First Day At Dorms

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It's the day for them to move into the dorms, the girls had their things packed into their suitcases. As they put them in their bags as they went toward the kitchen to see Mei and Ikazuchi in there making breakfast

Girls: Morning Nee-chan, Nii-chan

Mei+Ikazuchi: Morning girls

Ibara: Where is Darling?

Mei: Where else?

Ikazuchi: Training with dad!

As they heard heavy thunderbolt and some wind razor blades, they all look in the window and they saw both father and son fighting against each other. 

Ochako: How long they have been out here?

Ei: "Enters the kitchen"  Since 5 in the morning!

Ochako: Why are they doing this so early in the morning?

Ikazuchi: Dad just wanted to see how Izuku is strong in his base form. Well... he is the one can achieve the title....

Raiden Family: Next Umbra Archon! (God Of Darkness in my friend's AU)

Ibara: We should bring them inside, we have to meet with our classmates at 11!

Ei: I got this... "Takes a deep breath and the girls covers their ears."  IZUKU, KAGEROU! GET YOUR BUTTS IN HERE AND HAVE BREAKFAST BEFORE I GET MY FOOD FOR BOTH OF YOU!

As both father and son flinch as they stop fighting and fly inside as they arrive to the kitchen

Izuku: Anything but dad!

Kagerou: Traitor!

Ei: Just eat!

They all sit down and have their breakfast.

Ei: So Izuku, ready to live in the dorms?

Izuku: Not really... it will be annoying to say at least.

Ochako: C'mon don't be like that baby you will see that you will find friends quick. You saw the boy with the tail?

Izuku: Yeah what about him?

Ochako: He is like you he is a warrior and he was brainwashed during the Sports festival and he didn't back down saying that it was dishonor of him and will hurt his pride as a warrior to keep on the tournament and he back down.

Kagerou: At least he has backbone to know when his pride is at stake.

Izuku: Damn right...

Kagerou: That young man... has the potential to get a Vision.

Izuku: Really?

Ibara: Anyway let's go!

Izuku: Let me finish my breakfast first!

They all sat down and finish their breakfast. When they are done, Izuku wanted to fly toward the school but Ei wants to teleport them to school since she didn't want her son to be in trouble again. As they went toward the school as they arrive and headed toward the destination of where there dorms are at. As they arrive to see their male classmates talking as they see Izuku they approach him.

Kirishima: Hello I'm Kirishima Eijiro, it's super manly to meet you.

Sato: Sato Rikkido.

Shoji: I'm Shoji Mezo.

Izuku: It's a pleasure "Looks at Ojiro" Ojiro is it?

Ojiro: Yes

Izuku: Mochi told me what happen in the sports festival... do you really dropped out due to being brainwashed?

Ojiro: That's right I know you about your pride as a warrior you understand right.

Izuku: Yeah "Smirks" that took guts .

Ojiro: Thank you.

Izuku: but it's a shame also that you let yourself get brainwashed.

Ochako: Izuku!

Ojiro: Uraraka-san don't, he is right as a warrior it was shameful to be brainwashed

Izuku: As a warrior not only you have the strength to back up your pride but also your mind. Fortify your mind and don't let anyone tell you otherwise.

As he walks toward the dorms as Ojiro ball his fist as he then turn around

Ojiro: I will thank you.

As Kirishima was crying manly tears as everyone was suprise by this. But Todoroki is the only one who saw Izuku secretly put a Pyro Vision on Ojiro's pocket.

As they see Aizawa arrive as he was dead tired as he walk toward his class

Aizawa: Alright everyone welcome to your new dorms.

As they all went inside as Izuku kept in the back as he lean on the wall and close his eyes.

Aizawa: Alright class this is the common room where you have your share kitchens, laundry room, and shower room separated by gender of course. 

Aizawa: All of you are assigned your own room but Uraraka and her husband have the fifth floor and you boys are in the rooms bellow them. Anyway all of you have your stuff in your own assigned rooms so good luck.

Izuku: Aizawa-sensei.

Aizawa: Yeah

Izuku: Here you go "Gives a coffee bag" this is thanks for protecting my Mochi during the Summer Camp Attack. It's the best coffee from Fontaine.

Aizawa: Thank you their coffee is the best.

Izuku: Let's go Mochi.

As they all left as Aizawa went to his room as he saw his wife there smiling at him as he went inside. After Ochako told Izuku to do all the work of putting the stuff in their place. As they all went downstairs as Ashido had a great idea.

Ashido: Let's have a room contest

Kaminari: I'm down

As they all went toward the other rooms as they had decent ones as Izuku and Ochako was next

Ochako: This is our living room.

Kirishima: Wow

Izuku: Our kitchen, a.k.a my favorite place.

Sato: This is an amazing kitchen.

Ochako: Our personal closets 

Aoyama: This is amazing

Ochako: Our bathroom 

Iida: Clean..

Ochako: And where the magic happens our bedroom

Izuku: At first, I want this room have some traditional with Tatami floor like Todoroki's room... But my mom want me to try some modern lifestyle.

Todoroki: Shinomura-san...

Izuku: Just call me Izuku and what?

Todoroki: When you see my father don't tell him about your power

Izuku: Why not? Something's wrong?

Todoroki: Because he is power hungry and he will do everything he can to make you marry my sister and me marry Shiozaki.

Izuku: What?

Todoroki: Don't worry I have my girlfriend I'm just warning you.

Izuku: Thanks now I can ask Nezu for something. I will try to make your family back like before.

Todoroki: How?

Izuku: I can alter his memory along with his personality, beside that, I will alter your family's memory about those past day. Is it OK to you?

Todoroki: Of course.

Izuku: Good!

Todoroki: Thank you.

Izuku: Don't worry about it if you excuse me I need to talk to a certain.... "Tick mark" Dictator!

He left the building as everyone wonder what Todoroki was taking as he told them his story as they all were mad that Endeavor but Ochako just smile.

Kaminari: Why are you smiling?

Ochako: Don't worry your father will lose against our darling. Izuku is the one who promised something and had to keep it to the end.

Todoroki: I hope you are right.

Meanwhile with Izuku he was with Nezu as he wanted something

Nezu: I can't just give you a match with Endeavour.

Izuku: Then what?

Nezu: If you go against 1A & 1B & Big three and the top 5 heroes

Izuku: "Smirks" Deal!

Nezu: Great I'll set it up!

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