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"They are related. She's Vincents granddaughter. So the queens father and Miladys grandfather were blood  brothers. Making our Dear Miss Willow here a member of the world bloodline. So were right and even though she's made by two different species she's pure protein that's never happened before and by her biology makeup and genetic makeup she is something I've never seen before and something that I don't know how to feel about I mean she's going to know if she's toxic you can't kill her. She's literally designed to wear only her partner can actually kill her. Now that is a deadly combination good thing. She's a part of a royal family in case if anything happens. To the queen we can't be without a ruler. We've never been without a ruler. Welready breaking at the seems with only as it is. So finding another who carries the same blood as our queen especially is strong. As she is put me at ease. We should keep them close together in case if we need to you know do a swap I'm in the book. White hair what's a nurse length difference. That's going to be the only thing that gives away. And Willows pregnant. So what do you say Willow since you don't want to take a place do you want to fill in for Star we can keep the capital from going to ship since there's nobody there to run it." He asked.

"You want my pregnant butt. Trying to run an entire kingdom. I don't think that's such a good idea Doc. Don't you think they'll notice the baby belly. I am not cutting my hair. So don't even think about it. Plus I wouldn't go without my husband.  I don't go anywhere without him." I answered.

And if you guys haven't noticed she's a lot prettier than me. Like Willows a 10 and I'm at 1. Pretty sure they would notice that she didn't have a kid face like me like even though I'm an adult I still look like a child and I'm the body of a child she does not she has the body of a woman in the face of a model. And neither one of us and grows. They're going to notice the difference. Unless you literally have her sit down the entire time. Wearing my cloak at my desk which I'm guaranteeing. Is exactly what you were thinking let me guess. Because I know you too well." She said he nodded.

"And what about my babies I don't want them growing at that rate." I asked as he looked at the scientist.

Well I've got an idea we did have a prototype of a belt that adjusted 2 whatever atmosphere you want from whatever planet and it would also prevent you from absorbing any of our atmosphere and it only took intake your planet the amount." He suggested as the scientist pulled out. A not a belt just look like a plain old shirt. The people from this planet are freaking weird. They put it on me and it even concealed my baby belly.

"Yeah but you're not listening I'm not going without Hercules." I protested.

"I know Jerry but it is only for a short. And will bring you right back we just need to make sure that everything's in order back at home and honestly he seems really busy right now. I did tell one of mine entrance form him if you did decide. But like I said it's literally only for a couple of hours." He insisted I could tell. He was desperate and I mean like badly desperate. Why else would he be this pushy. I let out a deep breath.

"If you do decide to I'll give you my transporter. Which will take you where ever you want instantly. Like what humans on your planet call a portal. But ours is much safer. All you got to do I think of a person or place for it to take you to them. I have more. But only members of the royal family are authorized to use them. So if it breaks or starts acting up just come tell me and I'll give you a new one." She assured me. I sighed.

"You're so lucky you're my sister. I would never do this for anybody else I hope you know that." I said, trying to  hide the fact. I was very annoyed and irritated. She kissed my cheek before helping me to the bathroom so I could  clean up first. Before she helped me get dressed. Since my stomach made it harder. To do even the most simple  tasks. Since I had such a slender frame and wasn't used. To all the extra weight I was now carrying. Which was causing me discomfort. She draped her long white hooded cloak over me putting my hood up. As a large male walked in. I could tell from his attire that he was a general.

"Hello I'm general Kane I'll be your escort and your personal body guard." He said, shaking his hand.

"Nice to meet you I'm Willow. So how do I make it work?" I asked, examining the bracelet my cousin gave me. Not seeing and buttons or anything. It just looked like a think white bracelet. When he put one hand on my shoulder and pressed on the bracelet making it light up. As we were litterally transported. From the space craft to a white high tech fancy office.

"Well I can tell I'm going to never be able. To wear white ever again after this is. So can you call me I don't know. What the hell they actually want me to do. Cuz they didn't really explain it to me." He said.

"Just sit at your desk and I'm going to hand. You some documents all they need you to do is approve them." He said, handing me stacks of paper. But I did something he wasn't expecting I read them. Before approving or disapproving. I caught him smiling at me as he was watching. How through I was.

"What?" I asked.

"Nothing just never seen a royal actually read them. They normally just sign it." He chuckled.

"Well that's dumb I very well educated. And I now alot about politics and how governments are ran can't be that different can it. And I know for a damn fact always read. The fine print that's how they trick you. Plus I don't want to let cousin down. Since she entrusted me with such an important responsibility. To keep everything in order not mess it up. So I cant disappoint her." I said, finishing up  the ones he handed me.

"Okay done can I go

"You finished them that fast and read everything?"

"I told I'm smart dare I say genius. Plus I can speed read and I have a photographic memory. I can resite one back to you if you don't believe me." I replied.

"Show me?" He chuckled, thinking till I hand him a paper I had only read once and said, it back word for word. His eyes widened. Reading the paper confirming I got everything right.

"Damn your very talented. Color me impressed." He said handing it back to me. I put it back in order with the other documents. Before carefully getting up.

"Can I go home now?" I asked, he nodded putting my hand on his shoulder and pressing the bracelet sending us back to the space craft. My cousin hugged me.

"Word of advice since your the queen always read the documents. Alot of them were very shady. Like one not even joking asked for permission to destroy any planet and every life form on it for sport. Which means for fun. Is that seriously legal?" I asked.

"Sadly one of kings that is below me. Tricked me into signing. He's actually the king I was promised to when my parents were still alive. I thought I could trust him. My people were so angry at me they started rioting. So in stead of facing them I ran away. The my supposed fiance set assassins after me. Which is why I've been running." She exclaimed hesitantly.

"Sis you cant run form responsibility you got to face it head on. Your a queen of an entire planet. Of titans that rely on you. What do you thinks gonna happen if they all stop trusting you. Their going to turn on you. You need to set things right. But luckily for you. I was able to undue all the damage this time. But I'm not always going to be there to clean up  the mess. Because once our children are born. I going to have them to take car of. Plus Ive got a husband to look after. I only telling you this because you're family and I dont want to see you fail because your afraid. Your a titan for goodness sake. One the most powerful creature created. Other then my race and theirs only two of us going on four. But that's besides the point. Your at the top of  the pecking order. I know I might be harsh on you but that's only. Because I know how feel to be at the bottom. Be the lowest living organism. I know what it's like to have to struggle to survive. How hard it is to work. So much to the point I almost never sleep just. So I can get a decent education to get in college. I don't want you to have to know that life. Cause in my opinion you've got it easy. Even though signing  approves and documents is boring as hell. You'd have to worry. About where you going to sleep tonight how your going to feed yourself. Because that's what's going to happen. If you lose your place as queen. Someone else we take the throne. And from what I can tell they'll destroy everything. The planet you call home. Your people. Everything." I said.

"I know but I lack the courage and I'm not fearless like you. I'm such a push over. No one ever takes me seriously. They all think I'm a joke." She said.

"Well that's what we're for we can make them." Hercules said, making me jump. Till I seen him then I ran over jumping on him. He laughed as I nuzzled him kissing him all over his face. Before giving him a huge smooch on the lips.

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