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Four elemental blasts, from four golden weapons, collided with the giant Mega Weapon, held tightly in all four of Garmadon's hands. Garmadon hissed, trying with all of his might to pull the mighty weapon back, only to be pulled forward by the elemental blasts.

"What's happening?" He hissed, gripping and grasping at the Mega Weapon as it began to rise into the air.

"The Four Weapons are colliding with their own selves..." Zane said as his two ice shurikins, along with the other ninjas' weapons, lifted into the air, surrounding the Mega Weapon.

"They're unraveling!" Jay gasped, his mouth running rampent in excitement, just like his lightning element.

"No... no... NO!" Garamadon yelled, the two sets of weapons colliding and shooting off into space, letting off a big blast of golden energy.

And with that, the room grew dark; their eyes shutting all in one moment.


The First Spinjitsu Masters's golden power.

In the right hands, it can become a tool that can shape the world, literally.

But crashed into an asteroid and launching into the depths of space?

Dear spinjitsu help them all.


Ninjago was ready for a LOT of things.

Update technological advancements? Yes.

A renewed, reborn city after being destroyed yet again, but this time, by a giant snake? Oh yeah.

Finding out their favorite ninjas and saviors were the one thing the citizens disgusted the most; hybrids?


No they were not.

And that was especially apparent in this very moment; the green ninja, Lloyd, the fire ninja, Kai, and the ice ninja, Zane, having just saved a little girl from one of the Overlord's (a Garmadon cause) minions, only to be discovered by the girls' parents and chased through one of the many forests that now littered Ninjago.

"Keep going! The freaks are just ahead!" The father exclaimed, sword held high in his hands.

Kai ran furiously on the ground, his sharp porcupine spines waving in the window as one of his teammates flew above him, carrying their other injured teammate. The other three of their close-nit team remained at the base, along with the other hybrids they knew.

"How's he doing Lloyd?" Kai asked, swiping spines out of his line of view.

Lloyd flew down slightly, readjusting Zane in his arms. "He's losing bl- er, oil, and a lot of it. And his stinking tail keeps getting in my face!"

Kai sighed, running a hand through his spike hair as he continued to run, dodging flying swords.

"We're almost there, we just have to loose the crowd." Kai said. "I'll go to the right, you take Mr. Snow Leopard back and have Nya fix him up."

Lloyd nodded, beating his parrot wings harder and harder, bringing Zane high into the clouds, both of them out of the crowd's reach.

Kai made a sharp right turn, the crowd following his footsteps in an increasing speed. After a few hours, and much profanity, Kai lost them, with only some slightly more than minor cuts and scrapes. He slowly limped towards a giant boulder, knocking on it twice, then three times, then slipping a quill into a small hole in the middle of the giant stone. Slowly, the stone rolled away, allowing Kai to slip through before resealing the rock.

Inside brought a different twist to the wilderness outside. Wooden floors and stone walls lined the place, branching into different rooms. Farther into the tour brought you to a kitchen and living room area, a few other hybrids lingering at the breakfast bar. Going down the hall brought you to many dorm like bedrooms, their door frames joining together in an octagonal gaming room/strategy room. It was a hidden mansion, perfect for a resistance, even complete with a medical room.

Kai wandered down the hallway towards said medical room, pausing in the doorway as someone worked furiously over his nindroid hybrid friend. A young woman, standing similar in looks to the porcupine hybrid held a wrench in her hand, her swan wings tucked tightly behind her. She brushed a black strand of hair behind her ear, before noticing the burnett porcupine.

"Hey. Sit down and I'll patch you up; Jay went to go get parts for Zane."

Oh yes, Nya's boyfriend, the ever energetic fox hybrid, with hair the color of a foxes' coat, and their main mechanic on the team ( besides Karloff, who was out at the time. Lucky gorilla.).

Said fox hybrid ran back into the room, his suspenders weakening at his actions.

"I've got the parts; go patch Kai up." He said, kissing Nya on the cheek before turning to Zane. "I hope this goes smoothly, Cole's trying to cook tonight and I don't wanna fix the toaster again."

The group shuttered in disgust; the bear hybrids' cooking was never the best, and with his refusal to hibernate, lack of sleep made his cooking worse.

Nya grabbed the gauze and began to wrap Kai's wounds. "You're lucky Lloyd got him here in time; we were about to send out a search party."

" Well we got held up; the guy never showed and then we saved a little girl. Unfortunately, her dad spied us and gathered a crowd. " Kai said, combing back his chestnut spines out of his chocolate eyes.

"I told you Kai, the world's not ready for hybrids yet. That's why we built this place after all." She said . "So we could build our lives and be happy."

Kai sighed. "I know; I couldn't resist though. She would've gotten hurt and-"

"We should not regret the choice that we made; the little girl's face when we saved her reminds me that the next generation is not like their parents. They are more accepting, and with that, kinder to our lives." Zane spoke softly, sitting up as Jay adjusted the last few of the nindroid's wires. He combed stray fur out of his platinum blond hair, shaved buzz cut style for convenience.

"Zane's right." Lloyd said, entering the room, his wings folded tightly behind him. " We have to have faith that those who succeed the people will be better people than their parents. "

The room grew quite, machine beeps echoing softly.

"Will we ever truly be accepted into their society?" Kai asked.

" I hope so. " said Zane.

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