. I can literally do any and everything else except read minds. I don't know who my enemy is." My husband said letting them get back to their feet. Before Athena pulled on a map showing him them where they were at. They were getting close. My father walked over to me as the rest of them worked out a plan. He hugged me tightly.

I'm sorry about everything baby girl and I'm sorry I was so wrong about him just that you're my daughter I don't want to see you leave the nest and I seen how compatible you two were and it just made me feel insecure that I was going to lose you and instead pushed you alway losing you all together. I should know better in the question your judgment. Plus it's your life you have all right to live it. The way you want to can you find  it in your heart to forgive me." He asked.

"Oh Daddy you know I can never stay mad at you." I hugged him he kissed my head. When I realized he was sobbing. I chuckled looking up wiping his face and kissing his cheeks. He smiled kissing my forehead.

"So are you really pregnant?" He asked.

"Ya I am. Otherwise I'd be out there instead of him. Since I'm so much stronger. I mean even though we I can't die normally like any other Being. Daddy's a little too overprotective to even let me try." I said, my father's eyes were full of pride when you meet at like on front of me when I noticed that the wind started whipping bring on a dust storm. That I noticed Loki and the others were using as a cover. While they rained their destruction which explains why dad and the others couldn't get near them. Because that wind acted like a shield. Nothing could get in or out without being shredded pieces. When something really weird happened a bunch of figures shot down from the sky they all shot fire at the wind making it immediately dissipate. I noticed they were all original Titans. And surprisingly there were a lot of them they were not playing around but for some reason they all circled around us as if creating a shield.

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