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Imagine your Otp (inspired by tumblr)
Credit goes to the makers of these imagines on tumblr.


Jay: you love me right?

Nya: *being sarcastic* no, I don't

Jay: *starts to cry* but I thought you did...



Cole: JAY NO


Zane: JAY NO

Jay: JAY maybe


Jay: jay no


Cole: where have you been? You're late

Nya: I was busy...doing things

Jay: it was me, I'm things


Jay: Did you fall from heaven-

Nya: Did you just call me satan?


Jay: *fondly* Nya sometimes talks in her sleep. It's so adorable

Nya: *asleep* take that you scrap of junk...want some more...square up...fight me...


Nya: C'mon I didn't drink that much last night

Skylor: You were flirting with Jay

Nya: So what? he's my boyfriend

Skylor: You asked him if he was single

Skylor: And started crying when he said he wasn't


Nya: Hand some?

Jay: Yes?

Nya: I meant hand some chips you idiot...but yea that too


Jay: can I ask you something?

Nya: *annoyed sleepy tone* the heck Jay it's 3 in the morning go to sleep

Jay: ...

*a few moments later*

Nya: ugh nevermind what do you want?

Jay: are birds even real?

Nya: I hate you


Cole: What do bees make?

Jay: Honey?

Nya: Yes babe?


Kai: Nya, I need dating advice

Nya: just because I'm dating Jay, doesn't mean I know how I did it


Nya: That's ridiculous, Jay doesn't have a crush on me

Cole: yes he does

Lloyd: yes he does

Zane: yes he does

Jay: yes I do


Jay: *staring fondly at Nya*

Lloyd: dude, if you like her that much, you can just tell her

Jay: and risk embarassing myself in front of her? I'll pass

Lloyd: *slams head on table repeatedly*


Nya: that's it, I can't take it anymore. We need to break up

Jay: what! Why?

Nya: I can't let you keep hurting me like that

Jay: all I did was smile


Nya: the stars are beautiful tonight

Jay: they're just huge balls of gas

Nya: you know what, if you're going to ruin this then I-

Jay: and yet none of them are as huge as my love for you

Nya: oh...


Nya: *badass, determined, confident, cool and collected* I've got this under control

Jay: *gets a paper-cut* Ouch

Nya: *panics, crashes into everything, trips over air*  OMG ARE YOU OKAY?!! YOU'RE BLEEDING!! THAT'S IT WE'RE GOING TO THE HOSPTAL


Jay: have you ever liked someone before but you're too scared to say it?

Nya: all the time

Jay: same...


Cole: *in the distance, watching everything* idiots


Cole: hey are you free on Friday, like around 8pm?

Jay: yes

Cole: what about you?

Nya: yes, I am

Cole: great! Because I'm not. You two go on without me. Enjoy your date

Nya: did he just-


Seliel: you're staring again

Nya: what?

Seliel: you're practically drooling

Nya: *wipes* no, I'm not, shut up. You're insane!

Seliel: yeah, you're right. What would you ever see in Jay?

Nya: WHAT?! Jay is amazing! Funny, cute, smart-

Seliel: ....

Nya: .....

Seliel: *sniggers*

Nya: I can't believe I fell for that

(A.N: I really like the idea of Nya crushing on Jay)


Jay: *kisses Nya's forehead*

Nya: *frowns*  you missed

Jay: *confused*

Nya: *leans forward and kisses Jay's lips*


Nya: I'm so tired

Jay: you know why you're so tired?

Nya: yeah because I just-

Jay: because you've been running through my mind all day

Nya: ....

Nya: I-



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